REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 172

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"I wish I could."

Kyle truly wishes he could stab that woman, but seeing that Anna is already considering Lucia as her precious friend, Kyle does not have the heart to harm Lucia. He is afraid that he would make Anna angry at him, and he does not want that to happen.

"As a Robertson, you get what you want not to wish what you want," Elijah said in a stern voice. The tone on his if full of pride. But Kyle couldn't care less of what his grandfather thinks.

These past days all he can hear from his grandfather is Robertson that, Robertson this, everything is about the Robertson family, and Kyle is sick of hearing the same thing over and over again.

"Dad, don't say it like that. There are some things that we can't have." Kyle nodded in agreement at the statement his father made. What his father said is true, just because they are a powerful family that doesn't mean they can reach whatever they want. There is always a limit on their power. Like, he can't make Anna his if he uses his family's power.

"Father is right, grandfather." Sometimes Kyle just wanted to shove to his grandfather's head that everything is not about the family's name and his pride. But Kyle's mother thought him about mannerism so he holds back his thoughts.

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Kyle's grandfather only looked at his grandson in disdain. He is upset that his grandson is going against his wishes. Elijah placed someone to follow wherever Kyle goes and he is deeply disappointed at his grandson when that someone reported that Kyle went at where the Colemans live.

Elijah wants to know what talk did his grandson has with Marcus. He and Marcus practically grew up together, and he knows how Marcus' attitude works. Marcus is not the type of guy who would pay attention to someone just because they are children of a rich family. His grandson might have done or said something that catches Marcus' attention.

Kyle, on the other hand, did not care at least one bit from his grandfather's stare. He knows very well that his grandfather put someone to follow him around, he just didn't retaliate from it. Because his decision in seeing the Colemans won't change.


[The next day at the Coleman Mansion]

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"Good morning to you twins!" Lucia greeted Anna and Aaron in a hyper tone. She just woke up and the twins already ate their breakfast. 

Lucia was somewhat expecting to eat breakfast along with the twins, but she's too late. Anna and Aaron are ready to go to their school.

"Morning." The twins said at the same time.

"It's still too early and you guys are going already?" For Anna and Aaron the time right now is not 'too early', but for Lucia, it's too early since she sleeps like a log she couldn't care less about the time in the morning.

"Early? Early for you, you mean." Aaron said with a sigh at the end. Like Lucia, Aaron also sleeps like a log; he doesn't like to get up early. Whenever he is in school, he would most likely to sleep in his desk. And of course, the teachers would always scold every time tries to sleep in the middle of the lesson.

"Which school are you in, Lucia?" Anna asked in curiosity. In her past life, she always sees Lucia inside the mansion, there's a time that Anna thinks that Lucia is not even going to school.

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"My school is a rival to your school."

When Aaron heard that his ears perked up in interest. There is only one rival that Crystal High considers and that is the Tiger High. Lately, Aaron has taken an interest in them since they kept winning in basketball. But in other sports? Crystal High always top the best.

"The tigers…" Aaron looks at Lucia and a smirk was plastered on his face. "You Tigers will lose in this year's basketball competition." Aaron thinks that his coach's determination in winning has rubbed off on him; he is also determined to win the game, 'It's time for my school to have its glory back.'

Lucia raised an eyebrow and said, "Oh? Confident are we?" Though Lucia doesn't pay much attention to any sports in her school. She pretty much has second-hand knowledge on what's happening like, every year Crystal High is determined to win. "Don't get ahead of yourself. You never know that this confidence will fail you, Crystals will lose once again." 

Lucia does not care if her school wins or not, but since Aaron is so confident and he seemed to be challenging her school; she might as well play along with him.

"How about we make a bet." 

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"What kind of bet?" Now that Aaron is making it interesting, Lucia can't help herself but play along.

"If I win, you will be my slave for an entire month." Aaron never had someone to order around whenever he wants to and he would like to try it. And winning this bet is his chance to do that.

"Slave, huh? Then If I win, you will have to wear girls' clothes five times whenever we go to the mall." Every time she and Aaron met up, Lucia wanted to make a request for Aaron to wear girls clothing. But she doesn't have the guts to do so.  Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Hearing that, Aaron felt that Lucia's winning bet is kind of unfair. But not wanting to show his dissatisfaction, Aaron perfectly showed his calm face.

While Anna, on the other hand, laughed out loud when she heard Lucia's winning bet. Since Anna and Aaron almost has an identical face, Anna can already imagine her brother's appearance in a girls' clothing.

"What? No response? Are you scared now?" Lucia asked in a teasing tone. Seconds were passing by and Aaron was still not responding to her, which made her think that Aaron chickened out.

Aaron scoffed at Lucia, "Me, scared? You're being delusional." Now more than ever, Aaron is determined to win the game. Mistakes in the game must not be made.

Aaron and Lucia finalized their bets and both are already imagining their plans once they win the bet.

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