REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 150

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"What is it you want to talk to me about, young man?" Marcus started, though, he has a vogue idea what Kyle wants to talk about.

"I would like to know why do you dislike the Robertsons too much that you even want to force your granddaughter to someone she doesn't love knowing that I would like to pursue her," Kyle said as he glances over to where Juan is. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Kyle got the feeling that Marcus invited Juan on purpose to listen to their conversation to show that Juan would always be Marcus' top choice for Anna and there is no way for Kyle to change his mind. 'Let's see about that. I'm going whatever it is to change your mind, dear grandfather-in-law.'

Marcus looks at him and sighed deeply, "I don't dislike all of the Robertson, I only dislike your grandfather and since Elijah's blood is flowing through you, I dislike the idea of someone trying to tie a knot with one of my family members." Marcus said in a cold tone of voice.

If Kyle was not Elijah Robertson's grandson, Marcus might have considered Kyle for his granddaughter. But it's very unfortunate for Kyle that he has Elijah to be his grandfather, the man that he hated to his very core.

"You're being unreasonable, sir." Kyle started, "You only hate my grandfather and yet you're trying to involve your family member to your little conflict."

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Kyle might not know the whole story behind his grandfather and Marcus, but it is clear as day that Marcus Coleman and his grandfather are being childish. They hate each other and it is also clear that they don't want their family member to know about their conflict. They want to keep them away from the conflict and yet, they are trying to drive Kyle away from pursuing Anna.

'Is this what they call not wanting to involve their member? What a joke.' Kyle scoffed inwardly.

Marcus' lips twitched when he heard Kyle, " 'Little conflict' you say?" What had happened in the past is not a mere 'little conflict' that Kyle is thinking about. "Brat, you don't even know the whole story and yet you dare to say that it's just a 'little conflict' ?"

Kyle now realized that what he said earlier made Marcus angry at him, but he can't be bothered by it right now, what had happened already happened. He can't take it back.

"Am I wrong?" Kyle bravely asked. Kyle knows that the more he makes the old man angry the more Marcus is willing to push Anna to Juan, but what can he do if Marcus and his grandfather are being unreasonable from the very beginning?

Marcus did not answer Kyle's question and only said, "I think it's time for you to go home, young man."

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The only reason why Marcus gave Kyle the chance to talk to him is because he thought that it would be an interesting conversation. Marcus did not expect that in this conversation on theirs, Kyle would make him angry.

Kyle already expected that Marcus would not treat very nicely, but during this whole time, he is irritated that Marcus is blinded by his anger that he would blindly force Anna to someone like Juan.

Kyle does not agree with the idea that Juan is his rival because he knows that Juan does not love Anna. If Marcus thinks that Juan has feelings for Anna then Kyle will prove him wrong. He just needs the right evidence for it.

Kyle stood up and before he could walk out the room, he said one last thing to Marcus, "Then I will go, but that doesn't mean that I would give up on Anna. If you think that this guy is right for Anna then, I will prove you wrong just wait and see." After saying that he smiled and finally left the room.

After Kyle left Marcus's office, Juan, on the other hand, was smirking inwardly. He might not be powerful in riches like Kyle but he is powerful enough to convince Marcus to engaged his granddaughter to him.

As long as the feud between Elijah and Marcus continues, Kyle will not have a chance of having Anna to his side.

While Juan is thinking of his success, Marcus, on the other hand, was in deep thought of what Kyle said to him earlier.

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Kyle was right, he and Elijah don't want their family member to be involved in their hatred and yet they are interfering in Kyle's way. As Kyle just said to him, he and Elijah are childish to involve their grandkids to their hatred to each other. It was just supposed to be them and not the kids.

But Marcus is a prideful man, he will continue his original plan on announcing Anna's engagement with Juan but at the same time, he will watch all of Kyle's move on how to make him change his mind about the engagement.

"Let's see how will you prove me wrong." He said but Juan did not hear it.


"You're going home already?" Anna asked Kyle.

"Why? Do you want me to stay longer here with you?" Instead of answering Anna's question, Kyle questioned her back with a soft tone of voice.

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Anna doesn't know why, but hearing that kind of question from him along with his soft tone voice made her feel flustered all of the sudden.

Her cheeks have gotten red as she shakes her head, "No, no, I was just asking. I don't mean any of that." She said.

Kyle has no idea if Anna realizes his advances towards her but whether she knows or not, Kyle will always show his affection towards her. There is no doubt that Anna will be his first and last love.

As Anna and Kyle were talking near the door, there were two people not far away from them watching and listening to them. It was, Mary and her son, Aaron, they both have different thoughts about Kyle and Anna's current relationship with each other.

In Aaron's point of view, he appreciates that Kyle is getting in the way of Juan but knowing that Kyle has feelings for his sister makes it difficult for him to thank Kyle. He admits that he has a sister complex to his one and only sister, and as Anna's brother, Aaron wants the best for her and there is a question on his mind, 'Is Kyle is truly the best choice for my sister?'

While in Mary's point of view, Kyle might be the best choice for his daughter base on Kyle's social status but Mary doesn't care any of that as long as Kyle make Anna happy. But Mary worries that what Kyle feels right now is merely a temporary affection towards Anna and she doesn't like that. To make her worries disappears Mary wants to make sure that is not the case.

Both mother and son pair are having a conflict on their own towards Kyle and already planning to put Kyle on a test.

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