REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 176

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Hearing that, Leon is forcing himself not to laugh out loud. Leon doesn't know whether to be happy or not with the comment Anna just

made. Leon can already feel the stabbing glare Arion is giving him.

As if his boss' glare are saying: 'I'm gonna murder you. Because of you, my daughter thinks that I'm ugly!'

Leon inwardly cries, 'Why am I the one to blame?' Leon wanted to say that Anna thinks that way because his boss is wearing a mask. Compare Leon's bare face and his boss' fake face, Leon looks are above than his boss'.

"I resemble my mother more." When Leon said this, he was not lying; he does resemble his biological mother more. But as he said this Anna noticed a tinge of sadness in Leon's eyes, and she felt a slight of guilt for mentioning his mother. It looks like, mentioning his mother is something that cannot be said recklessly. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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Not wanting to make things uncomfortable for Leon, Anna immediately wants to change the subject. "Well, that made sense!" Anna sat down to her seat, "Nobody is sitting in these two seats, if you want, you and your dad can seat here."

If Leon and his 'father' seat next to her then, Anna wouldn't feel uncomfortable being next to her aunties, who are surely gonna cheer loudly for their son. Her being here is to support her brother, Josh, and Zen, but she feels embarrassed seeing three mothers cheering for their son in a very loud voice while wearing very unique shirts.

Her mother, Zen's mother, and Josh's mother are from a very well-known family and these three are known for being elegant. Since they are in a public place, what will happen today might be on the news the next day. Anna is not the slightest worried that there might be a negative comment about her mother and her aunties' action today because she knows that her uncle Zack and uncle Leo will handle such matter. But what worries her the most is that the trio might not focus on the game because of the embarrassment they will see later.

As much as Anna wants her brother to wear girls' clothing when he loses, Anna still wants her brother to win because she hates seeing her brother lose to someone. Besides, she has her way to make her brother wear girls' clothing.

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"Nobody's sitting here?" Leon asked. Though he knows that whether someone is sitting here or not, his boss' will sit anyway.

"Would I offer the seat to you if someone is sitting there?" Anna said sarcastically and it made Leon's mouth twitch. One of the qualities that Anna inherited from her father is sarcasm, even though Anna rarely use sarcasm it still makes one twitch in annoyance. "Look your dad is already sitting next to me."

Leon heard that and looks at his boss. His boss literary sat next to Anna and Leon can't believe that the stance his boss is making him feel insulted. 'Do I look like someone who will sexually harass a girl?' Leon asked inwardly, but even if he asked that verbally to his boss, he knows that his boss' response is quite harsh.

Leon didn't anything anymore and just sat down next to his boss who is glaring at him the whole time. 'Why am I so unlucky? And when can I finally see that 'show'?'

Meanwhile, as Arion is sitting next to his gem, saw a glimpse of the two men who are very familiar to him. He has been sitting here for a little while, but he just notices the shirt that the two of them are wearing. On the back of their shirt, it says: 'Go go go! My son!'

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Arion wanted to laugh at the corniness of the shirt they are wearing, but he can't because if he does laugh it might expose his existence behind his disguise. Arion knows Leonardo and Zack very well and wearing that shirt is not making the two of them happy.

As Arion was ridiculing Zack and Leonardo inwardly, his eyes landed on the young lad who resembles him very much, his son. Seeing his son right now is like seeing his younger self. He feels proud just seeing his son's confidence; in all his days as he grows up, Arion never had any regret in his life not until he had started a family of his own. He regrets not seeing his daughter and son grow up.

Things that have happened in the past made him made an irrational choice; he would have not vanished without a word if he was in his rational state of mind, now, he regrets not thinking things through and not talking to his wife back then. If he were to be given a chance to turn back time then, he will stay with his family and face the danger head-on.


As Aaron and his teammates are on the court warming up, his eye accidentally landed on the group of people who made quite the shock out of him. His reaction was the same with Zen and Josh; they were so shocked that it made them speechless.

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"Baby! Come look at the camera, smile for me please!" Zen's mother said in a loud voice as she held a camera in her hand, aiming at Zen's handsome face.

"Josh, you too, baby! Smile for the camera!" Josh's mother is also doing the same thing as Zen's mother.

"Baby! Do your best, okay?! Mommy's here to support you!" And of course, Aaron's mother; she is holding a small banner that it says: 'You can do it Crystals!'

The trio was silent and doesn't know what do to and what to say back at their mother who is cheering on them with all their love.

As they were silent, the trio heard laughter from behind them, they turned around and saw their teammates laughing, "That's right babies. Please do your very best, the team needs it." Ike, the vice-captain of the team said as he laughs out loud. He even laughed louder than that when saw the red faces of the three.

Ike and the other members are having a great time in their lives. Discovering that Zen's, Josh's, and Aaron's mother are like that is making them want to tease the trio because these trios are so indifferent with other people. They are nothing alike with the mothers they have cheering for them on the sidelines.

Anna who was seeing the whole scenario felt bad for her brother, Josh, and Zack. 'Sorry brother, I can't do anything to stop mom from doing this.'

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