REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 22

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"Yes... And you are?"

"Nathalia Vendallin." Anna saw her smiled and the way she sees it, it looks like a goddess fallen from the sky. Her light blue eyes complimented her blond hair and her facial features. If Anna was a man she would chase Nathalia and marry her right away.

"You're one dazzling goddess..." Anna said her thoughts out loud and this made Nathalia chuckle.

"Well, thank you for the compliment young heiress." Anna flushed red, she's embarrassed to what she just said.

"Please don't call me that, you can just call me Anna. 'Young heiress' is a bit too much." Anna felt comfortable just by talking to her, but trust is something that she upholds the most. She doesn't want to be deceived again and was already keeping her distance from Nathalia.

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Nathalia can see in Anna's eyes that she's putting her guards up. People like her are having trouble with trusting other people. She could tell that it's based on her experience that she's putting her guards up.

"I thought that you and Rebecca are close buddies?" Anna's left brow rise up, how did she know about that? The public doesn't even know about Rebecca and her, only her close family knows about their past relationship.

"How did you know about me and Rebecca?" She didn't answer Nathalia's question and just questioned her back.

"We were in the same middle school and same class, but apparently you didn't notice me and the only person you talk to is Rebecca so in my process of thoughts I came with the idea that you and Rebeccaare best buddies or should I say former best buddies? Now please do answer my question." That would explain Nathalia know about her and Rebecca, she must have been surprised to see the indifferent attitude of Anna towards Rebecca.

"At my grandfather's birthday party she tried to drug me, but unfortunately for her I avoided it and she's the one who got drugged by her own drug." This revelation surprises Nathalia, she knows that Rebecca is not a good person since the day she laid her eyes on her for the first time in middle school, but this kind of act way over her, and that was way too much.

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"Wait... You said at your grandfather's party? But the next day Rebecca was found out by a bunch of journalists naked with a man. The news said she got raped or something..." Before Nathalia could finished her words Anna interrupted her.

"What happened to her was meant for me in the first place, I saw through her plans and used it against her. She ordered her manager to call all the journalist to come to the hotel at that time. How did she got to the hotel? Well, I asked my driver to send her there and let the staff members to bring her to her room..." As Nathalia was listening carefully to Anna word by word, her goddess face frowned, she wonder how did she know all about that? But she just shrugged it off, she thinks that Rebecca deserves it anyway.

Anna was expecting Nathalia to say that she's a bad person to do that to Rebecca, even if Rebecca was planning to do that she should not do the same thing, but to her surprise Nathalia just smiled and the way she looks right now tells her that she doesn't mind it at all and the way her eyes shone is more like she hated Rebecca that she wouldn't care for her more or less.

"If I'm gonna be honest with you, you're one devious person and I like it very much." Nathalia now decided to be friends with Anna, all she has to do is bring Anna's guard down and make her realize that she's nothing like Rebecca who would betray her. She would be Anna's beck and call in all time.

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"Oh~? Is that so? You're not gonna judge me like everyone else in this room. Everyone in this room already thinks that I'm a bratty arrogant rich girl."

"Look, Anna, I don't judge a book by it's cover. I would rather spend my time to get to know you before I came to a conclusion." At first, Anna was reluctant to believe her, but when saw that sincere eyes that shone in Nathalia she just sigh in defeat and nodded in acknowledgment.

Nathalia would not want to push her too hard. She's going to take it step by step until Anna will fully accept her as a friend.

The two of them talk to each for a little while until their homeroom teacher arrived. The class was starting already, but for some reason, Anna felt that her brother suddenly becomes so quiet the whole time, especially when Rebecca confronted her with her acting skills, it was unusual for him to be quiet.

Anna thought that Aaron would make a scene when Rebecca was in front of her, but that didn't happen. Aaron was quiet the whole time and she just realized it just know.

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Anna took a peek at her brother's direction, disappointment was clearly on her face. No wonder her brother was so quiet, he was sleeping the entire time! Even when the class was starting he's still sleeping!

Anna reached her arms and poke Aaron's shoulder multiple times but it still not working, he's not waking up at all. In the end, she decides to take out her notebook and smack it hard on his head.

It was a loud 'bang' that surprises everyone, especially Aaron his eyes wide and scratching his head in pain. Everyone looked at Aaron's direction with a confused look, Aaron doesn't even know what happened to him, all he knows that something hard was smacked to his head.

Aaron apologizes to everyone for the disruption and Anna was sitting quietly, she may look like she's listening to the teacher's every word but it was quite the opposite. Inside, Anna was containing her laughter, her brother's confused look was something she cannot forget, Aaron's reaction was epic to forget.

Even Nathalia who saw the whole scene can't help but contain her laughter as well. It was torture for the two young girls to contain their laughter inside.

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