REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 167

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Marcus raises an eyebrow at him, "My side of the story?" Marcus has an idea what this young man in front of him is talking about, 'That damned old man!'

"Yes. Your side of the story, and I'm pretty sure that you know what I'm talking about here."

"You're quite clever, but does your grandfather knows that you are here?" Though this young lad's grandfather is annoying, Marcus is starting to like this young lad. He has not seen anyone like him in a while; so daring and very confident. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"This may sound rude, but do you think that my grandfather will allow me to come here if he had known that I'm going here?" The young lad said with a faint smile on his face.

"Kye Robertson, if you keep acting like this you will eventually anger your grandfather." Even though Marcus is not in a good relationship with Elijah, but that doesn't that he will also hate his descendants. Kyle is a promising young man, and Marcus would like to teach him a thing or two. The only problem is that Elijah won't allow him.

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Between him and Elijah, Elijah is the most prideful one. The difference between him and Elija is that he will put aside his pride if he knows he's the wrong one. And as for Elijah, without strong evidence that he is wrong, he won't put his pride aside.

"Oh? Are you worried about me?" Kyle asks playfully.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, boy. I have not acknowledged you yet." Kyle was surprised to hear that from Marcus, but Kyle did not show it in his face.

Does this mean that Marcus is having second thoughts on having Juan for his granddaughter? Is this a hint that Marcus is considering him a suitable man for Anna? If that is the case, then this is the first big step for Kyle.

"There's a 'yet' in your sentence, elder Coleman. Does that mean you are considering me for Anna instead of your 'favorite' ?"

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Marcus scoffs, "Kyle, I may have plenty of time in my hands since I'm retired from both the organization and the Corporation, but that doesn't you have to wastes my time like this." Marcus purposely avoided Kyle's question. He doesn't want to answer that because saying that his favorite is Juan is somewhat making him rethink that engagement between Anna and Juan.

Even though he is retired from the business industry, Marcus' mind as a businessman is still intact. If Kyle and Anna ended up together, it is going to be very beneficial for both families. As for Juan, he is indeed smart when it comes to business, and he could even build a company of his own. But if Juan were to end up with Anna, nothing would change, the Colemans position in the future will be the same.

Marcus can see that Kyle truly likes Anna, and compare to Juan, Marcus doesn't see the same light as Kyle's. 'Maybe I should postpone the announcement about Anna's engagement until everything is clear.'

"Of course."

After saying that Kyle started to tell Marcus his grandfather's side of the story, and as Marcus was listening, a frown was forming on his face. "Your grandfather sure hates me a lot. But his side of the story and mine are the same." Marcus said truthfully.

"Elder Coleman, at first, I don't want to believe it because you are the one and only Marcus Coleman. You don't let any emotions get pass you when it comes to serious business. But after hearing you say that, you and my grandfather have the same thing in mind, I couldn't help but say that you and my grandfather are too childish."

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Kyle feels ashamed to know that the elders from two powerful families are so unreasonable. They both can get any answers that they want, but they instead chose fear and pride over the truth.

"I know, and I admit that. I too am ashamed of myself." Even if Kyle doesn't show it in his face, Marcus can tell what Kyle is thinking right now. He truly feels ashamed of himself; he chose his fear instead of the truth of his brother's death.

"Elder Coleman, I know you got the feeling that there is more to the story between your brother and my grandfather's sister. If you and grandfather kept ignoring that feeling then, you two should feel more shame." If some people were to come inside the room and hear Kyle said that, they would be shocked by it.

A young man like him who has no experience in the business world is using a sharp tongue towards an expert in the business world. If one to have an experience that they are proud of, then they can use such speaking towards Marcus.

But right now, Marcus doesn't mind it one bit. He is quite glad that someone is gutsy enough to face him like and talk to him like that.

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"If you or my grandfather won't make your move, then I will. My father recently allowed me to use whatever resources I need. And I guess it's time for me to use that privilege." Kyle stood up from his seat, "Well then, I'll be leaving now, Elder Coleman."

Marcus did not say anything and let Kyle leave his study office. 'That kid is truly daring, unlike me.'


When Kyle left Marcus' study office, he saw back of a young woman peeking to the other room not so far away from him. Even it's only the back Kyle can easily recognize who it is. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. It has been a while since the last time he saw her. Oh, how he misses her, he wishes that he could see her every day, but fate is not allowing him as long as his grandfather and her grandfather are in the way.

Kyle quietly walks towards her. When he reaches her, he also peeks at the room she was peeking; there are two people inside the room. It was Anna's brother and an injured woman.

"You know eavesdropping is rude, right?" Kyle suddenly saif from behind.

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