REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 164

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"You can smile all you want, Juan. But I can assure you that I will find out what your real motives are. And after that, I will expose it to my grandfather." After saying that, Anna left without giving Juan a chance to speak.

Juan's face turns gloomy as he watches the disappearing figure of Anna. His hands turn into a fist; he is shaking in anger. Anna is testing him, 'You think by saying that to me will make me feel threatened? Well, you got it all wrong, princess.'

Even if Juan thinks that way, he still feels threatened. Every Coleman is cunning in different ways, and he knows for sure that Anna knows something. The only thing he couldn't figure out is what does Anna knows that could negatively affect him.


"Nathalia, is there something you want to say?" Nathalia's grandfather spoke when he noticed that Nathalia keep glancing at him.

"Well... my friend and I have a question for you, grandfather." Even though her grandfather does dote on her, her grandfather is strict on her on some point.

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"A friend? The only people I know who are friends with you is Zack and Josh. I trust those two, so tell me, who is this new friend of yours? Is this friend can be trusted, unlike your last friend?" Nathalia's grandfather can still vividly remember what had happened between his granddaughter and that so-called friend. He almost lost his granddaughter because of that friend.

Mentioning that 'friend' is only making Nathalia's blood boil in anger. Nathalia subconsciously touches the back of her left shoulder; it has been a year since that event, and Nathalia could still feel the pain.

"You don't have to worry about my new friend, grandfather. She's a Coleman after all." Nathalia's grandfather paused for a moment and stared at his granddaughter. He supposed that it's not unexpected for his granddaughter to know one of the Colemans since the Vendallin family and Coleman family have known each other for two generations.

"Hmm... which Coleman are you referring to?"

"Anna Coleman."

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"The heiress... so, what is it that you guys want to ask of me?" For a Coleman to come and ask him something must be a serious matter. He admits that he is quite curious what his granddaughter and his old friend's granddaughter wants to ask from him.

"Technically, it's Anna who wants to ask you a question." She doesn't know what's the exact question does Anna has for her grandfather. But the only thing that Nathalia knows is that Anna's business with her grandfather is related is to Juan. "...and you don't have to wait much longer because my dear friend is almost here."

"No need to fret, Nathalia. I have the patience for a young lad who is from that family."


After minutes of waiting, Anna finally arrived at Nathalia's place. The person who welcomed her in is Nathalia. "Thank God you're here."

"Why do you sound so relieved to see me?" Anna asked.

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"Of course, I am relieved to see you, because my grandfather is the type of person who does not have patience in anything." Even though her grandfather did say that he is willing to wait, that is not enough for Nathalia calm. Her grandfather's personality is way different from anybody who she met.

"Then, let's go see your grandfather right now." In honesty, this is the first time Anna will be able to meet one of the elders in the organization, and she is quite nervous. She doesn't know how to act when she is in front of Nathalia's grandfather. But thinking and worrying about it now won't help her so, 'Goodluck me! You can do it!'

When Anna and Nathalia entered the room where Nathalia's grandfather is at, they saw that he was leisurely sipping his tea. There was no sign of impatience, but Nathalia doesn't believe that. She believes that her grandfather is only faking it.

"Grandfather, this is my friend that I was talking about earlier," Nathalia said as she gestured Anna to sit down in front of her grandfather.

Nathalia's grandfather looks up and observes Anna. Somehow, the longer he stares at Anna, the more Nathalia's grandfather felt that Anna is way different from any Colemans that he had met.

"Hmmm... Anna Coleman, is that right?" He said, and Anna nodded, "Then, child, get straight to the point. You don't want to waste any more of your time, right?"

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When Anna heard that she smirked, "As expected from someone who worked alongside with my grandfather. You don't like to go around the bush, huh." What Nathalia's grandfather just said is right; Anna doesn't want to waste any more time.

"Say any question you have for me, Coleman."

"I want to know more about Juan's parents. Can you please give me some info about them?" Nathalia's grandfather paused for a moment then stared at Anna as if he is contemplating on something.

Nathalia who noticed that look on her grandfather's face is now feeling nervous. Though Anna has the title of being the heiress of the Coleman family, everyone who is close to the Coleman family knows that she is not the one who will inherit both the underground business and the Coleman Corporation. Everything will go all to the firstborn son, Aaron Coleman. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

So there is a possibility that her grandfather might do something on Anna because she is not the one will inherit everything. For her grandfather, it doesn't matter who it is as long as it is not the actual heir.

"Juan's parents?" Nathalia's grandfather confusedly looks at Anna, "Dear child, how can I answer your question when I don't even know who is this person named Juan."

The way Nathalia's grandfather spouting those words were very sincere. But Anna doesn't believe that he doesn't know Juan; there is a possibility that Nathalia's grandfather is only faking it. "Elder, I think that you are not the type of person who would joke-"

Before Anna could even finish her words, the person in front of her cut her off. "As you said, I'm not that type of person. So, what makes you think that I'm kidding?" Nathalia's grandfather said seriously.

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