REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 163

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"Grandfather." Anna sweetly called out her grandfather, who is currently reading a book on the sofa.

Marcus looked up to Anna and suspiciously stare at her. Anna has never called out to him in a sweet tone of voice ever since he announced to her that she is to wed Juan. For his granddaughter to call out for him like that must mean that she needed something from him.

"What is it that you want, Anna?" Marcus dotes on his granddaughter, but his way of doting her is what you call tough. If he isn't tough on her, she might turn out to be unable to fight back for herself, and other people will take advantage of that.

"Grandfather, just because I'm calling you out that doesn't mean that I need something." Though Anna indeed needs something from her grandfather, she is not going to tell her grandfather that.

"Don't think that you can fool me," Marcus said in a stern tone of voice.

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"Grandfather, look at me, do I look like I need something from you? Is it wrong for me to spend some time with my grandfather?" Anna tried her best to look like she doesn't need anything from her grandfather. How is that her grandfather is so keen at a time like this when he can't even clearly see that Juan has an ulterior motive towards their family? 'Grandfather, do you favor Juan that much to the point you can't even clearly see a person's true color?' Anna shook her head in disappointment; she can't believe that her grandfather trusts Juan so much.

Marcus observes Anna for a whole minute and then sighed. Anna seemed so sincere, and he can't help but feel a bit guilty that he suspected his granddaughter. Marcus gestured Anna to sit down, and Anna, on the other hand, felt relieved and was praising herself for not exposing herself.

Anna and Marcus talked and talked until somebody passes by the living room. It was Juan passing by, Anna smirked and purposely volumed up her voice, "Grandfather, can you tell me more about Juan?"

Juan halted when he heard Anna uttered his name. It rare for Anna to call his name, and whenever she does calls his name, it's full of hatred. 'What is she up to?'

In the corner of Anna's eyes, she saw Juan leaning behind the wall. Good thing Marcus' back is facing the wall or else, he could immediately notice that Juan is eavesdropping on them.

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"You're asking about Juan? Why?" Marcus suspiciously asks Anna. For the first time, Anna was the one who started to talk about Juan. 'Quite unusual.'

"Grandfather, why are you asking me like that? You make it sound like I'm suspicious." Anna put on a face as if her feelings are hurt, "Am I not allowed to ask you about Juan?" Anna is so thankful for Rebecca right now; if it weren't for Rebecca putting an act in front of her all this time, she couldn't have pulled off such act in front of her grandfather. 'You might be the person I hated the most Rebecca, but your existence did some good in me in some ways.'

"No. I did not mean it like that Anna," Marcus did not mean to suspect Anna, but Anna wanting to know more about Juan is just too sudden for Marcus. "What I mean is... why now? Why are you asking that now?"

Did something happen that his granddaughter suddenly asked about Juan? Is Kyle the reason why Anna asking about Juan? 'To know more about your rival?' Marcus said in his mind.

If by any chance that Kyle learns that Marcus thinks that Kyle recognizes Juan as his rival, Kyle will feel insulted. Maybe Kyle might be overconfident, but Kyle thinks that Juan is way below him. Juan is just a side character that no will able to notice if he is gone. In a short version? Juan is not a threat or whatsoever in any of Kyle's plans.

"I have been thinking grandpa since you picked Juan for me, I... I said to myself: why not give him a chance." Anna sounded so shy that in Marcus' point of view, it looks so persuasive, while the person listening behind the wall can't help but scoff at Anna's act. 'What are you trying to achieve here, Anna?' Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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"Is that so?" Marcus smiled faintly, "If you want to know more about Juan, you should ask the person himself. It's better that way." Though Marcus would be happy to tell all about Juan to his granddaughter, he still thinks that Juan is more suited for that job. That way, the gap between Juan and Anna will close.

"I don't want to, grandpa." Anna said shyly, but what she wants to say is: 'What? You want me to get near that scumbag? No thank you, grandpa.'

"Why is that?"

"Grandpa, as I said earlier, I want to spend some time with you, yet, you are pushing me away?" No matter what, Anna will do whatever is necessary to get the answers that she needed. She needs to know if her grandfather knows Juan that well, Juan's parents and other kinds of stuff that will be useful for her in the future.

"Fine." Marcus sighed and told Anna what he knows about Juan.

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Marcus told Anna that according to Juan, Juan's parents died in a fire. His parents died in a fire? Anna did not believe that; if his parents died in a fire, why is it that Juan's parents' death info is restricted to know? Does Marcus even know that one of the top members on the organization restricted the information about Juan's parents' death?

Anna is guessing that there is more to the story since the former head of the organization doesn't have any clue about the restricted information.

As Anna is in deep in her thoughts, her phone suddenly vibrated. She takes a look at it; she saw Nathalia's message, saying, 'Good news! My grandfather is here at home. You should come here before he leaves.'

Anna stood up and said to her grandfather, "Grandpa, I have to go to Nathalia's place, we have a project to finish." Marcus nodded in acknowledgment; Anna kisses her grandfather's cheek before leaving the living room.

When Anna left the living room, she saw Juan still leaning on the wall. "You know, it's rude to eavesdrop on people, don't you think?" Anna said to Juan.

"It's hard not eavesdrop when you guys are talking about me," Juan said with a smile on his face. But any observant person could see clearly that that smile on his face is fake.

"You can smile all you want, Juan. But I can assure you that I will find out what your real motives are. And after that, I will expose it to my grandfather." After saying that, Anna left without giving Juan a chance to speak.

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