REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 151

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During the time that Kyle spent on the Coleman residence, there was another article about him and Anna circulating all around the country.

The new article is about Anna and Kyle having another date and this time it was at the mall and there was someone who was trying to get in the way of their date. That, someone, was Juan; the people who liked the 'couple' got angry at Juan for getting in the way of the 'couple's happiness' . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Juan read the article and he couldn't care less because he knows sooner or later Marcus will announce the big news and it will a big slap in the face for Kyle and the people who are bashing him.

As for the Robertsons, they also read the article and they were cheering in joy when except for one person and that is Kyle's Grandfather.

Elijah is fuming in anger because for the first time his grandson disobeyed him. Especially for the part where he sternly told Kyle that he should stop pursuing Anna. 'Is my words not clear enough for him?'

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When Aaron arrived at his home, the first thing he heard was his sister's squeal and before he could even react, Lannie jumped into him and clung to his neck. Kyle almost stumbles on his feet because of his sister and it's a good thing that he quickly composes his body or else he and his sister are already on the floor.

"Lannie!" Kyle angrily said her name but Lannie still put on a smile on her face. "Can you not do that again next time?" He said.

"I just can't help it! I'm just so excited to hear all the details about your date with Anna earlier!" Lannie said very loudly that even the maids heard is it. The maid was surprised that their young master likes someone. They know very well that their young master hates women and yet the young woman that their young master was with earlier got his attention.

The maids now admire the capability of Anna Coleman on making their young master fall for her.

As Lannie kept asking what happened on the date, her grandfather, Elijah, came down the stairs with a displeased look on his face.

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He looks at the direction to where his grandson is and called him, "Kyle."

Hearing the displeased tone in his grandfather, Kyle could already guess that the news of him having a 'date' with Anna Coleman already reached his grandfather. "Grandfather," Kyle said in a casual tone, acting as if he had done nothing to irritate his grandfather.

"Have you not listened to what I told you the other day?" He is the elder of the Robertson family and his position is high enough to say something and it should be followed. How is it that his grandson is being hard-headed right now?

"I did listen, grandfather, but I chose not to obey." He said politely but for some reason, Lannie and Elijah felt that Kyle is not being polite.

Lannie was quite surprised and was happy that her big brother is standing up against their grandfather.

"Befriending a Coleman? I am fine with that, Kyle, but wanting to be a lover of a Coleman? Is out of the question!"

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"You and Marcus Coleman are being childish, grandfather. Why can't you just let me be? Anna and I have nothing to do with the hatred between you and Marcus Coleman." Kyle just can't understand why both elders of the two families hate each other so much that they don't want both of their younger generation to be together.

Though he and Anna are not together, Kyle is sure that he and Anna are going to that path in the future.

"Besides! Why is it that you are okay with us being just friends and not go further than that?!" that kind of logic his grandfather has made Kyle feel irritated. They might as well not be friends at all if his grandfather won't even allow them to go further than friendship. But then again, Kyle wishes it won't come to that kind of circumstances

"You know nothing, child. So don't you dare question me." Elijah coldly said to Kyle.

"You don't want me to question you, grandfather? If you don't want me to question you, then, you should at least tell me what happened between you and Marcus Coleman. At least at some point, I could understand."

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Lannie who was only on the sidelines and was only listening to her grandfather and brother's conversation felt that her brother is almost reaching their grandfather's temper. Her brother should stop talking back at their grandfather or else their grandfather will make a decision and will regret in the end.

"Okay... It's already night time, let's talk about this tomorrow instead." Lannie worriedly said to her brother and grandfather.

'Where is that mother and father of mine?!' She said in her mind. When she needed her father and mother at a time exactly like this, they are gone. Right at this moment, both her mother and father are having their date since in the afternoon.

'How long are they gonna take their time?' If things get worse with her brother and grandfather, Lannie does not know what to do. She needs her parents right now.

Elijah is truly fuming in anger right now, and just what Lannie is thinking, he thinks that he might say something that he will surely regret if he continues to talk with his grandson with such temper brewing inside him. So he decided to went back to his room and cool his head.

Elijah left the siblings without a word and Kyle could only scoff at his grandfather for not answering him. He knows the answers he is giving to his grandfather were impolite, but he can't help it. His grandfather and Marcus are being childish and they keep telling him that he knows nothing when they don't even bother to say anything to that matter.

Lannie's nerves relaxed when her grandfather left. 'Good thing that grandfather didn't continue. I don't know what should I do if he suddenly got a heart attack all of a sudden.'

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