REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 149

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When Anna looked at the time on her phone she then realized that she got carried away and spent her whole day with Kyle. It was already night time and she's guessing that her grandfather already knows what had happened between her and Juan earlier.

Should she go home now? Or should she wait for her grandfather to sleep? She doesn't want to hear her grandfather's mouth when she gets home. It will only make a good show for Juan.

Kyle who is beside Anna noticed the troubled look on Anna's face, "What's troubling you?" He asked.

Anna glanced at him and said, "I'm thinking on whether should I go home now or not."

Kyle doesn't know why would Anna have to think deep on whether she should go or not. But he does hope that Anna decides to stay with him for much longer. But looking at the time now, he thinks that Anna should go back home and get some rest. He doesn't want Anna to stay up late with him; he's afraid that it might ruin Anna's health. 1 Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"It's already late, I should send you back home," Kyle said.

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"You don't have to! I can just call someone to pick me up." Anna felt that she is bothering Kyle too much. She already dragged him around the mall and she even forces him to try some clothes on earlier. Kyle must have thought that she is forcing herself to him.

Kyle was displeased by that. He wants to send Anna home himself, he wants to show Anna that he would be willing to be her driver. "It's alright. I was planning on going to your house anyways." He said.

On one of Kyle's to-do lists is to talk to Anna's grandfather. He wants to get permission from him to court Anna. He knows that it's going to be hard since his grandfather and Anna's grandfather loathe each other. Kyle is determined to find the real cause of them hating each other so that he can solve the problem and freely court Anna without them interfering.

"Then, I guess I have no other choice, huh?" Although Anna is quite curious what is Kyle's reason for wanting to visit her house, she held herself back from asking. It is Kyle's business and she has no right to ask a question from him.

She is just but a friend of his sister. She knows her boundaries when it comes to Kyle.

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Kyle and Anna finally reached the Coleman villa and the first person that came to greet them is Anna's mother, Mary.

"You two are together for the whole day?" She asked in a surprised tone of voice. All this time, she thought that her daughter was spending her day with Juan.

Mary just got home too and she did not see Juan inside the villa yet. She also has no idea how angry her father-in-law is for what happened between Anna and Juan earlier.

"We did and it was fun," Kyle said in a polite tone. This is the second time that he saw Mary up close and this is the first time that he is talking to her as his considered mother-in-law in the future.

Mary on the inside was squealing like a teenage girl. She can't believe that someone like Kyle took an interest in her precious daughter. Even though Kyle has not said anything yet that he likes Anna, Mary could tell from the way he looks at her daughter that he has feelings for her daughter.

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"Oh my, did the two of you had dinner already?" Mary asked.

"Yes mom, we already ate," Anna said.

Her day might have started in a very annoying way but when Kyle appeared earlier at the mall, it went well throughout the end. She could also say that is was one of the best days she had in a long time. Though her days with her family and friends are fun with Kyle, on the other hand, it was a different yet pleasing feeling to have.

"Anna." Someone not so far away from them called out Anna's name. It was Marcus with an indifferent look on his face and behind him was Juan looking at her as if he was worried but on the inside? He is smirking at Anna and Kyle.

"Yes, grandfather?" She said. Anna notices the displeased look on Marcus' face but when Marcus saw the person next to Anna his face suddenly became darker.

Anna is already prepared for what her grandfather will say to her. Things might have been different from what happened in her past life, but that doesn't mean that she is going to back down and obey whatever her grandfather and Juan says.

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Marcus was about to say something but Kyle, on the other hand, speak out first and looked at Marcus sternly. "Sir, I would like to speak with you if you don't mind."

Marcus was slightly surprised that Kyle would bravely look at him like that and even dare to speak with him. Elijah must have already told Kyle to stay away from his granddaughter but from the looks of it, Kyle did not listen to a word Elijah said to him.

'This brat already noticed that something is wrong?' Marcus said to himself. Marcus and Elijah already agreed to each other to keep out their younger generation away from their hatred to each other but it looks like Kyle wants to butt in.

Marcus looks at Kyle as if he is trying to figure out what Kyle wants from him. "We can talk in my office, you come along too, Juan," Marcus said as he turned his back on them and walk towards his office.

Hearing that Marcus Coleman agreed to his request, Kyle immediately followed Marcus. He was satisfied that Marcus gave him a chance to speak with him but at the same time, he was displeased. 'Why is this fly coming along too? '

Kyle wants to talk with Marcus just the two of them but how can he go against Marcus without making Marcus taking back what he just said. 'I guess I have to keep my annoyance intact if I want to get answers from him.'

Juan, on the other hand, was simply shocked that Marcus agreed to talk with Kyle. After all, he knows why Marcus doesn't want any Robertson to become part of his family. When Kyle passes by him he didn't hide his displeased look and put on a smug face, indicating that no matter what Kyle will say, Marcus will not choose Kyle for Anna.

The man that Marcus will choose for his granddaughter would always be him and no one else. My, how caring XD

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