REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 2

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Scared to know the truth Anna still want to know who's beside her. Whether her mother is there or not she still wants to see it with her own two eyes. Anna slowly opened her eyes, the light was blinding her, everything is blurry in her eyes, but one thing is for sure her eyes could clearly see her mother's beautiful face.

"Mom?" Asking to make that she is not mistaking her for someone else.

"Yes, honey?" Her voice, it's really her. Anna's tears are starting to fall down, she immediately hugged her mother, it felt so real that she asked herself 'am I really dead?' Lost in her thoughts her mother asks worriedly, "Honey, what's wrong? Is something bothering you?"

Anna wanted to say something to her mother, but her voice wouldn't come out. She's afraid that if she says something her mother will be gone, afraid that this moment will disappear immediately. She doesn't want that. She wants this moment to last long, just a bit more.

Anna's mother warily stared at her full of worry and love. "Honey, tell me." She stroked Anna's hair and face, it felt so warm that Anna couldn't describe it properly. That kind of feeling that she yearn for so many years. Anna kept on sobbing and sobbing, and then she finally uttered a word, "Mom can you pinch me?" Anna's mother was surprised when she heard her daughter's absurd request.

"H-huh? Why?" Her mother asked with confusion in her face. Seeing her mother's confused face Anna started to laugh out loud and hugged her mother so tight that she doesn't wanna let go. Her mother hugged her back, Anna felt the warmth of her embrace and from that warmth, she started to cry again.

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When she saw her daughter's crying face, her face was covered with full of worry. She's starting to think that her daughter has gone crazy, at first she cried then laugh and then cried again, she can't help but ask her daughter. "Anna, did you hit your head or something?" Anna smiles sweetly at her mother, seeing her mother's frantic face she felt that warmth again.

"He-he, mom I didn't hit my head or anything at all, it's just that I had a horrible nightmare, and I am glad that you woke me up from that nightmare." Anna smiles at her mother with full of love.

She sigh when she heard her daughter say that and then she gently said, "The nightmare is over now." She hugged her daughter tightly before standing up, "Now, stop with all this drama of yours. Get ready, we're gonna have to eat breakfast." Anna just nod and watched her mother go out of her room.

Silence surrounds Anna's room, she cannot believe what was happening. She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. Anna was surprised to see herself to look so young like she went back in time. 'Back in time..' Those three words stuck on Anna's head, she looked around and saw her old bedroom, everything looked exactly the same as she remembered it. Anna took her phone beside her bed and checked what day is it, she was surprised that today was her birthday, her 16th birthday. She pinched herself multiple times but all she could feel is the pain, she really did go back in time!

A thought suddenly went through Anna's mind, she suddenly remembered what Juan, Rebecca and his despicable uncle James did to her mother. She was 16 when the planned accident had happened to her mother. She clenched her fist, raging with anger in her heart. She said to herself, "I'm really grateful for the chance you have given me god, and I promise that I will make good use to my second life and will never make the same mistake ever again."

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[A week later]

On a Sunday afternoon, outside Coleman's residence garden, Anna and her mom were enjoying the peaceful day together. It was silent not until her mother suddenly spoke; "Honey, don't easily trust people in your life. I know that you don't have a lot of friends but still, you need to be careful, because you never know that one day they might betray you and I am not here to protect you." Anna's mother said the same thing in her past life but she didn't listen.

Anna agreed to her mother's word, in fact, she regretted it that she didn't listen to her mother's advice. In her past life her only friend was Rebecca and one else, she only needed Rebecca because she believed that her words are wise that she would fallow Rebecca everywhere. Back then Rebecca told her that she should not socialize herself with people who don't have the same status as her because it would ruin her grandfather's reputation. Anna followed her words, people thought that she was ignorant and selfish, in addition, she's a daughter of a prestigious family people really hated her for being so ignorant that's why she doesn't have any friends other than Rebecca in her past life.

The Anna today is much more mature than she is in her past life. She will not let herself be deceived by Rebecca's wicked self and most of all she will not allow Rebecca and Juan to manipulate her to their biddings. She will save her mom and grandfather from their clutches.

"Miss Anna, you have a visitor." She turned her head to the maid who told her about the sudden visitor.

"Who is it?" Anna raised her left brow wondering who would visit her on this peaceful day? Anna's peaceful day was ruined when she heard the maid said the visitor's name.

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"It's miss Rebecca." What an irony, Anna was just thinking about her. Anna just hoped that she wouldn't lose her self control in front of Rebecca, she wouldn't want to her to suspect Anna.

Anna stood up and walked inside, as she got near the living room she saw a beautiful teenage woman, but no one would never know except for Anna how cunning this witch is behind that angelic face of hers. Rebecca had destroyed her life in her past life but now it's her turn to do the same.

As Anna got near Rebecca she replaces her disgusted look on Rebecca into a happy and cheerful face. "Rebecca you're here! Where have you been? I missed you!" Like hell Anna would miss her. If she was the Anna back then she would have miss Rebecca, but now, that Anna has been reborn, things are different now. After what Rebecca and that fiend had done to her in her past life, the two of them are just a strange figure that she couldn't recognize, that she needed to get rid of her life.

"I miss you too Anna!" When Rebecca hugged her, Anna felt nauseated by her presence, but she wouldn't show it to Rebecca. Anna must act like the old Anna would do. After the disgusting hugged by Rebecca, they both sat down. "Would you like to hang out this Tuesday?"

"I can't. It's my grandpa's birthday and I need to be there."

"Oh, is that so? I guess we can't hang out." Rebecca said in a disappointed face. That fake witch! Did she really think that Anna would fall that? If she's the old Anna, Anna would be deceived by that face, but now she's not that old Anna anymore.

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Anna could have already guess why she's here. Rebecca just wants Anna to invite her to the party, if her guess was right, Anna would play along with her.

"Why don't we go together?" When Anna said that Rebecca's face lightens up. Rebecca smirk inwardly, 'Hah! B*tch, thanks to your invitation, I'll make sure that your gonna embarrass yourself in front of your grandfather.'

"Really?! Is that okay?!"

"Yes, of course! You're my best friend after all!" Little she does know, Anna already knows what's running into her mind and Anna already made plans to make Rebecca's plans backfired on her.

"Anna! Your the best!" Rebecca fakery exclaimed and hugged her real tight and at the same time sneakily placed a smirk on her face. Anna felt even more disgusted by Rebecca's tight hugged.

"How sweet that the two of you are having a good time." Anna's mother suddenly appeared and smiled sweetly at the both of them. Anna just sighs inwardly, how she wishes that she could just tell her mother the whole truth, she really wants to tell her so badly! But Anna stopped herself, she doesn't want her mother to worry about her.

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