REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 154

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"What are you doing?" Anna asked Leon.

This man in front of her is something Anna can't point out. She doesn't know whether she should trust him or not. Leon is giving her this kind of vibe that she could not describe.

"Uhh... Walking my way to our class?" Leon said with a smile. Trying to erase the awkwardness in the air. 'Looks like I have lost my touch on deceiving people.' Leon said in his mind.

Usually. whenever he is in this kind of situation, Leon would only put on a smile and a reasonable excuse then he will be able to escape. But Anna, on the other hand, is a tough one to crack, just like that man.

"Is that so?" As much as Anna wants to interrogate Leon on why is he walking so close to her from behind, Anna decided to forget about it because people who are passing by them are starting to talk again.

Anna turned her whole body around and started to walk away from Leon.

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Leon, on the other hand, felt that short conversation they have is not enough, so he decided to catch up with her and make a conversation.

Leon doesn't care anymore if his boss will punish once he gets close to Anna. All he thinks about is how things will get exciting once when every card is laid on the table. All he needs is for his boss to land in this country and his boss' arrival is the start of everything.

"So, everybody have been talking about your love life with the one and only Kyle Robertson." Leon started. Anna only glanced at him and didn't reply. "What does it feel like to date someone as extraordinary as him?" Though Anna only glanced at him, Leon still hasn't given up and asked her a question.

"What? No... I... It's none of your business." As much Anna wants to deny that rumor of her and Kyle, Anna doesn't have the heart to do so.

For some reason, if she ever denies that rumor, the only connection between her and Kyle will be gone. Somehow, that thinking doesn't make Anna very happy. 'Is it okay for me to not say anything about that rumor? Should I just let it be?' Anna said in her mind.

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Though, if Kyle has a girl he likes and this rumor is still circulating wouldn't that mean that she is getting in Kyle way?

Thinking that Kyle has a girl he likes it makes Anna feel sad and uncomfortable. It has been a while since she felt this way. The last time she felt this way is when she felt jealous of some girls getting near Juan in her past life. But this time she felt way worse.

'Why am I feeling this way?' Anna asks herself.

Hearing that unsure response from Anna, Leon is guessing that someone is fishy is going between Anna and Kyle. As the type of person he is, he is getting more interested in Anna's and Kyle's story, he wants to know more about them.

"None of my business, you say? That is not fair, I'm a big fan of the love story of Anna and Kyle. I would like to hear more about it." He said with a smile that Anna couldn't describe but it somehow irritates her to see that smile on Leon.

"I seem to recall that you and I are not that close." Ever since the moment she and Leon started to have a conversation, Leon has been too forward and friendly towards her. It doesn't make Anna feel comfortable especially when she doesn't know if Leon could be trusted. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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Leon chuckled a bit and said, "So, you and I need to be friends first before you can share your love life to me?" Though being friends with Anna could be a risk in his life in the hands of his boss, he still thinks that it worth the risk to satisfy his curiosity.

He is now starting to believe that curiosity kills the cat and the cat is him. Should he prepare for his funeral now? 'The future is truly a mystery.' Leon said smirkingly.

"Yeah, but I think you and I can't be friends," Anna said as she smiled sweetly at him.

"Oh? Is that a challenge, princess?" Leon loves a good challenge and if Anna is challenging him then he would be glad to accept any challenge Anna hand over to him.

"What makes you think that?" Anna pretended to be innocent when she heard Leon ask her that. She got to admit that Leon's presence is very refreshing and she felt that it is not that bad to have Leon around.

Anna wonders what kind of action will Leon do from here forward.

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Before Leon could even reply to Anna, Leon's phone suddenly vibrated and he got a feeling that its a call from a very specific person. Leon smirked inwardly, "Oh ho, you better get yourself ready because I'll be friendlier than before when you and I will have this kind of conversation again." He said and walks away from Anna.

Before Leon turned his back on Anna, Anna saw a smirk on his face. It was quite a sight, for someone like him, he looks very handsome, but for Anna? Kyle is more handsome than Leon. Is she being biased? Well, Anna thinks otherwise, she is just telling the truth.

After leaving Anna's side and he is far where there is not a lot of students, Leon calls back the person who called him earlier.

"I was with someone earlier that I couldn't answer your call, boss."

It's hard to believe what Leon is saying sometimes because all Leon knows is to fool around when it's not needed.

Right now, this 'boss' doesn't have the luxury to scold Leon because he is in a hurry to go back and stop someone from entering his precious gem's life.

"Never mind that, Leon. More importantly, I want you to prepare a place for me to stay, two days from now, I will be there." Leon wanted to interrupt his boss but his boss won't let him, "Make sure that everything is ready on the day I arrived there." After saying that Leon's boss ended the call without letting Leon speak any word of objection.

Leon stared at his phone and said, "Damn, I didn't expect my death to be this near." 

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