REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 177

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"Shut up, Ike!" Zen's face is as bright as a tomato. He cannot withstand his mother's cheer for him; don't get him wrong, he appreciates the support his mother is giving him. But it is just too much for him to handle especially when they are out in the public. More than anything, Zen would like his mother's image intact. The media can be a terrifying thing from time to time.

"Come on, now Zen. Don't be so hot-headed in front of your mother." Ike still can't stop his laughter; Zen's red face is just making it worse for him. He had no idea that Zen's face can be this red to this extent.

"You don't have to worry about that, my mom knows my temperament very well." Right now, Zen misses his mother's other persona. the cold-hearted person who would not even give mercy to its flesh and blood during training.

"Enough, Zen. You need to focus on the game and not on the vice-captain's teasing." Josh said seriously. It looks like he got over from the embarrassment that he felt earlier. Looking at Josh, Zen felt that he had discovered a new idol in his life. Josh truly amazes him today, he got over from it so quickly.

"Josh is right, Zen. We need to focus on the game and win it since our mothers are putting so much effort into supporting us, we should at least pay them back by winning this game." And by effort, Aaron means the props that their mothers brought with them especially for today.

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They brought banners and other sorts of kinds of stuff that represent their love for their sons. Looking at his mother and sister Aaron felt a warmth burning inside his heart. But something is bothering him though, the man sitting next to his sister is giving him the feeling that he couldn't describe. It was a feeling that is so foreign to him, he wonders what it is.

"Ugh. Fine. But when this game is over, I will get my revenge on you vice-captain." Zen said, full of seriousness in his voice. One thing he doesn't like is for others to tease him. It's okay if his close friends and family tease him, but when it comes to people he is not close to, he gets angry and he couldn't handle it.

"Whatever you say, baby." Ike once again laughs.

At the same time, Arion felt the gaze of his son on him, somehow, with that gaze his son giving him, Arion felt nervous.

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What if his son realizes that he is wearing a disguise? What will his son's reaction after seeing his real face behind the disguise? Will Aaron be happy to see him? Or will Aaron be angry and throw a punch of his face? If his son throws a punch on him, Arion will willingly accept that punch.

He deserves it. He left his family without a word, he left his children at an early age, his twins might even can't recognize him right away. But then again, it might be possible because Aaron and Anna resemble him so much, it is not hard to recognize who is the twins' father at first glance.

Arion is not the slightest worried if his wife gets angry at him but towards his children? That is a different situation; he worries that even if he explains himself to his daughter and son, his twins won't ever forgive him for leaving without even leaving a letter for them to read when they needed an answer for their father's disappearance.

The game has not yet started, so Anna looks around the place to see if there is someone else she knows inside the place. But when her eyes landed on the man next to her, she saw the worried expression he has on his face while looking at her brother. His worried expression made her curious.

"Mister?" She called out to him.

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Hearing that sweet voice from the person next to him, Arion looks at her with a smile on his face. The expression on his face earlier immediately faded away when he faces Anna. "What is it, young lady?"

His daughter is so close to him yet she is still out of his reach. He wants to hug her and spoil her like what he always wanted to do. But things are not working out the way he wants it to.

"Is something wrong? You looked very worried while watching the players warming up." Anna did not verbally mention the fact that this mister sitting beside her is worriedly looking at her brother. Because she thinks that she is only seeing things, so in her thinking, it's better to play it safe than to make a fool out of her self.

"Oh! Haha. That's because Crystal High never won a basketball game against the Tiger High for so many years. I'm worried that this year it might be another loss for the Crystals." Arion lied without batting an eye and Leon who is listening beside him scoffed inwardly. 'Boss, why can't you at least be honest to your precious gem? You're only hurting yourself if you keep this up.'

"Oh?! Then, I think you don't have to worry about that mister! My brother is a natural and this game will an easy feat for him!" Anna proudly said to the man next to her.

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It was as if Anna's eyes were sparkling as she talks about how great her brother is. This little action of hers is enough to warm Arion's heart. He can tell in just one glance that Anna and Aaron love each other very much and would do anything just to make sure one another's happiness.

'Your mother did a great job raising you both.'


"Lannie, can I just not attend this game? I have a lot of things that I needed to fix." Kyle said in an irritated tone. Kyle is currently being pulled by sister towards the place where the game between Crystal High and Tiger High are happening. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Kyle is not in the mood for being in such a place. He has a lot of things that are needed to be done as soon as possible. One of those important things that he needs to be done is to find out the real story behind Marcus Coleman and his grandfather's so-called hatred for each other.

"What important things? Is your excuse is more important than to support Anna's brother?" Lannie is trying to help her brother by having Aaron's blessing and yet her brother is being stubborn about going back. Is her brother that dense to not to see the bigger picture in attending this game?

Of course, Lannie would think that her brother's excuse is not worth it because Kyle never told Lannie anything about the things he has been busying about.

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