REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 158

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"Why do you call this place 'apartment' when it's more like a condo? I mean it is a condo, right?" Kyle heard Erik's question, but he did not bother to answer it.

Since Kyle and Erik don't have any class to attend to, Kyle decided to rest in his place. But someone came along too and disturbed his alone time and that someone was Erik.

Earlier this morning when Kyle left the Robertson residence and decided to stay at his place for a while; Kyle was in a good mood when he left thinking that he has a place all for himself as he thinks of a plan to make the two elders accept his advances towards Anna. But his alone time was ruined by Erik, who suddenly visited him in his place.

"Hey, why aren't you paying any attention to me? Is this how you treat your guest?" Erik complained. Even though Erik knows that Kyle has always been like this, he can't help himself, Erik likes to bother Kyle in every way possible.

But of course, Erik also knows when to stop because he can't afford to face the consequence when Kyle is annoyed by him.

"You considered yourself a guest in my place?" Who would consider someone a guest when that someone has a key to freely enter someone else's house?

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Erik has a replica key for Kyle's place. Kyle knows about this and did not say anything about it, letting Erik do whatever he wants. But now for some reason, he felt that Erik should not enter his place when he pleases because he got this not so good feeling that might happen in the future.

As Kyle and Erik are having their conversation on whether Erik is a guest or not, somebody suddenly rang the doorbell. The person who is outside kept pressing the doorbell.

Kyle walks towards the door with an annoyed look on his face. 'Can someone press the doorbell once or twice? More than that is annoying.'

Once Kyle opened the door, the first thing Kyle saw is the calm face of his grandfather. Kyle is surprised to see his grandfather, and questions are piling up in his mind.


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"What? Are you just gonna stand there and won't let me in?" Seeing that attitude his grandfather is putting on, Kyle's lips twitched in annoyance. Not wanting to make his grandfather get angry, Kyle let Elijah in.

Hearing the steps coming near him, Erik looked up to see who's the person next to Kyle. Once he saw Elijah next to Kyle, Erik suddenly sat up straight like a well mannered little boy. "Grandpa Elijah, you're here!"

Besides his mother, Erik quite afraid of Elijah Robertson. His family and the Robertson family are close since way back then. Elijah is like a real grandfather to him now. Elijah is also the one who thought him some useful things that he could use in tough situations.

Elijah nodded in acknowledgment and sat down without waiting for Kyle to tell him so. Seeing that his grandfather is already got this 'feel at home ' vibe in him, Kyle sat down next to Erik. Both him and Erik are waiting for Elijah to speak his purpose on coming here.

The place was in silence for a whole five minutes straight; the silence is making Erik crazy. He wants to run away from this place as fast as possible. He knows what has been going inside the Robertson family and it's all thanks to Lannie's blabbering mouth.

'Don't tell me, grandpa Elijah came all the way here to convince Kyle to stop pursuing Anna? God, why must you make things hard for my friend?' Erik said in his mind. Sympathizing Kyle's love life.

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In truth, what Erik is thinking right now is what Elijah is trying to do here. Elijah will tell Kyle what had happened in the past; after letting Kyle know about his painful past, Elijah hopes that his grandson will change his decision on pursuing Anna.

"You want to know what happened between me and Marcus, my dear grandson?" The tone in Elijah's voice is full of seriousness. With that, this made Kyle look at his grandfather full of curiousness vivid in his eyes.

"Please do tell me, grandfather." If Kyle were to know the story behind their hatred for each other, maybe he could understand why the two elders are so against him pursuing Anna.

"Uh... Maybe I go now?" Erik suddenly spoke up. Erik got this feeling that he should not be here listening to a very not happy story. Though, he is quite interested to know what happened in the past since it's quite a controversy between two powerful families.

"No, I want you to stay and hear the story too," Elijah said to Erik.

After hearing that from Elijah, Erik sat back down. Erik smirked inwardly, even though Elijah won't tell him the reason why he is allowed to listen to such painful past. Erik does know that his grandpa Elijah is using him to convince Kyle to stop pursuing Anna after hearing the story.

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Unfortunately for Elijah, no matter what kind of content his story has, Erik won't help him convince Kyle to stop pursuing Anna because he has no right to do that. Besides, if Anna is the type of girl who would push herself to a guy, then Erik will try to convince Kyle to stop pursuing Anna. It's a good thing that Anna is not 'that' type of woman. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.


After hearing his grandfather's painful past, Kyle felt even more enraged than the encounter between him and his grandfather back at the Robertson residence.

"You two are unbelievable," Kyle said with a hint of irritation in his voice.

The two elders went on holding a grudge on each other without confirming what's the real story behind the death of his grandfather's sister and Marcus' brother. 'Their pride? It is exactly the reason why they did not even bother to find the real truth!'

Hearing what Kyle just said, Erik nodded in agreement. He also thinks that it's very unreasonable for the two elders to hold a grudge against each other without knowing the whole truth.

"What did you just said? Unbelievable? What makes you think that?" Elijah is now enraged at the reaction his grandson has shown him.

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