REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 153

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Aaron noticed that his sister hid her phone as soon as he asked and walk in her room, he couldn't help but be curious about what on earth is she hiding from him.

"Why are you hiding your phone?" He said as he took Anna's phone from where Anna hid it.

Anna tried to snatch her phone back but Aaron's has long arms and she couldn't reach it. No matter how hard she tried to get her phone back, she just can't get it from her brother. In the end, Anna gave up and let her brother read the comments from the article.

Seeing that his sister has stopped, Aaron easily unlocked her phone. "You know you should change your password. It's so easy for me to get into your phone." He said as he smirked at her.

Anna pays no heed at him and just covers her face with her pillow. Her brother is talking too much and won't just read the comments already.

After saying his piece Aaron focuses his attention to Anna's phone and read the comments that ware on the screen.

As he was reading the comments his face was slowly turning into a frown. He is quite speechless by the people's comments about his sister's so-called relationship with Kyle Robertson.

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Some say in the comments that they are already imagining the little mini versions of Anna and Kyle, how grand their wedding will be, and all sorts of comments that are based on the people's imagination. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Aaron don't know what to say, but he is sure that these people who are imagining things are going to be disappointed when they find out that the relationship that they think between Anna and Kyle is not true.

Looking back at his sister, Aaron wonders why on earth is Anna blushing for? Is it because of the comments? Or is she imagining those kinds of scenarios with Kyle?

Thinking that his sister might be imagining those scenarios with Kyle, Aaron was slightly panicking yet he is also happy at the same time that his sister might have started to have feelings for Kyle.

"Anna..." Hearing that her brother is calling her, Anna looked at Aaron and waited for him to say what he wants to say. "Tell me honestly, do you have feelings for Kyle?"

If his sister truly has feelings for Kyle and if Kyle is the one who can make his sister happy then, there is no need for him not give his blessing, right?

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Slightly stunned by her brother's question, Anna was not able to answer Aaron's question right away. "Wh-what? Brother, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"I mean, you and Kyle started this rumor and not even considering denying it to the public. To make things, umm, worse? You even said out loud that you were having a date with Kyle yesterday."

Since Anna and Kyle are not making any move to deny their so-called relationship, Aaron thinks that Anna has feelings towards Kyle. Also, Kyle's glances towards Anna is so obvious that nobody would think otherwise what Kyle feels towards Anna.

'Why can't they just get things over with and live happily ever after?' Aaron said inwardly. But thinking about what his grandfather is planning, Aaron can't help but pity Kyle for being late and feel sad for his sister.


Anna wasn't able to finish her piece when Aaron put his hand on Anna's shoulder and said, "It's alright. Brother will try to understand, after all, every bird gotta leave its nest at some point, right?" There was a hint of sadness in Aaron's voice, but he was showing a supportive face in front of Anna.

Anna was unable to utter the words she wanted to say because of what her brother just said to her. 'Leave the nest? But brother! I am not leaving the nest yet!' She said in her mind, screaming.

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Aaron looked at his silent sister and smiled sweetly at her and then left her room without anything else to say.

As much as he doesn't want to give his sister to someone else just yet, he has to because it's for Anna's sake.


The next day, Anna was passing by the hallways all by herself and as usual, there is a lot of whispering in every female student that she passes by.

Anna is used to this kind of scenarios already but right now, she is irritated. It was all because of what her brother told her last night.

Because she is upset of her brother, Anna decided to come here to school by herself. She didn't even bother to eat breakfast, that's how upset she is to her brother.

Her brother is imagining too much, just because she did not a response to any of those rumors that that doesn't mean anything.

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As Anna was in her world, someone was following from behind and it was Leon.

Leon was told by someone that he should not get near Anna unless it is necessary and right now he should not be following her close by. But he couldn't help but curious about Anna, she is nothing like the man he is working for and yet at the same time they are the same in some ways.

Like right now, Anna is in the world of her own as she is in a very bad mood just like the man he is working with. Leon knows this because Anna is making the same face as that man.

'Hmm... I wonder what will happen if I try to get close to her?' 

As Leon was imagining a lot of scenarios in his mind where his boss tries to kill him, Anna noticed that someone was walking closely with her and stop to look at who it is.

When she stopped Leon bumped into her and look at her with an awkward smile, "Hi, good morning!" He said in his usual cheery voice.

Anna looked at him suspiciously; there is a lot of space in the hallway for him to walk in and there is not a lot of crowds.

Why is he walking so close to her? And the way he stares at her earlier is very suspicious.

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