REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 147

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An hour ago at the Robertson residence, Lannie's loud voice was heard, "Brother! Brother!" She kept calling Kyle as she tried to find him, but she couldn't find a single trace of him. "Where is my brother?" She asked one of the maids who happened to pass by her.

"I saw the young master near the poolside earlier, young miss." After hearing that Lannie said her thanks and hurriedly went to where her brother is.

"Brother!" She called him out as soon as she sees his face.

Kyle looked at her and raised an eyebrow at her, "What's gotten into you?" He asked. It's not very unusual if his sister is always in a hurry but this time he got a feeling that Lannie is in a hurry for real this time.

Once Lannie was in front of her brother she looked at him up and down. He looked like was about to dive in the pool. 'Gotta say, brother, you got some hard pack abs, no wonder girls fawned over you. But why is it you can't make Anna fawned for you too?' She said in her mind.

"Hey, I'm asking you a question, what has gotten into you," Kyle repeated his question and Lannie snapped back from praising her brother's wonderful body.

"How is it that you're doing this instead of pushing that ugly fly away from Anna?!" She asked angrily. Was she mistaken that her brother likes Anna? If so, then this infuriates her, how could her brother mislead her! "Are you just gonna let that ugly fly get Anna?" 1 She added.

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"When did I say that I'm gonna let him have Anna?" Kyle asked back at her.

Lannie raised an eyebrow and look at him as if she is not believing his words, "Then why are you not doing anything about it?"

"I want to cool my head first because if I don't, then I might kill that fly," Kyle said as he smiled devilishly at Lannie.

Lannie shivered at the smile her brother is giving her but she didn't let it affect her and gave his brother a push.

Because of the push that his sister did to him Kyle's stance was not balanced that it causes him to fall on the water. He was about to say something when his sister shouted at him, "Well, this is not the time for you to cool you head off because that ugly fly took Anna to the mall and they are gonna spend the whole day together!" Lannie was huffing after she said that.

If someone gonna asks her whether she would rather have her brother kill Juan then her answer would a big fat 'yes' . She doesn't care about Juan who is a scheming person behind that so-called innocent and gentleman image of his, she would rather have Juan be dead. So that her brother won't have anyone to stand in his way to get Anna to his side.

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She hates fake people that is why she would rather have her brother not to cool his head and just go for the kill. Is she mean? Well, maybe she is.

Hearing that information from Lannie, Kyle asks, "Where did you even get that information?" He asked. It's not like he doesn't want to believe his sister but sometimes Lannie can pull off some pranks on him, and of course, he sometimes falls for it. What can he do? She is his sister, after all, he believes what she says.

Kyle knows that Lannie likes Anna and that is a good thing, but Lannie is such in a hurry. If he makes his move without thinking things through, he is afraid that he might lose. That is why he wanted to make sure that his sister is saying the truth.

"I got a text from Anna's brother and he was complaining about how Juan kidnapped his sister," Lannie said. When Lannie read Aaron's text she knows that Aaron was only exaggerating about Juan kidnapping Anna but she might as well use that exaggeration to push her brother to make his move.

Kyle sighed and help himself up. Since it was Aaron himself told his sister that Anna is spending the whole day with Juan, Kyle has no other choice but to disrupt Juan's moves towards Anna.


[Present time]

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"I'm here to buy my sister a present." When Anna asked him what he was doing here in the mall he doesn't want Anna to know the real reason he's here and it left him with no other choice but to use his sister as his reason. 2

Anna believed him and Kyle was relieved that his lie was believable to Anna

Anna looked around and saw Juan coming towards them, 'Tsk! He just doesn't give up, does he?' Looking back at Kyle, Anna suddenly got an idea. "Can I come with you? I'm bored being here all alone." She said lying about the fact that she was with Juan originally.

Kyle knows that she was with Juan earlier because of his sister's information, but he doesn't mind if Anna lied to him. After all, he doesn't want Juan's name to be uttered by Anna's mouth.

"Fine by me." He said.

After hearing Kyle's approval Anna clung to Kyle's arm and Kyle was surprise at Anna's action.

Anna did that on purpose just make Juan see that she truly doesn't want to be with him.

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Since there is already a spreading rumor about her and Kyle dating then, she might as well take that spreading rumor as an advantage.

Juan saw that and his grip on his hands tightened into a fistball. In his perspective, Anna is showing him how much she loves Kyle and that she lied to her grandfather about having a relationship with Kyle.

With this Juan could tell this to Marcus and make him get angry at Anna; it will do him some advantages but at the same time it won't because with Kyle on her side and the engagement that he wants might not happen at all. After all, people say that what a Robertson wants, a Robertson will get it no matter what. 3

By what Kyle sees in Anna's action, he could already tell that Anna is doing this on purpose just to make Juan see that he doesn't have any chance on her. With this thought in mind, Kyle is happy that there is no space for Juan to enter her heart.

Not wanting to let Kyle win, Juan separated them both and gets in between them. He faces Kyle and said, "Excuse me, but I think you are interfering with my date with Anna." He said but in fact what he truly wants to say is, 'You're getting in the way of my plan!' Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Date? What date? Anna was all alone when I saw her. Well, if what you're saying is true then, I'm guessing that she is running away from the date you were talking about." Kyle said as he smirks provokingly at Juan.

Between him and Anna, Juan knows that this so-called date are only one-sidedly claimed and it was only him who admits that and he hates that fact. This brother and sister have a nickname for Juan and its 'fly'. In my opinion its a perfect nickname for Juan since he IS annoying. Have you guys experienced when at a night you tried to sleep and you suddenly heard some fly ringing in your ears and you tried to get rid of it but it's not working? That happened to me and it's very annoying like what Lannie felt with Juan, annoying. HAHAHA If Lannie were to hear Kyle's reason, she will definitely be disappointed in her brother. Kyle is smart but his excuses are so dumb. (Hahaha, I'm dissing my own characters.) I don't know if it's the right term but, hey, don't judge my writing is not perfect.

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