REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 144

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"I don't want to spend my weekend with him, grandpa," Anna firmly said to her grandfather.

Anna is currently having breakfast with her family and that also includes an annoying guy named Juan. As they were eating, her grandfather suddenly told her to spend the whole day with Juan; just the two of them and nobody else.

"Why not?" Marcus asks her, "In the next few days I'm going to announce that the two of you are engaged. So it's better for the two of you to be seen on the public as of today and the article about you and that Robertson kid will not spread and the public will only talk about you and Juan."

Aaron was silently grinding his teeth in irritation when he heard his grandfather say that. His grandfather is really stubborn as a rock; why can't he see that Anna doesn't like to be with Juan.

As for Mary, nobody knows what she's thinking; she was only silently eating the food in front of her. But one thing is for sure Mary has the same opinion as her son has; Juan is not fit for her daughter.

"Say what? Grandpa, I never agree to this so-called engagement you're talking about. I don't even have any feelings for him." Anna angrily said as pointed her finger in Juan's direction and Juan was just keeping his acting on.

"You can develop feelings for him if you just give it a chance to spend more time with him," Marcus argued back to Anna; he just can't get why is Anna so against getting to know Juan.

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Juan is a nice guy and Marcus doesn't see any problem with him. As far as Marcus knows, there are a lot of pf compliments he kept hearing about Juan and with that Juan is fit enough for Anna.

Sure, Kyle, has a lot of great achievements compare to Juan but Juan is the right person for his granddaughter; that's what Marcus kept telling himself.

"Uhh... no! No matter what you say I will never develop any feelings for him!" Anna was slightly shocked at herself that she raises her voice on her grandfather but she doesn't care right now. Her grandfather is giving her headaches. Ever since Juan stepped inside their home, she sometimes feels that her grandfather loves Juan more than his own grandchildren.

Anna stood up and walk out of the dining room. She doesn't wanna waste any more of her time with her stubborn grandfather and also with an annoying fly.

"Is that what she got for hanging out with that Robertson? How rude!" Marcus huffed in anger and then he looked at Juan with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry but don't you worry about Anna's attitude with you. She will soften up with you, just give her some time and also at the same time try to pursue her and be patient with her."

Hearing that apologetic tone of his grandfather, Aaron scoff inwardly. He truly can't believe that his grandfather is really pushing Anna to be engaged with such a guy like Juan. Looks like Kyle is his only choice to help his sister to get rid of Juan.

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Juan smiles gently at Marcus and said, "Grandfather, please don't worry. I'm not in a hurry, I will take things slowly with Anna until she got used to me. She must have been so overwhelmed with the engagement that's why she's acting like that." Juan may say it this way but on the inside, he just can't wait to get rid of every Coleman on the planet. The only thing that is getting on his way is Anna. 'Anna, just you wait and see.'


At the Robertson residence, Kyle is currently annoyed by his friend who happens to stop by at his house to interrogate him about the spreading article of him and Anna.
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"Come on! Tell me the details!" Erik said excitedly. Erik was away when the article was published and during his trip, he accidentally saw the article. He wanted to call Kyle for details but he decided to hear it personally that is why he is here at the Robertson residence.

"Go away you're annoying." Kyle glared at Erik but Erik did not flinch at his glare, 'I'm used to it, bro doesn't even bother glaring at me.' Erik said in his mind.

"Why are you being so selfish? I just want some detail!" Erik whined like a child that even the people who are working inside the Robertson residence can't help but shakes their heads. They have watched these two young men grow and they can't believe that Erik is still the same as he is way back then.

"What details?" A familiar voice was heard from behind. Erik and Kyle took a look to who was that and they were shocked.

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"Grandpa Elijah," Kyle said softly. His grandfather's sudden appearance was a shock to him. As far as he knows his grandfather lives overseas and his visit here will be next year.

"Grandpa Elijah! Whoa! Isn't your visit today is quite early?" Erik said in a surprised tone and was smiling widely. Erik approaches the old man and hugged him. "I've missed your cranky old self!"

Hearing Erik's last statement, Elijah pinched Erik's sides and glared at him. "You're still acting like that you brat." Elijah expected Erik to be more mature now, but his expectation was a bit too much. 'I should've expected this from him.'

"Geez, grandpa! Can't you be a little bit nicer to me?" Elijah ignored Erik and went in of Kyle.

"You're not gonna greet your own grandfather now?" He asked.

"Do I really need to?" Kyle's grandfather knows that Kyle isn't the type like Erik and he should not expect him to act like Erik.

Elijah just sighed at his grandson's reply, "Sometimes I wish that you to be as lively as Erik is."

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"Grandfather, that will never happen." Hearing that response from Kyle, Erik pouted like a child 'What's wrong with me? My personality is better than yours!' He said in his mind.

Elijah looked at Kyle, observing his grandson to see if something has changed, to confirm if his hunch is true.

Kyle felt something is wrong by how his grandfather is looking at him, so he asks, "If you want to say something, grandpa then say it."

"Stay away from the young lady from the Coleman family," Elijah went straight to the point.

Based on his grandfather's tone of voice, Kyle knows that his grandfather is serious. But the question is, why does his grandfather want him to stay away from Anna?

"Why would I do that?" Kyle ask. This is the first time he felt something for a woman and his grandfather should know that. Why would he get in the way of his own grandson's love life? Shouldn't he at least be happy for Kyle?

"Because I said so and I am sure that the old man from that family won't accept you." For once, Elijah is happy that he and Marcus agreed on the same thing. They both don't want their family to join hands.

In Elijah's perspective, Kyle has just started to have feelings for someone and it should be easy to extinguish that flame.

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