REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 143

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"Do you think that grandpa has some issues with the Robertson?" Anna asked her brother.

Anna is currently lazying at her brother's room while Aaron is playing Anna's hair; it's quite a sight for siblings like them.

The real reason why Anna is in her brother's room is that she wants to ask her brother if he knows something about their grandfather's extreme denial of having a relationship with the Robertsons. "Brother, do you have any idea why grandpa is so strict with us having a relationship with a Robertson?"

Aaron stop playing with Anna's hair and looked at her with his left brow raised, "When mom asked you if you and Kyle are in a relationship, did you lie to her? Is that why you're asking this?" He asked. In his knowledge, he knows that his sister and Kyle are not dating but he just wanna make sure that his sister did not lie earlier.

"I am not lying!" She said. She sat up and stared at her brother, "Just answer my question. I'm just curious, okay?" Instead of answering her question, Aaron chose to question her back and this made Anna feel annoyed.

Aaron sighed, "No, I have no clue why grandpa is like that earlier. Why can't you ask him yourself?" Aaron is also curious about that matter but why would he bother himself to know that? It's not like he wants to have a romantic relationship with any of the Robertson.

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It would be a different story if his sister wants to be with Kyle and if Kyle is the one making her happy then he would do something to uncover the story behind their grandfather not accepting any Robertson joining the family.

"Ask grandpa?" She asked and Aaron nodded, "Are you out of your mind? You saw how angry he was seeing that article, he truly hates the idea of me and Kyle being together and it's a good thing that the article is only a piece of fake news. It's quite obvious that that topic is a taboo to grandpa."

"Then, why are you asking me this if you know that topic is a taboo?" Is his sister even thinking straight when she ask him this? If she got the feeling that their grandfather doesn't like that topic then it's obvious that their grandfather won't talk about it.

"Because! You are the only one in this family who spends a lot of time with grandpa!" For Anna, since Aaron is the one who is next in line to take over their family business it's obvious that he might know something that Anna doesn't.

"Anna, just because I spend a lot of time with grandpa that doesn't mean he would tell me about his issues with the Robertson." Throughout the whole time, Aaron is under the training to take over their family business he has never heard his grandfather mention the Robertson family. He heard many famous family names from his grandfather but never heard the Robertsons from his grandfather's mouth. "Why don't you ask Lannie? She might know something." He suggested.

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"Okay, fine. I'll ask her." Since her brother can't answer her curiosity, she would ask another person and that would be Lannie since the topic is also about the Robertsons

Anna looked at the time on her phone. After seeing the time Anna lay down on her brother's bed and cover herself with a warm blanket.

Aaron frowns at her and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Obviously, I'm going to sleep," Anna said sarcastically. Sometimes when her brother's asked something that is so obvious, Anna would think that her brother is a bit of a dimwit. It's obvious that she's about to sleep and yet he asked that question.

Aaron ignored her sarcasm and said, "In here? No, I don't think so. Go to your own room!" He said as he tried to push her off his bed. Right now at this moment, Aaron doesn't care if his sister falls down from his bed because his bed is his and he doesn't like sharing it.

"Come on! Don't be so stingy!" She said not budging in her position.

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The twins argued and argued for ten minutes and in the end, the one who won the argument is Anna. Aaron gave up because his sister is so stubborn than what he expected; he thought that he could win this small fight of theirs but he thought wrong.
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Inside the Coleman residence, most of the people are already asleep and there are only a few who are still awake and that included Marcus Coleman who is in the balcony of his room. He was thinking deeply about the article of his granddaughter and Kyle.

Even though Anna told him that she and Kyle have no romantic relationship with each other and he told Anna that there should be no romantic relationship with any Robertsons, Marcus still felt uneasy.

To get rid of the uneasiness inside him, Marcus decided to call the person who he is avoiding to see for years, Kyle's grandfather who is currently living overseas. Marcus really doesn't want to talk to that person but it's his only choice.

"Who is this?" Said the other person on the line. Just hearing that person's voice is already making Marcus mad but he composes himself; he doesn't want to start an argument with Kyle's grandfather when he needed something from him.

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"It's me." Marcus simply said. The man on the other line recognizes that voice right away and he was about to end the call but Marcus stopped him, "Don't end the call just yet, Elijah."

"What do you want, Marcus?" Elijah knows that Marcus hates his guts and he too hates Marcus' that's why he wonders why would Marcus contact him.

"I want you to tell your grandson to stay away from my granddaughter." Marcus coldly said to him.

Elijah frowns at Marcus statement and said, "What are you talking about?"

"See that latest news here and you'll know what I'm talking about." After saying that Marcus ended the call without waiting for Elijah to speak.

On Elijah side, he is still frowning and was slightly bewildered by Marcus' action but he still looked on the news that Marcus is talking about. When he saw the article he then understands why Marcus told him that.

Back on Marcus' side, Marcus was staring at the picture that the reporter took, it was the picture of Anna and Kyle. As a man himself Marcus knows the meaning behind at the way Kyle looks at his granddaughter that is why he felt uneasy. "Sorry not sorry, young man." He mumbled and looked up the sky as he remembers that specific event that happened in the past.

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