REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 157

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Seeing the sulky face that Anna is making right now, Aaron suddenly got a feeling that he did something wrong. But what did he do to make her make that kind of face?

Sitting next to Josh, Aaron whispered to him, "What did I do to my sister?"

Josh looks at Aaron in disbelief. Did Aaron think that he knows everything that has been going on in Anna's life? He knows some things that have been happening around Anna, but he is not that well-informed.

"Dude, don't ask me. You should know what you did to her better than me. You two lived in the same house, for God's sake." Josh irritatingly said to Aaron.

Aaron could only look at Josh speechlessly. Josh is right. He and Anna are twins; both came out from the same womb. Therefore, he should be the one who knows Anna better than anybody else.

Without any other choice, Aaron decided to sit next to his twin sister. Once again, Anna ignored him, not planning to give her attention to her brother.

Aaron by now knows that his sister does this whenever she wanted attention from him or whenever he did something that she doesn't like. Right now, Aaron felt that Anna is having those two matters at the same time.

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"Uhhh... What did I do this time?" Aaron asked softly. As he was staring at her softly, Aaron is caressing Anna's hair.

After a minute of silence, Anna finally spoke, "You did nothing..." Her brother might have done nothing, but he did say something that made her sulky. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Then, why are you acting like this? " Aaron asked again. His sister is lying to him; she wouldn't be acting like this towards him if he had done nothing that made her sulky.

In every of Anna's action, there is always a reason. Sometimes, Aaron thinks that she is too mature at her age. And sometimes, it made Aaron wonder if his sister change to a whole different person.

Anna sighed deeply and said, "Last night... I felt like you're pushing me away." Aaron was a bit surprised hearing such a statement from his twin sister. That is not what he meant from their conversation last night. What he means is that for his sister to be happy, that is all.

How did his sister come up with that kind of conclusion?

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"I don't plan to be with somebody right now, brother. Right now, I only wanted to be with our family first." Anna continued. What Anna said is her initial plan, since the moment she woke up along with the memories of her past life, the first thing on Anna's list is her family.

For her, nothing is more important than her family. Her family was one by one dying in her past life. The only one who's left in her family is her brother, but the unfortunate part is that her brother was on the verge of dying.

Anna was wasn't sure what happened, but she does know who is the exact person who was involved in her brother's state. She is also guessing that that person is the reason why Aaron is like that in her past life.

Thankfully that person is not in the picture yet. Once that person has shown itself in the future, Anna is going to make sure that person won't be able to get near towards her brother. She can't let the same thing happen again to Aaron.

Suddenly, Aaron chuckled. Aaron guesses that he and his twin sister have a different view on the matter. He just assumed right away that Anna wanted to be by Kyle's side, that is why he those words last night.

He expected that Anna would be happier on Kyle's side, but fortunately, right now, Anna prefers to be with her family. Having a man of her own can come later.

Even if Anna did not notice it herself, Aaron knew that his twin sister has this spark towards Kyle. He can't wait for the day for his sister to realize that. 'I guess Kyle will have to wait until my sister realizes her feelings towards him.'

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From here onwards, Aaron decided that he would let Anna and Kyle work out their relationship. He won't interfere, but if Anna shed a single tear because of Kyle, Aaron will do something about, he won't let Kyle off the hook.

Hearing her brother's chuckling, Anna felt her face turning red from embarrassment. Anna is talking seriously and yet, Aaron is laughing at her?

"It's not funny!" Anna shouted as she covers her face with her palms.

Aaron continued chuckling as he hugs Anna from behind. His twin sister is truly precious to him. Nothing could compare Anna in his heart. If he were to ask if he wanted to replace Anna as his sister then, he would say 'no' because, through thick and thin circumstances, Anna is always gonna be his sister.

As Anna and Aaron are having their moments together, their friends who were watching them commented.

"It is so not fair! How come my brother is not like that to me? He only knows how to give me a look! He doesn't even say any sweet words towards me!" Lannie complained. She felt so envious of Anna right now, how she wishes to have a brother like Aaron.

She has a brother, but Kyle is not as sweet as Aaron. 'He's a cold-hearted moron!' Lannie said in her mind.

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"Please, at least your brother doesn't say anything to irritate you. My big brother, on the other hand, is very annoying to the point I want to move out of the house." Zack said as he remembers all the things his big brother did to him.

Zack is quite thankful that his big brother is currently out of the country. He is living his life quite peacefully without his brother at home. Sometimes, he does miss his big brother a lot, but he doesn't want to admit it.

"Ughh... sibling." Both Zack and Lannie said at the same time. Both are having some difficulties with their sibling.

On the other hand, Nathalia and Josh couldn't relate to any of Lannie and Zack's complaints about their sibling since, both Nathalia and Josh are the only child their family. But they do sometimes wonder what it feels like to have a sibling.


Meanwhile, someone was watching from not so far away. It was Leon, he took a lot of pictures of Aaron and Anna hugging each other and sent it to his boss. Hoping that it would relieve a little bit of punishment once his boss landed on this country.

"My life is important after all," He said.

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