REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 155

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Earlier when Anna and Leon were having their conversation, Rebecca who happened to saw them talking got angry all of the sudden.

She can't believe that a person like Leon would be so friendly towards Anna. Leon was not playing fake or anything, the way he stares and talks to Anna is full of friendliness.

Whenever Rebecca faces Leon, all she could see from Leon is full of disgust and mockery. So different from how Leon treats Anna.

Rebecca clenches her jaws and looks at Anna and Leon, full of hatred was very clear in her eyes.

Seeing all that smile on their faces, Rebecca suddenly got an idea. She took out her phone and took a picture of Anna and Leon. After taking such a perfect shot of them, Rebecca sends it to someone and told that someone, 'Make this spread and put some good words in it.'

Though Rebecca is not very specific on what she meant on putting 'some good words' on the picture, she knows that the person she sent the picture to understand what she meant.

She wants that person to say that when Kyle is not around Anna is fooling around with another guy. Though Rebecca is not sure that Kyle and Anna are really in a relationship because neither of those two is saying anything.

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But whether they are in a relationship or not, it will still do no good on Anna's side, all in all, Rebecca will be satisfied.

Rebecca left the hallway with a smirk on her face. She's already celebrating her win against Anna.


After certain hours of sitting in the classroom, it's finally their break and a lot of gossiping was heard and it was all directed towards Anna.

Anna could only arch her eyebrow when she heard them saying that she was a slut, having an affair, and so on.

"What on earth did I do this time to make them gossip like that about me?" She asked Lannie and Nathalia who is fuming in anger because those female students are saying bad things about their friend, Anna.

"I think that they are just jealous because you have such a special relationship with my brother!" Lannie said.

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To Lannie, those female students can drool and feel insecure all they want towards Anna because no matter what, none of them will qualify to be her sister in law.

"Yes, I think so too." Nathalia seconded the motion.

Anna would think so too, but she got this feeling that is not the case. They were calling her with a bunch of insulting words and she thinks the reason for them throwing insulting words at her is because of one ridiculous word from a very certain person.

"Hey, isn't this our classmate?" Anna heard Zack's question to Josh and she listened intently to them.

"Yes, I think his name is Leon? I'm not sure but that news is surely something else." Josh said and amusement was clear in his tone.

Josh looks at Anna and Anna got the message that Josh is sending her. Anna took Zack's cellphone and look at the news that amused Josh.

When Anna saw that, she was laughing out loud and was also amused by this piece of news.

'This kind of news is not new to me, but it's very amusing for the second time around.' Anna said in her mind. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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This kind of news was the same in her past life, the only difference is that Kyle is the person who is included in this piece of news and not Juan. 'Same old, same old.'

This kind of trick can only be done by one person who hated Anna for some many unknown reasons, and that would be none other than Rebecca.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Josh asked. Josh has no idea who is the main culprit for this nonsensical news but he is sure that Anna knows the culprit, but he did not bother to ask her because sooner or later the culprit will be found out.

"Well..." Anna started and passed Zack's phone back to its owner, "Karma is on the way. So please wait for a little bit, the show is about to start." Anna said devilishly and at the same time, it sounded to seductively.

A smirk was starting to show up in Josh's face when he heard Anna said, "Sure, I'll wait patiently for that wonderful show." 

As Anna and Josh were devilishly smiling at each other, their friends, Nathalia, Lannie, and Zack were staring at these two people confusedly.

They have no idea what is going between them, but they do know one thing though and that is they are talking about this piece of news.

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"Why is Anna looks so happy after seeing this news?" Lannie confusedly asked Zack and Nathalia.

She and Anna are friends now but she still has a lot of things to learn about Anna that is why she is asking the two people who are with Anna first. They know Anna a lot more than she could have ever known.

"Don't ask us. Believe me, whenever Anna and Josh are like this, me and Nathalia can never understand them both." Zack said defeatedly.

This kind of situation happened from time to time but Nathalia and Zack can never get used to that whenever Anna and Josh are like that. 

"Just wait and see you will soon find out what they are aiming at," Nathalia said and decided to focus on the news that is spreading throughout the school forum. "I can't believe this. This is just too childish, why can't they just confront you and say that they are insecure about your life?" Nathalia said as she faces Anna.

Nathalia couldn't understand why people must feel insecure about someone. Every people has a life of their own, why can't they just be satisfied with the life they have.

It is okay to be ambitious from time to time but wanting too much might not do anyone any good. Bad things will surely happen.

"It's human nature, Nathalia. There are always people who are like that." Between her past and current life, Anna will always have those kinds of people in her life, people who will hate her for no reason.

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