REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 171

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In a room where you can only hear papers flipping, Mary was too focus on the paper works that she almost forgot that she told Aaron to call his sister. She only remembered it when she heard her daughter's voice, "Mom, Aaron said you were looking for me."

Mary looks at her daughter then, gestured her to take a seat. Anna complied and waited for her mother to speak.

"I heard that you spoke with one of the elders. Elder Nathaniel is the only person who is close to your grandfather back in the old days, so what did the two of you talk about?" It's too early for Anna to meet one of the elders, even Aaron the heir of the organization has not met one single elder; Mary is not mad, but it is just too surprising that Anna met one while her brother has not.

In truth, Mary kind of want to know what kind of talk did Anna and elder Nathaniel made earlier. It's not easy to make a proper talk with Nathaniel. If you are not intriguing enough, Nathaniel won't even bat an eye on you.

In the past, her husband had a hard time getting Nathaniel's approval for the new project that will benefit the organization. At that time, her husband is still young and still trying to prove himself to the elders; Nathaniel's interest in him is zero.

Not knowing what's her mother's real intention for asking her that, Anna reluctantly answered her mother. "We were talking about Juan."

With her left brow rose up, Mary asks her, "Your fiance? Your conversation with elder Nathaniel is about her fiance? Don't tell me you're starting to have feelings for Juan?"

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"What? No! Geez, mom! How did you get to that conclusion?" Anna felt shivers down to her very spine when she heard her mother asked that. She can't believe that her mother asked that to her. Her mother should know that that is not the case.

"Why wouldn't I get to that conclusion? Your conversation with elder Nathaniel is about Juan out of all people." Mary is now more curious than ever; elder Nathaniel had a conversation with Juan? What did Juan do to catch the elder's attention? 'How curious.'

Not wanting to keep her mother imagining such nonsense in her head, Anna told her mother the whole thing in her conversation with the elder.

As Mary was listening, her mind was in a state of pondering. Elder Nathaniel is not the type of person who would joke or tell lies when it comes to the organization. The couple who had died getting a piece of important information is Juan's parents. 'Is this a coincidence or Juan planned all of this?'

Even though Juan is giving her bad feelings and she doesn't like him for her daughter, Mary wouldn't assume things without concrete evidence. "You hate Juan that much that you would go through such thorough investigation?" Mary said in a teasing tone.

Anna only smiled at her mother as a reply. Hate is not the correct word to describe what Anna feels towards Juan; the word loathe is more accurate to describe what she truly feels about him.

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After her talk with her mother, Anna went straight towards her brother's room.

"What did mom told you?" Aaron asked.

Anna paused for a moment as she was trying to understand her brother's question. When she realized what he is referring to Anna said, "To be more accurate, mom asked me a question." Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"And what is it?"

"She asked me what business did I have with Nathalia's grandfather." Remembering her mother's assumption earlier, Anna felt disgusted all of a sudden. But she immediately shrugged it off.

"Nathalia's grandfather? You mean elder Nathaniel?" Even though he had not met Nathalia's grandfather personally, Aaron has some second-hand knowledge about what kind of a person Nathaniel Vendallin is from his grandfather.

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Anna nodded and told her brother the same sentences she said to their mother.

"You know brother ever since I discovered that Juan is sending Rebecca's father a large sum of money, I keep having this feeling that Juan has someone backing him up." Even if Juan is working under her grandfather, Juan can't give Rebecca's father that a large sum of money every month. Marcus Coleman is not that generous, even if he favors Juan, there is always a limit.

Aaron also has the same thinking as Anna that he immediately agreed, "Your reasoning is possible. If there is then, we need to find out who it is." For some reason, ever since Anna mentioned that Juan might have someone backing him up, Aaron kept having this gloomy feeling just thinking about Juan's backer.

"But there is one thing I don't understand." Anna suddenly said.

"What is it?"

"Juan's parents are so loyal towards the organization, and I don't understand why Juan is going against us."

"I guess that is something we both need to find out." There are only two possibilities that Aaron can think of:

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One, Juan might be angry about the fact that his parents chose loyalty towards the organization over his sake. And since his parents are dead, there is nobody else he could blame for other than the family who runs the organization.

The other possibility is that there must be a misunderstanding that resulted in Juan to go against the Coleman family.

But then again, those two possibilities connects to the Coleman family. Aaron guesses that no matter which possibility it is, Juan would still go against his family.


Meanwhile, at Kyle's side, the family is currently having their dinner. But they can't eat their food peacefully since there is one person who's anger vividly plastered on its face. It was Kyle who keeps stabbing the steak of his plate as if he is imaging a person's face.

"Brother, if you're angry at someone, please don't pour it on the food." Somehow looking at the stabbed steak in her big brother's plate, Lannie felt pity for the stabbed steak.

"Your sister is right, son. If you are angry at someone then, pour it on the person who made you angry, not on the food in front of you." Stan said.

Hearing the comments from his sister and father, Kyle stop stabbing the steak and said, "I wish I could."

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