REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 146

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"Is there something you want? " Juan asked Anna and Anna only grumbled in annoyance.

"I want to go home, can you make that happen?" She said in cold tone voice and Juan only smiled awkwardly.

Anna really can't believe her grandfather forcing her to go with Juan here in the mall.

Her grandfather took advantage of the fact that her brother and mother are out while she's alone inside the villa.

Marcus knows that Anna would always go to her mother and brother whenever she doesn't want to do something. And of course, Mary and Aaron would team up against him to stop him from pushing Anna.

Juan gritted his teeth in frustration; the whole time since the moment he and Anna stepped inside the mall, Anna has shown that she truly does not want to be around him and this is frustrating for him. If Anna continues to act this way then all his effort is going to be a waste and he doesn't want that to happen.

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Juan hid his frustration perfectly, but Anna knows Juan better than anyone by now. She knows that Juan is not liking her action and behaviors in front of him, but does she care? Of course, she doesn't care. She would rather annoy Juan to the point he would shout in anger than comply with his every order.

"Anna, if I take you home right now your grandfather will only get angry. He is at the age where we shouldn't be angering him too much." He said as if he was truly worried about Marcus' wellbeing.

Truthfully, he really would rather have Marcus dead, but he still needs the old man to announce that he and Anna shall be wed and no one will be able to go against Marcus' words. Even Mary herself can't do anything against the old man because she respects him.

Anna's lips twitched in annoyance she can't handle Juan's act anymore. She truly wishes that someone should just jump in and save her at this moment.

"Well, if you know that my grandfather is at that age then you should have told him that I don't want to be with you, that way he won't get angry, right?" Anna said with a hint of displeasure.

Ever since that article of her and Kyle spread out, her grandfather would rather listen to Juan than to her. 'Grandpa must have gone mad to listen to this two-faced jerk.' Anna scoffed inwardly.

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"But Anna, the grandfather told us to get along—"

Anna cut him off and said, "Just because grandpa wants us to be together that doesn't mean that I love you or anything. I will do everything in my power to get rid of this so-called engagement with you, NO MATTER WHAT." Anna said firmly.

Juan laughed at her inwardly; he can't believe that he just heard that from Anna. What can she even do? She can't even go full against her grandfather; how she even reject the decision of her grandfather? 'No matter what you do Anna, you can't get rid of me that easily.'

"Please don't be like this Anna, I am truly true about my feelings for you. Please give me a chance." Juan said in a pleading tone and Anna was at the edge of fuming in anger. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

She can't believe how shameless Juan can be. How can he say those words without even blinking an eye? If she was still the naive Anna in her past life then she might have believed those words of his and fall for him all over again. But she learned her lesson in a hard way; she won't ever believe any sweet words he is saying.

Not wanting to spend more time with Juan, Anna tried to walk away from Juan at a fast pace to get rid of him. Anna looked ahead and saw a crowd of people so she decided to go there and took that as her chance to escape Juan's sight.

Once she got inside the crowd, Juan was frowning as he tried his best to follow Anna but people kept on bumping into him and with that he lost sight of Anna. "Damn, b*tch." He mumbled and continue to search for Anna.

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After searching for the whole five minutes he finally found her but she was with someone; a familiar face and it was the one and only Kyle Robertson. He was holding Anna's hand and by the looks of it, Anna doesn't mind Kyle holding her hand.

That scene makes Juan feel irritated. Earlier when he tried to hold Anna's hand, Anna immediately pulled her hand away and look at him as if he was the most disgusting being the whole world. 'So I'm the only one who is not allowed to hold your hand?'

On Kyle and Anna's side, Anna was so surprised by the sudden appearance of Kyle in front of her. Earlier because the place was so crowded she almost got her face slapped by the floor and it was a good thing that someone saved her and that someone was Kyle.

Kyle helped her stood straight and Anna looked at him and said, "Thank you." Anna felt Kyle's strong grip on her hand and it was not a bad feeling to have, it was a different feeling, very different from when Juan tried to hold her hand.

"You're welcome." Kyle smiled gently at her. In the corner of his eyes, he saw Juan standing not too far away from them, but he decided not to pay too much attention to him because his priority right now is to get Anna far away from Juan.

Anna looked at him and curiosity started to fill her mind, "What are you doing here?" Anna asked. It's really rare to see Kyle inside a place where there is a lot of people that is why Anna asked that question. But then again why is she asking him that? It's not like it's her business if Kyle is here in the mall or not, "Nevermind, you don't have to answer that question." She said and averted her gaze from Kyle feeling shy all of the sudden.

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"I'm here to buy my sister a present." Kyle lied and Anna believed it. Kyle is here because of the information his sister told him.


Author's thoughts (I put it here because it can't fit in the ACTUAL author's thought):

Hello guys!!!! Here I am but not really HAHAHA. I'm not officially back but I decided to give you guys one chapter (Hope you guys appreciates it). When I'm officially back on track there will be tons of chapters coming out so please bear with a little bit bit bit more ^_^;

Also, I made a discord server and I'm new to this whole discord thing so if you think there's a mistake then please forgive me. The reason I made this server is because I think that I should be communicating with some of my readers (means you guys!) So please feel free to talk to me (I'll reply as much as I can. I don't have a lot of free time hehe).

Anyways here's the link to the server:

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