REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 159

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"What did you just said? Unbelievable? What makes you think that?" Elijah is now enraged at the reaction his grandson has shown him.

Elijah expected a different reaction from Kyle and Erik. That reaction of theirs is not what he wanted to see.

"Grandfather with due all respect, I now know that you have a painful past with the Colemans but don't you think that knowing the real truth about their death is the most reasonable thing to do?" Is his grandfather not using his smart mind? His grandfather is like a dumb person because of his anger.

One of the things that his grandfather often tell him is, 'Do not let your own emotion get the best of you.' Kyle always bears that sentence on his mind. But right now, Kyle is disappointed at his grandfather; Elijah is doing the opposite of what he taught Kyle.

Elijah knows what his grandson just said to him is right. But he doesn't want to admit it. After a long time of holding a grudge on Marcus and Marcus' brother, he doesn't want to admit that he wants to find the real story behind his sister's death.

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"Grandpa, why are you putting your pride first before wanting to find the real truth?" Erik asked out of curiosity. Erik couldn't understand why some elders like to put their pride first. They should do the right thing first more than anything because if they don't, it will only cause so much problem, like what's happening now. Kyle can't freely make his moves to court Anna without the eyes of the two elders. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Hearing that response from Erik, Elijah glared at him, that made Erik shuts his mouth tightly. 'I thought we're free to speak our mind.'

"Kyle, you are a smart fella since you were a kid. By now, you should know what's my purpose of telling you of my past." Elijah spoke seriously.

"Grandfather, I do know what you are trying to do here, but unfortunately, I'm not stupid enough to go along with what you and Marcus Coleman want." Hearing what Kyle just said to his grandfather, Erik felt his sweat is falling from his forehead. 'A huge storm is coming!'

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What Erik is witnessing right now is the first time in his life. Kyle talking back to his grandfather is the first time Erik has ever seen and heard. He knows this because Elijah has always been the person that Kyle looked up to and for sure, Kyle is very disappointed at Elijah at this very moment.

"Are you seriously gonna disobey your elder?" Elijah is infuriated at the attitude his grandson is showing him. Also, deep inside, his heart is aching that his obedient grandson is turning against him just because of one young woman.

"I don't want to disobey you, grandfather, but you left me with no other choice." Kyle stared at his grandfather before continuing, "You said that you and Marcus Coleman have agreed not to involve us children to this matter and yet, look at what you both are doing right now." Kyle wants his grandfather to see that all the words he has been spewing out since the day he had arrived are all lies according to his actions.

They said what happened to them has nothing to do with him and Anna. But why is that they are getting in the way? Has logic had gone down as they

Elijah scoffed, "We did say that. But let me ask you this, Kyle, do you think that Anna Coleman likes you the same way you like her?" Elijah's question is like a sharp spear that struck Kyle's heart. Kyle knows that Anna doesn't feel the same way, but that doesn't mean that there is no chance for him to change that.

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That question made Erik snickered. He knows that that question is like a big blow in Kyle. He always wanted to ask that same question whenever he sees Kyle, but he doesn't have the guts to ask.

Kyle glared at Erik, This friend of his sure is such a great supporter. Instead of laughing at his current place in Anna's heart; why can't Erik say something that will enlighten his mood for once?

That glare Kyle is giving to Erik is made Erik felt shivers down to his very spine. Erik shuts his mouth and suppresses everything that could make Kyle angry.

"That's my problem to face, not yours, grandfather." Kyle firmly said to his grandfather. Whether Anna likes him back or not is his problem to have. Besides he thinks that all his efforts will not go to waste.

Elijah let out a 'hmph' and decided to leave. 'Stubborn as its father.' Just like back then when Stan was in the same state as Kyle. When Stan first met Layla, Stan was immediately interested in her. He pestered Layla nonstop to the point of wanting to kill him.

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In the end, all the efforts of his son had gone well. But in Kyle's situation? Elijah is not so sure that it would end up the same way as his son.

Elijah wants the best for his grandson, but he can't see himself accepting the fact that the girl his grandson likes is Marcus Coleman's granddaughter.


After Elijah left, Erik can finally relax, " Dude! If you keep talking back to your grandfather, you might get kick out of your family!" Though the chance of that happening might be small as long as there is a percent in it, there's a possibility it might happen.

"So what?" Kyle raised an eyebrow at Erik, "With my genius mind and skills, I can always work myself up."

Erik looks at Kyle with a disbelief look on his face . 'How narcissistic can you get, Kyle?' Erik has been wondering for a while now, how on earth did he and Kyle have come this far?

Kyle is a person who is cold to everyone, well, except for his family and Anna. While on the other hand, Erik is a person who likes to associate with different kinds of people. Erik and Kyle are two different people wondered, how did Kyle and Erik become friends.

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