REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 148

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"Mister Juan Lee 1 , please don't say such nonsense in front of so many people. You and I are not having a date and if you were to ask me I won't ever agree to it. So please go back and leave me alone, us alone." Anna said to Juan very coldly and Juan was slightly frightened by her.

He didn't expect that Anna can also be frighteningly cold as her grandfather. No one outside of the people who are close to Anna can guess that she has this kind of side on her.

"Now, if you'll excuse me I have to attend to my ACTUAL date," Anna added and stick herself again to Kyle and pulled Kyle away from the place they are standing at.

Juan was left all alone on that spot and couldn't do anything because of Anna. She loudly proclaimed that she and Kyle are on a date and that he was interfering their date. Everyone who passed by them heard that and they started to whisper to each other.

Anna humiliated him in front of the public; his image was stained by what Anna just did. Making him look like he was ruining their relationship.


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When Anna and Kyle are now far away from Juan, Anna immediately released her grip on Kyle's and immediately said, "I am so sorry." As she repeatedly saying 'sorry' to Kyle, her heart was beating fast from nervousness.

She can't believe that she said those words very loudly; she was embarrassed and afraid at the same time. Embarrassed because she said those words without even batting an eye; afraid because she just forced herself to Kyle who doesn't like to be held by women.

After saying a bunch of sorries, Anna was waiting for Kyle's harsh words but for how many minutes that have past Kyle did not say anything and only looked at her. Anna looked at him and stared at him confusedly.

"Uh... Are you mad?" She asked.

"No, why would I be?" He asked back.

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"Because I kind of added more fuel to the fire?" She said as she was referring to the article of him and herself.

"It's alright I don't mind." He said honestly. It might not be visible on his face but the inside, he was happy that Anna declared that she was having a date with him and not with Juan. He knows that Anna only said that to make Juan stop talking but it still made Kyle happy.

Anna on the other hand, when she heard Kyle said that he doesn't mind her saying those words earlier, she interprets it as Kyle doesn't pay attention to those rumors because he doesn't want to waste his time dealing with people who like to poke their nose into other people's private life. In Anna's thinking, Kyle does not care because his time is more precious than those useless rumors.

On this day, the two of them has no idea they both are thinking about and has no plans on telling it either.

"Now that guy is gone, are you still planning on coming along with me?" Kyle asked. Though he is expecting that Anna would say 'yes' he is still considering that Anna would leave him after getting rid of Juan. 'Gotta accept harsh reality from time to time.'

Anna was deep in thoughts after hearing Kyle's question.

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If she leaves him after he helped her from Juan then wouldn't that makes her look like she's ungrateful for what he did? She did use Kyle as her excuse to get rid of Juan from ruining her precious day, she might as well pay Kyle back by coming along with and help him pick a gift for his sister.

"Yup, think of it as my way of saying thank you." She smiles sweetly at Kyle, "Come on lead the way." She added, but Kyle questioned himself, ' Why did I use my sister as an excuse again?' 2

Now that it has come to this Kyle doesn't know what to do. How can he lead the way when in the first place he did not plan to get anything for Lannie. If Lannie somehow saw and heard what Kyle said as an excuse, she would be utterly disappointed and speechless at her brother.

After pausing for a moment of thinking Kyle said, "Honestly speaking I don't know what to get for my sister, would you help me?" He said.

In truth, Anna also doesn't know what Lannie would like. She's afraid that she is not going to be useful would only be a disappointment for Kyle. But it wouldn't hurt to try, right?

"Of course." After saying that both of them went from shop to shop.

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They already got something for Lannie but Anna has forgotten that the only reason she's with Kyle right now is that they have to pick a gift for Lannie. The time she spends with Kyle made her forgot everything else.

She was having so much fun that she dragged Kyle all around. Anna even got carried away and bought Kyle some things like clothes that would look great on Kyle, even a certain perfume that complimented Kyle best. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Kyle, on the other hand, didn't mind what Anna bought for him, especially the perfume. The perfume that Anna picked for him smells good and it's exactly his taste. He usually doesn't wear any perfume but if Anna likes the perfume she picks for him then he would be happy to wear it everyday just make Anna happy.

Of course, Kyle also bought some things for Anna. At first, Anna refused him but Kyle insisted that made Anna unable to resist.

Kyle was surprised that simple things can easily make Anna happy. He was expecting Anna to like some extravagant things but Anna surprises him. She is not like any other girls that want to get close to him.

He learned quite a lot of things about Anna on this single day. He learned that Anna really likes ice cream and she also eats a lot. When they decided to eat he was shocked that Anna ordered a lot for herself, her excuse, 'I'm hungry.' For such a big eater, Kyle can't believe that Anna is not big. Juan and the coach of the basketball team in Aaron's school have the same last name but they are not relatives or whatsoever, it's just the same last name. Because you don't have the guts to tell her your real reason for being there, you coward XD

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