REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 169

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"You are way more beautiful in person, Anna. You truly ignited my heart." Lucia held Anna's hand and pressed her lips. "Your brother is such a selfish person. He wouldn't let me see you in person up until now. How lucky of him to see you every day."

Lucia could still remember the first time she saw Anna's face, even though it's only a picture of her Lucia was already captivated by Anna.



"For how long do we have to wait here?" Lucia asked impatiently. They have been waiting in this damp place a now. 'Why can't we get rid of that criminal directly instead of being stealthy?' Lucia complained in her mind.

Ever since she was partner up with Aaron on a mission, Lucia has been in a bad mood. Right now, Aaron and Lucia are doing the first mission that the organization assigned for them. But Aaron and Lucia felt injustice in this mission of theirs.

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Before they got this mission, they were expecting that they are going to do it alone, but their expectation failed them.

When they got their mission in the headquarters that's the same time they both met each for the first time. Aaron and Lucia already dislike one another at first sight.

Aaron dislikes how Lucia behaves; she acts very boyishly for a pretty girl like her. He likes elegant and sweet girls like his sister. A girl like Lucia is not to his liking because it's hard for him to get along with someone like that.

As for Lucia, she hates a goody-goody looking guys like Aaron. Aaron might be a gentleman in the surface, but behind that surface, there is a personality that she hated the most.

"Stop complaining. If we act rashly now, we will lose our target and fail this mission." No matter how much Aaron hates having a partner right now, he would have to accept it whether he likes it or now.

Though his position as an heir is given to him, it is not entirely secure. He still has to prove that he is the rightful one for the job. As for his reason for proving himself is because he knows that one of the elders in the organization is secretly training someone just in case he is not right for the job. 'Those sneaky bastards. Just wait and see, when the time is right I will surely chase you bastards out of the organization.'

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Of course, Aaron is not gonna let them do what they want. The organization has been under the name of the Colemans for many generations. And he wouldn't let some unknown guy take over their family's hard work.

Lucia frowned at him and secretly said in her mind, 'Who made you the leader here?'

As much as she wanted to express her annoyed feeling in front of Aaron, Lucia has to stop herself from doing that. What Aaron just said is true they will fail their first mission if they act rashly. It would be such an embarrassment for them both if they failed their first ever mission.

As Lucia was bored in waiting, she was looking around the damped place they are in right now and then her eyes landed on the bag Aaron was caring earlier. Seeing that Aaron is busy looking outside for their target, Lucia quietly picks up Aaron's bag and rampage the things inside.

As she was trying to pick some interesting things in his bag, Lucia came across a picture of a beautiful girl who is almost identical to Aaron. It is widely known in the organization that Aaron has a twin sister, so it is easy for Lucia to know that this girl in the picture is his twin not him disguised as a girl.

"She's beautiful." She muttered. Lucia intently stared at the picture afraid that she might forget every single detail in Anna's face. Lucia quickly admits to herself that she is more attracted to the girl version of Aaron. His twins are her type sweet and elegant.

"Hey, what's the name of your sister?" She asked. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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Aaron did not look back at her and only thought that she was only making a conversation with him. "Anna." He simply said.



 Somehow, looking at the person who is holding the hand of the girl he likes makes Kyle's blood boiled in irritation.

'How dare she hold Anna's hand.' Even though the person who is holding Anna's hand is a girl, Kyle wouldn't mind hitting her. This person is bad news for Kyle; he won't let her continue getting close to Anna.

Without any hesitation, Kyle pulled Anna next to him then he hugs her waist with one arm. He glared at Lucia and Lucia couldn't help but glares at him too.

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'Who is this person? How dare him hugs Anna's waist like that?!' Lucia angrily said in her mind.

When Anna was pulled back by Kyle, she could smell his scent. It was the same scent as the perfume that she bought for him last time. 'As expected, this scent suits you. It makes you more charming than ever.'

Feeling the tight hug from her waist, Anna's face became red. Surprise by his sudden action, Anna was flustered and doesn't know what to do in this kind of situation. Between her last and current lifetime, this is the first time that a guy hugs her waist like that.

She can't say that it was a bad feeling, but instead, she felt that she is being protected. It warmed up her heart.

Aaron who saw what just happen couldn't help but hold his laughter back. Aaron could see the jealousy in Kyle's eyes. He can't believe that Kyle would be jealous with some girl like Lucia. But thinking things through, Lucia isn't just any girl. Aaron guesses that Kyle felt threatened by Lucia's sudden action.

'Is it okay for me to enjoy this show?' Aaron asked himself.

"I don't think your action just know is appropriate for your first meeting with Anna, miss... Lucia, is it?" Though Kyle said it like that, Lucia could tell the true meaning behind Kyle's words. 'Who do you think you are touching my girl?' That's what Kyle meant.

Looking at Anna, it seems to her that Anna and that guy are not together. 'Your girl? Bro, you must delusional.' Lucia inwardly snickered at Kyle.

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