REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 156

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"What is this?" Leon said as he was staring at a piece of news from the school forum.

"Oh? I didn't think that you and Anna Coleman are that close to each other." The sitting next to Leon said to him in a teasing tone.

"Didn't you know that Anna and Kyle Robertson are rumored dating each other?" Leon said in a matter of fact tone. It's clear to Leon that this person sitting next to him has no idea about the rumor surrounding Anna and Kyle.

He sure has some guts to say that out loud. It's a good thing that Kyle is not around or else he and this guys next to him will get in deep trouble.

"What?" The guy was shocked, of course, he knows Kyle Robertson who in the high society doesn't know any member of the Robertson family?

'Dude, do you want to add Kyle to the list of people who wants to kill me?' That's the question Leon wanted to ask the guy next to him but he held himself back from asking because if he does there will be a lot of questions and he doesn't want to answer any of it.

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"Dude, stop. It's impossible between me and Anna, so don't even try to get us together." Leon said and walks out of the room.

As soon as Leon left the classroom, he suddenly got a call from the top person who will kill him if he gets close to Anna.

Reluctantly, Leon answered the call and the first thing he heard is his boss' cold tone voice.

"I told you not to get close to Anna!" His boss is really angry this time. Leon knows how important Anna is to his boss but there is no need for his boss to be so warry of him. His boss should be more worried about Kyle since Kyle is making moves towards Anna. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

'Goodness, my death coming near so fast. Curse that person who posted that annoying news.' Leon swears that when he identifies the person who spread that ridiculousness between him and Anna, he will break its bones once he knows that person's identity.

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"Boss, I have no idea what you are talking about," Leon said playing innocent. Leon is taking his chance that his boss might believe him at the very least.

He is already expecting his death from his boss' hands but he doesn't want the cause would be from such false rumors.

He wants to tell his boss himself of all the things he has done. He doesn't anybody else to tell his boss his doings. If someone does, it will only anger him.

"Don't think that I am not keeping an eye out for Anna." And with that Leon's boss keep on reminding him to stay away from Anna over and over again.

For a guy like his boss who is a very quiet and very low-profiled man, his boss sure is such a talker when it comes to the Coleman twins and the madam of the Coleman family. Quite overprotective; Leon is used to it by now but right now, he is starting to get tired of listening to his boss' reminder.


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Rebecca, on the other hand, was having a great time. Every student she passes by were all talking about Anna's affair. She was not scared even for a little bit that someone might suspect her from wanting this fake news spread throughout the whole school. Because she is not the one who posted that news, she only ordered someone to do it.

That someone that she ordered to is pretty naive, there is no way that someone can prove that she is the one who wants this fake news to spread.

But unknown to Rebecca even if she thinks that way, Anna already guessed that she is the one who wants this fake news to spread even if Rebecca wasn't the one who posted that news in the school forum, Anna knows that the main core of all those fake news that is related to her is Rebecca.

As Rebecca was walking down the hallway, she accidentally saw Anna and her friends. Rebecca frowned at the sight of them. Anna and her friends look so happy together as if nothing had happened from one of them.

'Did they have not heard the gossips around the school yet?' Rebecca is so confused. Shouldn't Anna be panicking on how to remove the gossips that surrounds her? Why is it that she is being so carefree today?

This is not what Rebecca had in her mind. She was expecting Anna would be looking so haggard and asking for one of her friend's help to remove such nonsense gossips about her. But the sight in front of her is so different from what she expected.

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The happy mood that she had earlier is now all gone because of Anna looking so happy with her friends.

'This is not what I had on my mind.' Rebecca clenches her jaw and walks away from her initial position. She needs a new plan to make Anna be in a state of begging someone for help and course, Rebecca is gonna make sure that nobody will be able to help her.

In the corner of Anna's eyes, she saw Rebecca walking away. She could tell from the way Rebecca walks that Rebecca is angry and she knows the reason why she is angry. Anna smirked inwardly thinking of what kind of face Rebecca is making right now.

"It seems your mood has been lifted, dear sister. Earlier this morning you look quite upset." Said the person who had just arrived.

Anna looked up and saw a face that is almost identical to hers. Sometimes Anna wonders, if she were to wear men's clothing, would she look just the same as her brother? Or if her brother wears women's clothing, would her brother look just like her? Such question makes Anna wanna try it.

Anna has completely forgotten what her brother said last night, but now that Aaron reminded her that she was upset this morning, her sulkiness towards her brother returned. Anna ignored her brother and focus her attention to someone else.

Anna knows that she is acting like a child right now but since in her past, she and her brother did not interact with each other that much. That now, she wanted to be spoiled by her brother. Is it wrong to want to be spoiled by Aaron? For Anna, it is not wrong. She just wanted to be with her family that's all.

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