REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 162

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"Did you know that Juan's parents somewhat have a connection to your grandfather?" Nathalia said as she keeps fiddling in her laptop.

Currently, Anna is at Nathalia's room, relaxing since their school ended early today. Both Anna and Nathalia decided to do a thorough background check on Juan. At first, Anna doesn't want to learn more about Juan, but after so much thought, she decided to ask Nathalia since Nathalia is so much better using the computer than her.

"Really? How?" Anna asked in surprised. She has never known this in her past life. 'Did grandpa know about this? Is this why grandpa took Juan in?' Anna asked herself. If that was the reason, then maybe her grandfather took Juan in because of the feeling of guilt?

'What happened between Juan's parents and my grandfather?' If somehow Juan knows the connection between his parents and Marcus, is that why he is plotting towards Anna's family?

"Well, Juan's family is working for your grandfather in a very different business. You know the underworld thing." With the involvement of Juan in Anna's life, Nathalia doesn't want to hear or even mention his name; it is only making her blood boil. 'He is such a two-faced scumbag person!' But after learning the mysterious connection between Juan's parents and Anna's grandfather is making Nathalia curious and can't help but to learn more about their relationship.

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"That's... very intriguing." The people who work for the Colemans in the underworld are very loyal. So, how is it that Juan bears a grudge against her family? What is Juan's real reason? "Where are Juan's parents?" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

If she were to ask them, then she might find Juan's real motive. All she needs is for Nathalia to find them.

"Here's the thing, Juan's parents are dead, and before you ask, I can't hack in for the information of their deaths. Even though the codes and everything is old fashion, I'm still not skillful enough like my dad." Earlier before Anna asked her where Juan's parents are at, she already tried to find them. But there was a virus, and if she tried to push her way in to get the information that she wants, she can't risk the consequence. For more reason, she doesn't want to risk it is because her father will scold her for not thinking things through.

"I know no one in the organization who uses 'old fashion' ways of hacking. Besides the only people I know who use hacking skills are my mother and your father." Though it is old fashion, the more Anna looks at it, the more it looks very familiar to her. "Why do these codes look very similar to your father's usual hardcore codes," Anna asked.

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Nathalia grunted and said, "Because in some ways it is similar to my father's," After Nathalia said this, Anna looked at her with questionable eyes. Wanting to know if she Nathalia knows something. "My grandfather."

"Your grandfather? I didn't know that your grandfather works for my grandfather." For the past month of memorizing every top member of the organization during her grandfather's days, Anna did not read nor heard any name that connects to the Vendallin family.

"Yeah, I just know of it just recently." After saying that there was a flash of coldness and bitterness in Nathalia's eyes. It made Anna curious. Nathalia talks a lot of things about her life, but Anna never heard Nathalia mentioning her grandfather. Is there any reason for it?

"Anyways, let's ask your grandfather about Juan's parents. The more we found out about Juan's parent, the faster we can come up with a conclusion to get rid of my engagement with Juan." Right now, Anna wants to prioritize her engagement with Juan, because as time goes on, her grandfather's life is decreasing. She got no time to spare to try and fix whatever is happening between Nathalia and her grandfather; she wants answers, and she wants it fast.

Nathalia looks at Anna and observes her, after seeing the determination in Anna's face Nathalia sighed and said, "Fine. Even though I don't want to get near my grandfather, I will help you in any way I can."

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"But before we ask him, I have to talk to my grandfather first." Anna wants to ask Marcus if he knows anything about Juan's past, his parents, and everything else. To get the answers that she wants without Marcus questioning her, she will have to act like she is interested in Juan.

In the past, she acted like that, and she thinks that she will handle things well in this second life of hers. Acting shy and interested in Juan will be a no biggie for her. She only hopes that no one will get in her way of getting the answers she wants.

"Sure, go ahead. You should take your time my grandfather can wait. There is no need to hurry."

Anna squinted her eyes on her and said, "Tell me, what's wrong between you and your grandfather?" Though Anna already decided that she doesn't want to fix other people's problem, but she is quite curious about what happened between Nathalia and her grandfather.

"Nothing happened between my grandfather and me," Nathalia said full if coldness in her voice.

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"Really? But the tone on your voice says so otherwise."

"Really, in fact, he dotes on me a lot." Nathalia grunted, "It's just that, grandfather is giving my father a hard time. Looking down at my father as if my father is useless. You know that I think of my father as my hero, and I can't bear anybody looking at my father like that. It's making me angry."

Leonardo Vendallin is the smartest man Nathalia has ever known. For Nathalia, Leonardo Vendallin is the best father in the world, and she hopes that in her next life that her father will be the same person. She had studied hard to be on the same floor as her father, to be able to hear her father's praises; but there is one thing that Nathalia can never understand, why is her grandfather is so hard on her father? Aren't they father and son? Why is it that her grandfather looks down on her father so much? That is just too cruel.

"Heh. I can never understand what you are feeling right now. But at the very least, you have your father is right beside you, and your grandfather is not forcing you in a marriage with a two-faced scumbag. So what I'm trying to say is, you're luckier than me, so don't give that kind of look." Anna said in a matter of fact tone. It's not like Anna hates the face Nathalia is making right now, but hearing the talks about father and all other stuff related to that is making her feel somewhat sad.

She never really got to experience having a father right by her side. That is why she thinks Nathalia is luckier than her.

" Do you have to ruin my moment?" Nathalia asked with a scoff in the end.

"That moment you are talking about doesn't suit you at all, so yeah, I have to ruin it," Anna said with a smile on her face.

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