REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 174

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"Aaron's father, Arion Coleman was the ace on his basketball team and led his team on a consecutive of wins. So, I got this feeling that Aaron inherited his father's skills."

Lucia squinted her eyes and fell into contemplation. She does not know what to say, but that did not stop from telling the players once again that they should win, "Well I don't care! I want the Tigers to win! If you guys lose to that goody-goody Crystal players then, you guys better prepare to face my wrath!"

The volume in Lucia's voice was too loud that every team player in the court heard and froze on the spot. When they heard her say that they will face her 'wrath' if they lose, it sends shivers down to their very core. The last time they faced Lucia's wrath, they had a hard time during their school days. It even comes to the point that they don't wanna go to school. But they can't, because their parents were threatening them if they don't go. It was hell for them.

The blond guys scratch his head and said, "Lucia, you can't force us to win every time. We will do our best and please keep that in mind. We can't win every game we have with the Crystals. I mean except for basketball game, the Tigers always comes in second place whenever we face against them."

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As the blond guy kept his mouth running, the players who were listening to the blond guy's blabbering mouth kept shaking their heads. They want him to shut his mouth because Lucia's face is getting darker as the clock is ticking.

Why is he saying that they are going to lose this time? Even if that happens, this blond guy should have said the opposite of losing the game. Whenever Lucia has free time in school, she would always hang out with the rest of the basketball members. And every time she is with them, the one who gets in trouble the most is the blond guy.

Sometimes they feel pity for him and sometimes they don't because he just doesn't know when to shut his mouth.

'Captain, you should shut your mouth now.' All the team member inwardly said in unison.

The blond guy is still trying to reason with Lucia that he did not notice the clenching hand of Lucia. 'Rest in Peace, captain.' The players inwardly said in unison again.

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"What are you doing here, brat?" A tall handsome man said as his wet hair is dripping.

The young who are sitting leisurely in the couch looks at where the voice came from. He saw the handsome man with a towel wrap around its waist. "Seriously, boss? Can't you just bring some clothes with you in the bathroom when you are gonna take a shower?"

"Leon, I'm gonna ask again, what are you doing here?" Arion said in a firm tone of voice. He had just finished his shower and the first thing he would see after coming out of the bathroom is a brat who is so relaxed in the living room.

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Leon tsked before replying to his boss' question. "I'm here to tell you that your son's game is tomorrow. Are you gonna watch the game? Your wife and daughter are also gonna be there."

Arion listened to Leon's words as he went near him and then sat on the couch. Arion stayed quiet, thinking if whether he should go or not. If he is going then it's not the problem because he could just put his fake face and leisurely walk inside without anyone who knows him recognizes him. But the real problem is that his wife, his beloved Mary could easily recognize him even with a different face on him; Mary has a very keep eyes when it comes to disguises since she likes to disguise whenever she is going on a mission.

After so much thought on the matter, Arion finally spoke, "I will go. It's not a bad thing to see how my children have grown, right? Also, I miss my beloved wife's face." A smile crept out on his face; that smile is not a scary smile but a sweet and genuine one.

For all this time since the very first day Leon met Arion, Leon wished for Arion to show a smile like that once in a while. But now that he is seeing that smile, he is regretting wishing that wish. That smile is creeping Leon out, maybe it's because he is used to the scary smile that Arion usually gives him.

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Leon was thinking of a new topic to talk about, but he couldn't help but frown at his boss. Arion has nothing on him except for the towel that wraps around his waist. Arion has a great body shape and Leon sometimes envies how his boss keeps his body in shape.

Leon is betting that there is a lot of women who are running after his boss back then. 'I mean, the boss is handsome and very charismatic. Who wouldn't fall for such a man?' Leon wonders how did his boss' wife keep those leeches away from the boss. Did she threaten them? Or did she used some extreme measures?

"Boss, did your wife fell in love with you because of your face and body shape?" Leon asked without thinking ad when he realizes that his question sounded not right; he wishes to turn back time. His question sounded as if Mary Coleman is like those leeches that are hiding in the dark corners. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

As Leon was about to rephrase his question, Arion spoke, "Well, that is one of the reasons why she fell in love with me." For Arion, he is so sure that because of his body and face that Mary fell in love with him, but if Mary were to hear this claim of Arion she would laugh with all her might. Her reason for falling in love with Arion is not one of those aspects. It is just a bonus that Arion has a handsome face and nice body shape.

Leon was slightly speechless; he couldn't understand that behind that assertive personality that his boss is showing, is a narcissistic person who sometimes gets in someone's nerves. 'I guess there is no need for me to rephrase that question.'

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