REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 175

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"It's so crowded here," Arion said in a grumbling voice. He hates crowded places because it is too noisy for his liking.

"Boss, if you don't like it here then, you can just go back." For Leon, it is common sense that it's going to be crowded on an event like this. His boss should know that since his boss played in games like this in the past. "It's not my loss if you don't see your children or your wife," Leon said in low voice, but it did not escape Arion's hearing.

"Shut up!" Arion growled at the little punk next to him. Leon is right, if he were to go back now and couldn't even see the faces of his wife and children, it is not gonna be Leon's fault, it's his.

Realizing that Arion heard him, Leon immediately shut his mouth. 'Geez! Sometimes I wonder how did Anna became your daughter when you are so unbearable to be with.' Leon said inwardly.

Arion looks around the place and notices a person who is sitting not so far away from him. It's the person who he has been longing to see for a long time. The person who he wanted to touch and take care of. Next to that person, is his beloved gem the one he wanted to put in a secluded island so that men won't ever lay their eyes on her.

"Let's go sit over there," Arion said.

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Without waiting for Leon to reply, Arion already walks his way to the vacant seat next to the two important people in his life. He is not even the slightest worried that Mary might recognize him behind his disguise. 'I guess I'm the only one who is worried.' Leon said inwardly.

Leon is not against the idea of his boss returning to his family, but with the problem that has been going on, his boss still needs to lay low. There is someone who is watching the Coleman family and its associates, and if his boss were to suddenly shows himself, the enemy will make a move.

Mary is not stupid for not noticing that someone is watching over them, and she is sure that the person who is keeping an eye on them and the person who kidnapped Anna and others are the same. She is still on the search for the main culprit.

Arion and Mary know that this person who is keeping an eye on them is more powerful than the Coleman family. That is why it is hard for them to solve the problem in one go.


"Mom, are you sure we have to wear this shirt?" Anna asked. Anna and her mother are wearing a shirt with her brother's face printed on it.

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"What are you talking about, Anna? Of course, your mother is sure. I mean look at me I'm wearing the same shirt, but with a different face printed on, my baby Zen's face." Andrea said with a proud mom evident on her face.

Yes. It is not just Anna and her mother attended to watch the game. Zen's and Josh's parents are also here.

"We are wearing this to support my baby Josh and his teammates on today's game!" Josh's mother said in a resolute tone of voice.

Anna warily smiled at the two mothers who are on full support to their sons. She doesn't know what to say, they are too hype for her to handle.

Anna looks at their husbands and saw that they are uncomfortable on the shirt they are wearing. Somehow, Anna felt bad for her uncle Zack and uncle Leo for being forced to wear such a shirt. The great general of the country and the best tech CEO are being forced to wear something like this just to support their sons. 'I guess they can't do much against their wife, huh.' Anna said inwardly as she felt bad to her uncles.

"Why Anna? Do you not like the shirts?" Her mother asked her in confusion.

"No. It's not like that, mom. It's just..." It's not because Anna doesn't like the shirt, it's because Anna knows that when Aaron sees their mother wear this shirt as she cheers for him very loudly, Aaron will surely feel embarrassed. Even Anna would feel embarrassed if her mother will go to this extent just to support her; she is thankful that today is not her game to play, she is only here to support her brother. Anna sighed and said, "Nevermind, mom."

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In the corner of Anna's eyes, she notices two figures coming near her group. She turns her head around and saw Leon with some guy that seems very familiar to her. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Anna!" Leon exclaimed as he waves his hands to get her attention.

"Leon you're here!" Anna revealed a sweet smile to Leon, and this made Arion raise an eyebrow.

Since the day Leon declared that he will befriend Anna no matter what, Leon did some things that made Anna smile and laugh. Because of Leon's silliness, they have become close friends. Of course, this fact is well-hidden that Arion has no idea because if he had known that Leon became close friends with Anna, Leon will get in trouble once again.

"Of course! Why would I not come here? We Crystals should support each other against those Tigers!"

Anna slightly chuckled at Leon's activeness. Out of all the people around her, Leon is the very mysterious one and yet, she likes that mysteriousness of his. It's very intriguing; it makes Anna want to reveal what kind of secret does Leon has.

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After her short talk with Leon, Anna took notice at the man next to Leon. "Who is he?" Anna whispered to Leon.

"Oh! He's my dad." Leon proudly said to Anna.

When Leon introduce Arion as his father, Arion is sending Leon a stabbing glare. 'Brat! How dare you say such lie in front of Anna?!' If his real identity were to be discovered, Arion is sure that Leon's claim will create such huge misunderstanding and his wife will kill him without giving him a chance to explain.

"He's your dad?" Anna said as if she can't believe it. Anna's eye went back in front, trying to see the similarity between Leon and his father.

"Yes. Why are you asking as if you don't believe me." Though his claim is a lie, Leon still made it look like that he is saying that truth.

"You don't look like your dad. Your face is better than your dad's." Anna said in a low voice just for Leon to hear, but unfortunately, Arion heard it and it made him froze on the spot.

'Is she saying that I'm ugly?'

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