REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 160

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"Why did you chose this place for me to stay?"

When Leon heard that question, a mysterious teasing smile appeared on his handsome face. The place his boss is temporarily staying at, he picked it on purpose. "You don't like it, boss?" Leon asked. Leon look around the place, the design and everything is his boss' style. In other words, this place is perfect for his boss.

"I do like it. But this place is giving me a feeling that it's hard for me to describe." He likes that room, it is his taste, but for some reason, the place is giving him the feeling that has not felt for a very long time; the feeling of wanting to kill someone. Is it just his imagination that he is feeling this way? Or has it been a long since the last time he had done such a thing?

"Oh? The great Arion Coleman is having a hard time explaining things?" Leon said in a teasing tone.

"Leon, if I were you, I would shut my mouth before something bad happens," Arion said in a warning tone. Sometimes Arion asks himself why did he recruit Leon in the first place. From what he observed from Leon, all he does is to fool around and get on his nerves. So, how did Leon become the best out of the people he recruited?

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If Leon knows what Arion is thinking right now, he will show Arion all the mission that he has completed. The result of those missions is proof that he is the best out of all Arion's men.

"Too bad boss, you are not me." Before Leon could even regret what he just said, Arion smacked him in the head.

"You punk! Don't you have any respect for your elders?!" Arion is beginning to suspect himself, has he, Arion Coleman, has lost his touch to control such person like Leon? People who he has encountered feared him. They dare not to talk back to him like what Leon just did.

There are only a few people who are allowed to talk to him like that, and Leon is not one of those few people. 'I guess I have been too soft on him lately.'

Arion took out his phone and called someone, "Cut all Leon's credit cards and give the most appropriate punishment for going against my orders." As Arion was saying that he looked at Leon with a smirk plastered on his face and Leon looks at him in horror.

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Leon doesn't care what kind of punishment will he get for going against Arion. But cutting all of his money along the way is out of the question. What he feared the most other than Arion's angry mood is if his money were cut off.

Leon falls on his knees and hugs Arion's leg, "Oh, Great One! Please forgive this peasant! I did not mean to act so boldly in front of you!" Arion is starting to get gross-out of Leon's whining like a baby.

"Get your hands off me, you punk!" Arion tried to shake Leon off his leg, but no matter what, Leon is not letting go of him.

"I'm not gonna let you go, boss! Until you forgive me, I will never let you go!" Arion already expected for Leon to react if his credit card would be cut off. But he did not expect Leon to lower himself like this.

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"Where are we going again?" Erik asks as he was yawning. He stayed over at Kyle's place, and he is still sleepy. Kyle kicked him out of the bed just because they are going somewhere.

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"We're going to see my uncle Alfonso, orders from my mom," Though Kyle doesn't want to go see his uncle Alfonso, he still has to go and see him or else, his mother would go after him for not following her orders.

"What? Why am I accompanying you then? He is your uncle, not mine!" Erik doesn't understand why he should accompany Kyle to see Alfonso. He should be sleeping right now, not having a hard time.

"We both know why mom wants me to go there. My uncle wants to have new inspiration for his clothing set, and this season of the year is a supreme goal of every designer in the world. Which means us going there will be quite a hell of an experience." Whenever Alfonso wants to design a new set of clothing, it's always the Robertson family who have to suffer for him to get new ideas.

Unfortunately, this time it's only Kyle, well, including Erik. Kyle's parents and sister found a way to excuse themselves from Alfonso's grasps. Kyle is the only person who couldn't find an excuse, so here he is dragging Erik to hell.

"Hey! That did not answer my question! Why am I going with you?!" Erik already has a guess why Kyle is making him go too. But he hopes that is not the case. 'I don't want to be in that hell.' Erik said in his mind.

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Kyle stops on his track, "Friend, isn't so obvious?" Kyle said with a devilishly smirk plastered on his God-like face. Erik smiles back at Kyle, but that smile of his gave away the angry expression he has on his face

Kyle and Erik were about to continue their tracks, but they didn't when they heard someone whining very loudly. Out of curiosity, Kyle and Erik peeked on the door beside them; the door was wide open.

Erik and Kyle saw two people inside: An adult and a young teenager. The adult was standing, struggling to get off the young teenager who is hugging his leg. The young teenager who was hugging the adult's leg is whining like a baby. Just like the adult, Kyle is irritated to hear that whining of his.


Noticing that someone was staring at them, Arion looks at the direction of the door. Arion saw Kyle and Erik staring at him and Leon. He stood still and stared at the two people outside. Suddenly, his blood is boiling in rage. 'Seriously? The first person that I saw after coming back to this country is him?! What kind of a twisted joke is this?!'

Sensing that his boss had stopped struggling, Leon looks at the direction where his boss is staring at; when he saw the two people outside, he was shocked to the point he wanted to laugh. But he didn't laugh; afraid that his boss will get angrier.

'Goodness, I didn't expect them to see each other this soon.'

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