REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 168

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When Anna arrived at the Coleman mansion, she saw a familiar car. But she could not pinpoint who does this car belongs to, 'Some important guest, maybe?'

Anna shook her head; this is not the time for her to figure out who is the owner of the car. She got more important stuff to do; without wasting any more time, Anna quickly got inside the mansion to search for the room where her brother is.

When she reaches the room, her eyes sparkle like stars. The injured woman in front of her brother is the one who helped her a lot in her past life.



Anna had just come out from her grandfather's study office, and as if she was stab, Anna felt a throbbing pain her chest. Her grandfather had once again said some harsh words towards her.

It truly pains her that her grandfather accuses her of doing shameful things that could tarnish the family name. How could he not believe his granddaughter? Ever since she was a little girl, she has always been obedient towards her grandfather. So, why is it that her grandfather believes other people than her?

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As Anna was heading back to her room, she saw a glimpse of her twin brother and an unknown injured woman.

Since she and her brother are not that close to each other, Anna decided to ignore them and continue heading towards her room.

The next day comes, and the whole family is having their breakfast together, the injured woman that she saw yesterday is also eating breakfast with them. Just like yesterday, Anna did not pay much attention to her. When the day has come to an end, the injured woman finally went back to her home.

Since the day Aaron brought that woman inside the Coleman mansion, that woman visited the mansion plenty of times. Anna has become curious about her and what is that woman's reason for frequently visiting her home.

Every time that Anna wanted to speak with her, she always sees her with Aaron. Anna is guessing that her brother and that woman has something going on between them, so in the end, Anna held her curiosity back.

Another day has passed by, and Anna is currently reading a book in the garden. She was all alone and is enjoying the fresh air that touches her skin.

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As she was enjoying herself, someone was getting near her. Without any notice, that someone sat in front of her, and said, "Hi!"

Anna was startled by the sudden appearance of someone she has wanted to talk for a while now. "H-hello." She stuttered.

The young woman in front of her giggled, "I'm Lucia!" She introduced herself. Just like Anna, Lucia also wanted to have a conversation with Anna. But Aaron did not allow her to do so, always keeping her away from Anna.


"Oh, you don't have to introduce yourself to me. Your brother already told me your name to me." Lucia said excitedly, interrupting Anna.



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Ever since the start of that conversation of theirs, Anna and Lucia became close. At that time, Anna has a friend other than Rebecca.

Lucia was nothing like Rebecca at all. No matter how much Anna rethinks the events in her past life, Lucia's act in front of Anna is not fake.

Peeking inside the room, neither of them have noticed her presence. But Anna, on the other hand, noticed that there was only silence inside the room. It was more like the two of them are glaring at each other.

As Anna was trying to understand what is happening inside the room, someone suddenly spoke up from behind her. "You know eavesdropping is rude, right?"

Surprised by that sudden voice from behind, Anna shrieked at the top of her lungs.

The two people who are inside of the room were surprised by that loud shriek. Aaron and Lucia look at the direction where that loud shriek came from, they saw Anna put a hand on her chest as she was huffing as if she runs out of breath. Anna was not looking at them; she was looking at the man who sneaks up on her from behind.

Kyle, on the other hand, felt that his eardrums were about to break because of that loud shriek. He saw her glaring at him, 'Why is she glaring at me? Is she angry? If so, then, shouldn't I be the one who has the right to get angry right now?' In Kyle's thinking, he should be the one who is supposed to get angry because his eardrums are hurting from her loud shriek.

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But then again, it was his fault that she shrieked so loudly. He should not have sneaked up on her like that. He doesn't like it when she glares at him like that, though the way she glares at him looks kind of cute. But he still would rather have Anna sweetly gaze at him.

Before Kyle could even say that he is sorry, the voice of Anna's brother interrupted him. "Anna! Good thing that you are here. I would like you to meet a friend of mine."

Though Aaron is reluctant to let his sister meet Lucia, he still needs to because Anna needs to know Lucia's background. If Anna wanted to be fully part of the organization in the future, she needs to know every people who are going to be officially part of it in the future.

Anna looks at the person next to her brother, and she was excited on the inside. Anna was expecting a handshake from Lucia, but what she did not expect is that Lucia's face came closer to her and kissed her on the cheek.

Anna and Kyle were surprised by her sudden action, while Aaron facepalmed himself for what his friend had just done to his sister.

"I'm Lucia. Anna, it is so nice to finally meet you in person," Lucia said in a flirtatious tone. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Anna was so shocked that she did not know how to reply. The Lucia in front of her is so different from the Lucia she had met from her past life. Anna is currently having doubts that this is the same Lucia from her memories.

'Is this really Lucia?'

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