REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 21

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"What's with the face?" Aaron asked Anna. Aaron saw anxiousness in her expression, earlier his sister was clearly excited coming here to school but now after seeing Rebecca he saw that her excitement change into anxiety.

"I'm just nervous. What if the people in our classroom won't like me?"

Aaron chuckled and then said, "How can they not like you? You're pretty, smart, and strong."

"You're just saying that because I'm your sister." Truth to be told Anna is not that worried if people in her class wouldn't like her, as long as her brother is right beside her it's fine if she doesn't make any friends. The reason why she's so anxious is that because of Rebecca and her dream, now that Rebecca knows that she's gonna avoid her in some circumstances, Rebecca's original plan from her past life is going to change. Anna doesn't know what kind of change is gonna happen but she hopes that when the time comes she's ready to face it.

"I guess so." Aaron shrugged, Anna jokingly punched her brother's shoulder before going into their classroom.

Both Anna and Aaron sat in the back, Anna sat near the window where she could see students going in and out of Crystal High territory. The class hasn't started yet and she's enjoying her peaceful time, but then loud noises from her classmates started to ring in her ears.

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"Rebecca June is going to be in our class?"

"Yeah, she is..."

'Damn! How can I forget that I have the same class as her?! Stupid Anna. Stupid!' Anna said to herself.

Anna was so frustrated about herself that she didn't realize that Rebecca was standing in front of her, standing looking so innocent and apologetic.

"Umm... Anna?" Anna looks up and faced Rebecca, she frowned at the sight of her. 'God, why did you make her so shameless?!'

"What's your business with me?" Anna said in an indifferent tone. This more or less shocked Rebecca, she was expecting either Anna would yell at her for trying to drug her or she would just wouldn't talk her, but Anna chose the latter. Rebecca can clearly see in Anna's eyes that she's just a stranger to right now and not worthy of her time.

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"I just want to talk to you. Alone." Rebecca was relieved that the fact of her trying to drug Anna was not leaked to the news and it's also a good thing that Anna's family didn't leak it either. If people outside from the party that day found out about what she did she will definitely not able to escape from it.


"I-it just... a-about that d-day..." Rebecca choked on her words and tears piling up in her eyes, but Anna knows that this person in front of her is just acting just to fool the people that are watching them. Anna knows that she wants to gain pity from the audience.

"What day are you talking about?" Anna coldly stared at Rebecca, "You mean the day that you tried to..." Rebecca panicked from what she's about to say so she quickly interrupted her.

"Let's talk about it... somewhere private." Everybody in this room already knew that Anna is from the Coleman Family and most likely if Anna spill out the beans they will believe her, there's no reason for her to lie since her family has its own reputation to uphold. Some may not believe Anna but she cannot take the risk and let her tell everything that happened.

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"I'm sorry I cannot grant your request. My time is much more important than yours. If you have something to tell me please tell me now, I'm afraid, the class is about to start any minutes now." Rebecca could evidently see the drastic change in Anna. In just a short amount of time, the Anna that she knew is already gone.

Hearing what Anna just said the people in the room is already having negative thoughts about her. How could Anna treat Rebecca like she's trash in front of her? In their eyes, the innocent Rebecca is being treated unequally by a rich brat girl named Anna Coleman.

Truth to be told, Rebecca doesn't want to talk to Anna in the first place but James Coleman threatened them, threatened her father if Rebecca doesn't reconcile with Anna and go with the original plan, James will reveal all of her father's sins in Coleman Corp and doing something behind Mary Coleman's back will ruin them for sure.

Against on her own will she swallowed her pride and talk to the person she loathes the most.

As much as she wants to 'befriend' Anna again, Anna was the one rejecting her. James' should've known better that Anna would never befriend her after what she had done and it will definitely take time to fool Anna again. It's obvious that if and only if Anna forgives her and they become 'friends' again, those who cares for Anna deeply surely will not allow her get near Anna.

"You heard her superstar, she doesn't want to talk to you." The girl with blond hair and blue eyes said, "Now can you please sit your butt down on your chair and be quiet." Rebecca turned her head and faced the girl.

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"Please mind your own business." Rebecca said it in a polite tone, but the girl can sense that Rebecca had already put her on the list of hate, but she couldn't care less.

"I do mind my own business, dearie. You're being too noisy and disturbing my sleep." 'The class hasn't started yet and she was sleeping already?' Thought Anna.

Before Rebecca could speak again the girl told her, "Now, shoo! Shoo!"

Rebecca turned her back and unwillingly sat on her seat. She took one last look at her and curse her in her mind. The girl just smirks at her and stuck out her tongue, the way Anna would see it she already like this girl in front of her seat.

"Anna Coleman, right?" Anna was surprised that girl would talk to her first. She thought that the girl would avoid and think like everyone else in the room that she's just one of those bratty rich kids but in the girl's tone it looks like she has taken a liking to Anna.

"Yes..." Anna smile sweetly, "...and you are?"

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