REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 173

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"Tomorrow! Tomorrow is the big day! You guys better not let me down!" Coach Jackson said in a fired-up tone. The members of the basketball team are already tired from listening to their coach's hyperactive voice.

As the game was nearing them each passing day, their coach was burning in determination. The members think that their coach had said all the encouraging words in the vocabulary that some of those words kept on repeating again and again.

"Yes, coach. We won't let you down." All the members said at the same time except for Aaron, Josh, and Zen.

Coach Jackson noticed the unresponsiveness of the three. His made a frown and went in front of the trio. "No response? Why are the three of you not responding?" Jackson is not insulted by their unresponsiveness since these three has always been like this, but tomorrow is the big day, their time to take the long lost glory back. These three should show that they are ready and excited for the game.

"Because coach, it's tiring to respond to your repeating words," Josh said nonchalantly. It's not like Josh doesn't understand how his coach feels about the game, because he is also determined to win. He is a competitive person and losing will only make him upset.

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Josh still remembers the day he couldn't beat Anna, and up until now whenever he thinks about it, he gets upset. He is going to use that as motivation to win the game tomorrow. He promises himself that he will not lose to anybody else in a basketball game, not until defeated Anna.

If Anna were to hear this kind of promise that Josh made for himself, Anna would be speechless by him. She doesn't even remember that day. 

"If I don't repeat my words, you guys won't be motivated." As the coach of the basketball team, it is his job to motivate his players. If he doesn't motivate his players then, he is not doing his job as the coach of this team.

"I'm motivated enough." The trio said at the same time. Aaron's bet with Lucia made him determine to win. As for Josh, his motivation to win is his lost against Anna. Lastly, Zen's motivation to win is his brother's promise once he wins the game.

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Jackson was ticked off by these trio's remark, "Just because the three of you are 'motivated enough' that doesn't mean that your teammates are the same way!" Sometimes Jackson felt that his job as a coach with these trios is slipping away. There is so much he wanted to teach them, but whenever he does try to teach them, they are already doing it without him saying. It always frustrates him that he can't do anything about it.

Sometimes he even wonders if their attitude is always like this at their home. Did their mother even scold them for being rude?

"Uh, coach? I think I have disagreed with you." Hearing that comment from the captain of the basketball team, Jackson looks at him in questionable expression plastered on his face. "As much as we appreciate your encouraging words, coach, but sometimes it is tiring to hear it every ten minutes on a single day." Even though Chris respect his coach very much, he still can't tolerate words that keeps repeating every day. He has limits, after all.

Coach Jackson looks at the other players and saw them nodding in agreement at what their captain just said; Coach Jackson opens his mouth then closes it and opens it again, "You know what? Since you guys are so 'motivated' I'm gonna give you guys two times more work than yesterday." After saying that a smile crept out on his face, and it gave chills to everyone around him except for the trio who groaned in displeasure. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.


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[At Tiger High]

"You guys better win tomorrows competition, you hear me?!" Lucia shouted at the players who are going to participate for the game tomorrow with Crystal High.

"Geez, Lucia! We heard you loud and clear." A blond guy with blue eyes said with a frown on his face. "You never cared about this team since the beginning of the year, what made you encourage us to win?" He was rather curious at Lucia's sudden burning determination for the team to win. Lucia is the type of person who doesn't like to participate in any sport and only likes to have fun and pull pranks on the people she got interested n.

"I made a bet on someone and you know me very well, buddy. I don't like to lose in a bet, I rather like to win on a bet." Usually, Lucia doesn't mind losing to anyone if she gives her all. But Aaron is an exception, she doesn't want to lose to him.

"Uh-huh." The blond guy made an unsure expression and asked, "So who is this person you made a bet with?" 

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"The most annoying guy I have ever known, Aaron Coleman." When the blond guy heard that, a thought flashed through his mind. He is surprised that Lucia made a bet with a Coleman, but what surprises him the most is that Aaron Coleman is the one who he will go up against in the game tomorrow.

"This is interesting." The blond guy held his chin and smiled in amusement. "Lucia, I can't promise you that this team will surely win against the Crystals, but I can assure you that we will try our best."

"What do you mean by that?" As clear as daylight, Lucia is not satisfied with the response she got from the blond guy. She wants assurance that the Tigers will win the game tomorrow. But what made her more unsatisfied is the fact that the blond guy is showing an amused expression. 'What is he so amused about?'

"Really? You don't know? You have been partnered up with him in the first mission that the organization set you in, and yet you have no clue at all?" This very guy in front of Lucia is no ordinary student in Tiger High, his family is also part of the organization and very soon, he will be setting his foot on his father's position in the organization.

"Stop playing with me and get straight to the point." On her list of annoying people, Aaron is the number one on her list, but this blondie guy in front of her is number two on her list.

"Aaron's father, Arion Coleman was the ace on his basketball team and led his team on a consecutive of wins. So, I got this feeling that Aaron inherited his father's skills.

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