REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 161

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Leon is quite relieved that his boss is wearing a fake face to hid his true identity or else his boss might get recognized by Kyle. Since his boss' real face is somewhat similar to someone he knows, it might bring trouble for his boss, and Leon won't be able to watch the whole drama unfold.

Kyle, on the other hand, looks at the man who is standing still staring back at him. 'He looks so familiar.' Kyle said in his mind. Digging up his memories, Kyle then remembers what had happened in the mall almost four months ago. The man who told him to give Anna what speaks out for her the most; and it was that simple neckless that fits her perfectly.

"Oh! Hello, neighbors! Sorry about the unsightly sight you just saw." Leon said as he awkwardly walks toward Erik and Kyle. In truth, Leon is not a bit embarrassed that Erik and Kyle saw him kneeling and whining like a child to in front of his boss. But for Erik and Kyle to not look at him weirdly, he has to act like he was embarrassed.

"Haha. It's alright." Erik doesn't know what else to say. Even though it is quite a sight and very funny to watch, he can't laugh at the young man in front of him because the young man in front of him looks so embarrassed.

"Mister it's you again." Kyle suddenly spoked. Leon was quite surprised when he heard Kyle said that. 'They know each other? How?'

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Leon glances at his boss, waiting for his boss to reply to Kyle. 'Did boss already revealed his true identity to Kyle?' , 'Is there even a show for me to watch?' those are the question running in Leon's mind.

"Yes, it is me again. I'm quite surprised to see you here." Arion now understands the feeling he had earlier. It is because Kyle lives next door to him. Knowing Leon, Arion is sure that Leon did this on purpose. 'Hoho. I'll make sure that when these two punks leave I am going to give you the best punishment ever, Leon.'

Suddenly, Leon felt chill to his very core. He knows where that chill came from and he can't help but pray to the Gods above. 'God, please, please, please, hear my prayers.' Leon pray that the punishment that he will receive later will not be that severe, or else, he might die for real this time.

"You know him, dad?" When Arion heard that from Leon, he glared at him. Leon sure is getting bolder and bolder. The look on Arion's face as if it's saying that, 'I don't have an ugly son like you.'

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Leon was slightly offended when he saw the face Arion is making. But he immediately shrugged it off and put on an expression saying, 'You don't have a choice boss. We have to do this or else they will suspect us.' Portraying like a family with his boss is not part of Leon's original plan. But adding a little bit of spice is not such a bad thing, no?

Arion put a hand on Leon's shoulder and then said, "We don't know each other by names, son." The grip Arion has on Leon's shoulder is too tight that it is making Leon winces in pain. Leon is trying his very best to not show the pain in his face in front of Erik and Kyle.

"Oh, my bad. My name is Kyle, and I would like to thank you for helping me the other day." If it weren't for this man in front of him, he wouldn't have been able to buy such a beautiful necklace suited for Anna.

"The other day? What do you mean 'the other day' ?" Erik asked in curiosity. This man in front of him is giving him a vibe of superiority. He has no clue who is this man is, but he can't help but admire such a stranger.

"The day when I bought that necklace for Anna."

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Hearing that response from Kyle, the fake smile on Arion's face suddenly froze. "You bought a necklace for a girl named Anna?" Somehow, Kyle could feel that there's a hint of irritation in Arion's voice, but shrugged it off, 'Maybe it's just my imagination.'

"Yes. If you did not talk to me that day, I might have bought something ridiculous for Anna. She might hate me if I did so." On the day Kyle realized his feelings towards Anna, he was very thankful to this man in front of him. In Kyle's point of view, this man helped him a lot on realizing his true feelings for Anna.

"Then, you must thank me by introducing this Anna girl to me." Arion kept his fake smile on as he said this. While Leon, on the other hand, was having a crisis of his own; he wanted to laugh out loud, but he can't, he is afraid that he will only make Arion angrier than before. It is such torture for him.

"Yes, when the time comes, I will introduce her to you. Um, what is your name?"

"Ron. Call me Ron,"

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"Well, I have someplace to go right now. I'll see you later, Ron." After saying that, Kyle and Erik finally left.

Arion slammed the door shut and face Leon with a super angry expression plastered on his face. "If I had known that the girl he was talking about was Anna, then, I wouldn't have said those encouraging words to him!"  If Arion had any idea that Kyle was talking about Anna, then, he should have let Anna hate Kyle.

"Boss, don't glare at me like that. It was not me who help Kyle pick out a gift for Anna. It was you who helped out Kyle, don't put the blame on me, boss." Leon refuted. Leon knows that his position right now is not so great, but letting Arion glare at him like that is something he can't let go. He doesn't like it when someone blames him for something he did not do; it is better to answer back than to let someone blame you.

Arion ignored what Leon just said and gave him another order, "Don't let Kyle anywhere near my daughter or else I'll add another punishment for you."

At first, Leon wanted to say that he doesn't want to follow that order, but seeing that serious face on his boss, he can't help but reluctantly agrees to it.

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