REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 41

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"If you have something to say, say it and quit staring at me like that."

Josh turn his gaze away from his father and focus and on the food in front of him. "Looks like I don't have to question you."

"Huh?" Mike is quite confused by his son's behavior right now. Usually, his son would talk like a total nerd in front of him or show him about his ideas in some new inventions but now Josh is just studying his every move since the moment he's home.

"I mean, you're impulsive, you like to scare other people, you like to use other people's weaknesses if they don't give you what you want and somehow you like to let people feel you dark aura some sort of a wicked person. In other words, I don't have any doubts if you're a part of them or not." The gap in Mike's mouth was slightly apart when he heard his son's words. He doesn't understand why would his son say something like that.

Mike doesn't hold a grudge against his own son, after all, what Josh said is all true and Mike can't deny any of those but he doesn't get the reason why his son suddenly brought up his not so good personality. "What's your point on telling me this? And what do you mean by I'm a part of them?"

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Josh ignore his father and turn his attention to his mother who's eating quietly, "Mom what did you even see in dad?" Ever since Josh understood his father's personality and when he compares it to his mother who's very mild, kind and elegance he's starting to doubt if his father threatened his mother into forced marriage.

"I don't know. Now that I think about it, what did I see in your dad?" Mike can't believe that his wife would really play along with their son's nonsensical.

"Hey don't talk about me like that as if I'm not here," Mike grumbled but the mother and son pair turn deaf on him. Mike's wife likes to tease him whenever there's a chance, her husband is not a type of a person to show his emotions and when he does it's only when he's around his family.

Mike is a scary type of person and she does wonder what did she saw on Mike. When she first saw Mike she was scared, very scared she even tried to avoid him but fate has its own plans for the two of them and long story short they ended up together; the result of their love Josh was born who has half of his father's personality.

"Dad, can I see what kind of an organization you're in?" Josh asked his father, he was indeed very curious about the organization that Anna and Aaron mention earlier and in order to get rid of his curiosity he followed their advise to ask the person who's directly involved in it and the person is coincidentally his father.

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Mike was caught off guard by his son's question and so is Mike's wife. They were so surprised that they don't know what to say. "Uhh... Is silent means yes?" Josh asked again.

Mike frowned and asked, "Where on earth did you hear that nonsense?" He lied through his teeth, he didn't want to admit that he's a part of an organization nor allowed his son to see what kind of an organization it is.

He is a man that if he wants something he would get it by any means but he doesn't want his son to follow his dirty path, the dangerous path. He wants Josh to live the way he wants and not the way where danger is lurking everywhere.

"Aunt Mary said it." Josh lied. He wants to test his father because it's clear that his father is lying to him and does not want to admit the truth. Mary is the only person he could think of because from the moment he first saw Mary at the hospital she got this superior aura that surrounds her and by the way, Zack and Leonardo acts around Mary he could only think of one conclusion that Mary is much more superior than Zack, Leonardo, and his father.

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Mike look at his wife direction for help explain to their son but to his disappointment, she pretended that there's an important call that she needs to answer and left leaving Mike and his son alone silently. Mike's wife is not part of the organization but she does know that her husband is part of it and she doesn't mind it, in fact, she and Mary were quite close during their college days and Mary was the reason why she and her husband have a strong relationship now.

Mike sighs before answering his son, "I can't just take you there. You have to prove to me that your worthy to step in Mary's territory." There's no need for more unimportant conversation and Mike told his son straight to the point seriously.

"Why do I need to prove myself?"

"Because even though you're my son I'm going to be biased with you and Mary has a high standard when it comes to skills. So whether you just want to see or to join you just need to get Mary's attention and I am not gonna help you." Mike looked at his son straight through his eyes with full of seriousness, "If you're my son you better not disappoint me."

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After their peaceful dinner, Mike went directly straight to his study room and calls Mary. After a few rings, Mary finally answered and before Mary could speak Mike complained at her.

"The heck Mary! Why did you tell my son about the fricking organization?" Mike is really upset about the fact Mary told his son about the organization when he clearly told her in the past that he should be the one to tell him that.

Mary frowned at the accusation Mike claimed about her. This is the third phone that she received this evening; first it was Leonardo telling her that her twins accidentally told his daughter about the organization and his daughter asks him to let her join; second it was Zack who's complaining like a baby that his son is angry at him for hiding the truth about the organization and also complained about her twins said something to his son about the organization that cause Zen to be angry at him; and now Mike called and accuse her of something that she didn't do but also complained about the organization that his son learned.

"What on earth are talking about? I didn't tell anything to your son." When Mike heard the tone on Mary's voice and believed that Mary is telling the truth he then realized that his son tested him. 'That kid... How did he know that Mary's words are more superior than mine?'

"If it was not you then who?" Mike felt that he should've asked her first than to accuse her. He knows very well that if someone accuses her of something she did without any evidence she will most likely make him or her fell regret.

"Probably my twins. Earlier Leo and Zack called and same as you but in a different way, they both complained that my twins told Nathalia, Zen and your son about the organization." Mary sighs. Her twins blabbering mouth. "Don't worry I'll do something with my twins. I'm not going to be biased with them." After she said that she hung up.

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