REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 152

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When Elijah reached his room, he sat down on his bed and took out an old photo from his wallet. It was a photo of a young beautiful woman, his beloved sister.

At an early age, his sister died along with the man she loves, it was none other than Marcus' brother. On the day his sister and Marcus' brother died, Marcus and him kept on blaming each other's sibling for their own siblings' death.

Elaine Robertson, she was his only sister and he loves her very much and protected her from every possible threat in her life but one day he couldn't even protect her from Marcus' brother.

It was years ago when Marcus and Elijah decided to go to the place where the couple lived in. It was the day their family member died in front of them.

Once Elijah and Marcus entered the house the first thing they saw is that Elaine and Marcus' brother pointed each other with guns and at that moment they pulled the trigger and died.

It all happened so fast that neither Elijah nor Marcus could even react to stop the two of them from pulling the trigger. But one thing is for sure, they saw the deep pain and depression from the faces of those two.

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None of them knows what truly happened between Elaine and Marcus' brother, but they didn't bother finding the truth behind it because they are too angry. Marcus blames Elijah's sister and Elijah blames Marcus' brother for what happened.

Both blinded by anger for their death, both Marcus and Elijah has never agreed to anything since then. They both cover up the whole truth about the couple's death and it did not only cause an uproar to the public. But as years passed by, people have forgotten that the Robertson family and the Coleman family almost got together.

Elijah and Marcus have once considered to find out the real truth about their deaths but as their pride in blaming each other's siblings got in the way of wanting to find the truth. And this has been going on and on up until now.

As for Layla who accidentally learned the feud between Marcus and Elija, she initially thought that Marcus and Elijah hated each other because one of them stole the girl they both got interested in. Layla has no idea that the real reason is the death of their family member.

After minutes of staring at his sister's photo, Elijah put it back on his wallet and call it a night.


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The very next morning, when Elijah comes down for breakfast he saw the whole family in the dining table except for one person, his grandson.

"Where is Kyle?" He asked. If Kyle is not inside the villa then he must have gone to the Colemans again. 'That stubborn child...'

Elijah just couldn't understand why is Kyle so fixated with Anna. Sure, Anna is pretty as all the previous generation of every Coleman family members, but what is it that makes his grandson likes Anna Coleman so much?

He can accept anyone that Kyle would pick, even if Kyle pick a girl from a poor family, he would be willing to accept that girl. But a Coleman? He just can't, he already experienced such a tragic event with the Colemans and he doesn't want to experience it again.

For him and Marcus, it's like a curse if one of their family members got into a relationship with each other. So it is better for their family should not become one.

"He already went back to his apartment," Stan said as he read the newspaper in his hand.

Stan heard from his daughter what had happened between his father and his son. He is quite not pleased by how things go last night. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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His son talking back at his father which made Stan feel displeased by his son's behavior. While Stan is disappointed at his father for interfering with his son's love.

He wants his father to let Kyle decide who he wants to settle with because if his father does keep on interfering, this might create a distance between Kyle and the whole family.

Stan loves his family very much and he does not want his family to be torn apart which is why he is planning on making his father and son reconcile.

Elijah frowned at Stan's response, "Since when did he has an apartment?" Since when did his grandson have an apartment? Did Stan said this just to make an excuse for Kyle to go visit Anna? If so, then it is a good thing that he is not believing it.

"Since he entered college, grandpa. Brother's apartment is close to his college and it's very convenient for him." Based on what happened last night, Lannie could guess what her grandfather is thinking.

It is the truth when her father said that Kyle went to his apartment and not visiting Anna's place. For some reason, her grandfather's rejection towards Kyle pursuing Anna is making Lannie feel irritated.

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Her grandfather is not even telling why he is so against it. If it is about wealth then Anna's family has it, there is no problem. But why is her grandfather is so against it? No matter how long Lannie thinks about the issue she just can't think of any other reasons.


At the Coleman residence, Anna was blushing so much as she reads the comments of a certain article.

There was another article of her and Kyle together and this time there was a lot of stolen pictures of them both. In those pictures it made Anna and Kyle look so happy together as they visit shops in the mall, trying out clothes, and eating food.

All those pictures made it look like they are truly a couple.

"What are you blushing at?" Her brother asked who just came in her room without even knocking.

Instead of scolding her brother for not knocking on the door, she looked away and hid her phone away. She won't allow her brother to see her reading that article, her brother might think of something weird.

Since the article spreading like a wildfire once again, Anna wouldn't be in surprise if her brother already knows about the article. But she does hopes that her brother didn't read any of the comments on those articles.

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