REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 165

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"As you said, I'm not that type of person. So, what makes you think that I'm kidding?"

Anna was left silent after hearing that from Nathalia's grandfather. Anna was slightly panicking on the inside. She wants answers, and she wants it now. But how can she get her answers when this elder in front of her is not providing her any?

"Anna, my grandfather met a lot of people in his life. Grandfather, may not have remembered Juan's parents." Nathalia said as she tries to console Anna. Nathalia knows how much Anna wanted to get rid of Juan, and she thinks that Anna is dejected when her grandfather can't even provide her an answer.

"That reasoning is also possible. There is no guaranteeing that I can remember all those people that I had met."

"That is possible, but when we were looking things through, we found out that you are the one who restricted the information about Juan's parents." Anna said seriously, "So, in my opinion, you know what I'm talking about."

This may sound rude for him, but Anna is so sure that Nathalia's grandfather knows what she is talking about.

"Restricted?" Nathalia's grandfather confusedly said. He did restrict a lot of files that are important to the organization and it can only be counted by fingers. If what Anna is saying is the truth then, he should be able to remember who is this Juan they are talking about.

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After hearing what Anna had just said, Nathalia is also thinking the same thing as her grandfather. When she was going through the files in the organization, there's was only a few files that can be counted by fingers. Even though her grandfather is old, his memory is quite remarkable. Anna's question should be answered right away.

As Nathalia was deep in her thoughts, her grandfather suddenly calls her out, "Nathalia, show me the file that you were trying to get in." He said.

Nathalia immediately complied to her grandfather's order, she went to her room and gets her laptop.

After a while, Nathalia showed to her grandfather the exact file that they were talking about. When her grandfather was looking at the file itself, Nathalia doesn't have any idea what exactly running in her grandfather's mind.

"This kid goes by Juan now eh?" Am


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[Years Ago]

"This place is a mess! Can you please tell me again what on earth am I doing here?!" The man in a black suit yelled at the person connected to his phone.

"Nathaniel, I sent you there to investigate what happened over there. You're the only person I can trust to keep the information that two of our people got from that hideous place." The person over the phone said in a calm tone. "If one of the top members of our organization got to know about this information, they will surely go against us. And we can't afford that to happen."

Nathaniel looks at the two bloodied body and sighed, "Marcus, the people you were talking about is dead. I'm sure that the information that they got is already gone." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"You're wrong, Nathaniel. They have succeeded in their mission. They got the information that we wanted, and they encrypted it. I just want you to find it and go back here. If there is anything else that is not included in my orders, fix it. You don't have to tell me." Nathaniel wanted to complain, but Marcus hangs up on him before he could even say a single word.

"Tsk! So bossy! I just hope that Aaron won't be as bossy as his father when he takes over the organization." Nathaniel grumbled on his breath.

"Master Vendallin!" One of the subordinates called out Nathaniel. Nathaniel looks at him; he seems like he has an urgent matter on his hands.

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"What is it?" Nathaniel coldly asked.

"There's an unconscious child inside a closet." Nathaniel's eyes squinted when he heard that. Nathaniel gestured the man to lead the way; as he got nearer he saw a child, the child was indeed inside the closet.

Nathaniel glared at the man who reported about the child. "Are you an idiot?! Why didn't you help this child out of this closet first before reporting to me?!"  Nathaniel hates people who won't do the most obvious thing first. 

Hearing the angry tone from Nathaniel, the subordinate immediately did what he was supposed to do in the first place.

Nathaniel looks around the place, and as he does that his eyes suddenly spotted a picture of a family of three. The unconscious little boy was in the picture and so is the two dead bodies on the floor. 'I can't believe this... this boy just witnessed something he shouldn't have.'

Nathaniel felt sorry for the boy. He did not expect that these two people who work for the organization are a married couple with a child. They know how dangerous the mission is, but they still went on and got their hands on the information for the organization. Because of their loyalty towards the Colemans, the child that they have is now an orphan.

"What's the boy's name?" Nathaniel asked.

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"Matteo Crux, he is the only child. No relatives or whatsoever..." Said one of the subordinate, "Should I file a report to the headmaster?"

Nathaniel shook his head in disapproval, and said, "No. There is no need for Marcus to know any of this." Marcus did say that whatever happens here that is not included in his order is for him to fix. So, the matter with the boy is for Nathaniel to fix. Nathaniel sighed inwardly, 'I did not sign up for this.'

"Then, what should we do about the child, master Vendallin?"

"We're gonna put his parents in a proper burial, let the boy attend if he wants to. And after that, send the boy in an orphanage. That's the best thing we could for him." Because of the boy's parents loyalty, his parents have become one of the victims of the organization's enemy. 



"Does anything in that file rings any bell to you, elder Nathaniel?" Anna asked. Nathalia's grandfather has been quiet for five minutes straight, and she couldn't help herself but be curious if he remembers anything.

"Ah, yes. This file is one of the most important ones in the organization. I can still vividly remember everything." Nathaniel faintly smiles at the two young girls in front of him. "I guess I can answer all of your questions now."

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