REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 3

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~The next day at a certain boutique own by a famous designer~

"Anna, you will look so beautiful in this dress!" Rebecca said while holding a pure black dress. In Anna's thoughts, 'Tch! You want me to wear this?' It is a beautiful dress but Anna wouldn't wear that. In Anna's past life Rebecca had made her wear that dress in her grandfather's party, that made her grandfather angry at her. It made Anna looked like she's rebelling to her grandfather, and it was a talked of the city since her grandfather is famous current CEO of Coleman Corporation. The theme of the party was 'A Starry Night in Heaven' black Rebecca! She knew! She knew that black dresses are not allowed to wear at the party and she made Anna wear it!

"Rebecca, I'm going to buy it, but I'm not gonna wear that. My grandpa wouldn't like it." Anna said in a direct tone. Rebecca got disappointed that Anna would reject her opinion, this is the first time. Anna saw the look on Rebecca's face and smirk inwardly. 'Rebecca, don't get too disappointed just yet there's more to come.'

"Oh okay! We don't want to get your grandpa to get angry now do we?" Rebecca just smiled at her sweetly. When Anna saw Rebecca's fake smile, she really wanna throw a punch into Rebecca's face. Anna's hand were itching to do it so badly, but she must keep her temper to herself, she doesn't want to start a piece of news about her punching someone in the face, after all, she's a daughter of a prestigious family she doesn't want to harm her family's name.

Anna was just scanning around the boutique when a beautiful dress caught her eyes. That dress was magnificent in her eyes, it was designed like a beautiful clear night sky. In front, there were two half moons both facing the opposite ways and little stars like diamonds that shine, in the back, there's a cape showing the diamonds shining like a star in the night.

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It was so breathtaking for Anna, she was about to take it but somebody suddenly stopped her. "Hey! Don't you dare touch that dress, it's mine!" Anna turned her head around and saw three teenage women, these three have thick make-up on their faces, they looked like clowns, to be honest. Anna holds back her laughter, she doesn't want to make these three musketeers, especially their leader, to be more pissed than they already are, but she wouldn't let them have it their way.

Anna wouldn't back down, she will fight for the dress, who does she thinks she is? "Yours? But it doesn't have your name on it." Anna said in a matter-of-fact tone.

The leader of the three musketeers knitted her brows in anger. 'Does this b*tch know who am I? If so she's so stupid to pick a fight with me' She stated in her mind. "Do you even know who am I?" The leader asked Anna in an indifferent tone but Anna just shrugged it off.

"I don't, but I do have an idea on what you are..." Anna paused and looked at the leader with cold eyes, the leader felt shiver on her spine staring at those eyes but she just ignores it, "... a bratty b*tchy clown." As Anna finished her sentence, the leader of the three reddened because of anger, she looks much uglier than she already is.

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"You...!" The leader sneered at Anna but Anna is unfazed by her.

Anna ignored the leader and turned her direction to the manager who's been watching them. "How much for this dress?" She asked.

"I believe you cannot afford this miss." Anna's forehead wrinkled by what the manager had said. Before Anna could speak, the manager walks to that ugly clown leader's direction, "Miss Luna, we are more gladly to let you buy that dress." This ugly clown leader, Luna, shot Anna a smirk telling Anna that there's nothing she could do.

Anna scoffed before voicing out her sentence, "Stop. The dress is mine."

The manager looked at Anna up and down, 'Tch! Who does this little girl think she is? Does she really think that she can afford to buy such a dress like that?!' The manager said in his mind. Anna knows what's running through his mind. Anna couldn't believe it, just because she dressed too casual that doesn't mean that she cannot afford that magnificent dress. "Miss, please, you really cannot afford the dress, just look for something else, in fact, look for another store you can afford with, the dresses here are much more expensive than you think."

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Anna couldn't blame the manager if he thinks that Anna came from just an ordinary family that cannot afford expensive things. Nobody outside her family and her mother's friends knows about her identity as the only heiress of the Coleman Corporation. She never attended any public appearance, her grandfather's birthday will be her first.

Rebecca who was watching the scene never felt happier in her entire life, she always liked it when someone is looking down at the unknown heiress, she always liked when someone is insulting and embarrassing Anna in front of many people. Rebecca entered the scene and said; "Anna lets go to another shop. You cannot afford any of this dress anyways, besides it's too flashy for your grandpa's birthday." For all the years that Rebecca had known Anna, she always knows that Anna wouldn't bring a lot of money with her. Anna would only bring money that's enough for her and Rebecca.

Anna's mouth twitched in annoyance by what Rebecca just said. "Huh? What do you mean that I cannot afford such a dress? Who do you think am I? You're my friend and yet you say that to me? You know who is my family, isn't that right?" In Anna's tone of voice, Rebecca was surprised, she never had thought that Anna would talk back to her like this. Anna would always listen to her, but why this time she's not? Rebecca was confused and at the same time surprised.

"I..." Rebecca couldn't utter a word she was so taken back by Anna's attitude just now that she couldn't say a single word. Inside Anna's mind, 'That's what you get for thinking that you can just manipulate me just like that!'

"What's with all this fiasco?" A girl like tone suddenly spoke, that it made all the people who're present turned around to that person's direction.

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"Sir Alfonso.." The manager runs up to that person. Anna recognized that face, that person is the well-known fashion designer Alfonso Dreyar, he's one of her mother's close friends. Alfonso has a heart of a woman but has a strength of a man. Anna remembered that there was a time her mother was sexually harassed by someone and Alfonso Dreyar has seen it and punch the guy's face so hard that it KOed the guy in one go.

"What's the matter?" Alfonso Dreyar said in a cold tone that sends shivers in any people's spine, but for some reason, Anna is not affected by his voice.

"Sir Alfonso this young lady over here just won't leave, she insisted that she'll buy the dress, whereas she cannot even afford it." The manager said while pointing his finger on Anna. In the corner on of Anna's eyes, she can clearly see how Rebecca and this ugly clown smirk at Anna. 'You two really think that you can bring me down that easily, well thing again b*tches' Anna said in her thought.

The coldness in Alfonso Dreyar's eyes faded when his eyes landed on me. That coldness replaces with tenderness. "Oh my! Is that my little NaNa?!" Anna smiled sweetly when she heard him say that.

"Uncle Fonso.." Anna shyly said to him, he just smiled at her and hugged her tightly. The who were watching were in shock they couldn't believe that the cold heartless fashion designer is being so sweet and tender to a teenage girl like Anna.

"S-sir... You know this commoner?" Alfonso's mouth twitched when he hears the manager calling Anna a commoner. How dare this guy to belittle Alfonso's little NaNa. Alfonso turned his body to the manager's direction, the manager felt fear when he saw Alfonso's glare it's like throwing daggers at him.

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