REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 42

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"What's up with the two of you?" Nathalia looked at Aaron and Anna with worry written all over her face.

"You two looked like trash right now." Josh bluntly said to the twins and Nathalia glared at him.

"Josh just shut your mouth if you're just gonna talk like a jerk." Nathalia can't understand this friend of hers. He's usually quiet and just observes his surroundings but when he does talk his jerky attitude shows up and his harsh words can really hurt people's feelings.

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Nathalia worriedly looks at the twins but when she saw their expression it looks like it didn't affect at all. The twins look like they didn't care at all and they look very tired. She even wonders if the two took a shower before coming to school.

"What happened to the both of you?" Zen asked. Even though he has mixed feelings with the twins; he still considered them his friends. With or without that organization nonsense he will always consider them as his friends.

The only person he's upset with is his father. He adored his father so much as his hero because he's the righteous general in the eye of the public. His father told him that the organization only exist to protect each other's backs but Zen doesn't believe this, he believes that those who are part of the underworld are all bad people who kill just for fun; he doesn't believe no matter what his father's explanation is, it's really hard for him to listen.

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"My mom didn't let us sleep last night," Anna said in a low voice but it's enough for Nathalia and the others to hear it.

"Eh? What did she do to you guys." Josh asked. For someone like Josh who's very curious about the organization that his father is in, he is quite interested in what kind of a person is Mary. He felt that there's more to her than what she already showed and he's excited to find more about her story and in order to do that sticking with the twins will definitely benefit him. Now that he's thinking like this he realizes that he and his father are not that different from each other they both like to do exciting things no matter if it's dangerous or not.

"She..." Aaron sighed deeply before continuing, "...made us train all night and it was much harsher than the previous training we have. I felt like she's punishing us instead." No matter how much he thinks about last night's event he could only think that his mother was punishing him and his sister; if she is punishing them both, he could not think of any reason for them to be punished with. What did they do?

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Speaking of training Nathalia's eyes lit up out of curiosity and excitement. "Does aunty Mary likes to give harsh training to you guys?" She asked. She wonders if she were able to become one of them, could this be her one step closer to Anna and understand her better? And then again she will experience something out of the ordinary that his father will definitely go against, she will need a plan to convince his father.

The tone of her voice made Anna and Aaron frowned. How come she's not worried about both of them anymore and only get excited about the fact that their mother likes to give harsh training for them? "What? Do want to experience it yourself." Aaron said. At this point, there's no point on going around the bush with the three of them, because base on their expressions and tone of voice it looks like they've already asked their parents about the underworld organization that his mother built.

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"Well..." Nathalia couldn't find any other words to complete her sentence and just smile. Signaling that she would love to experience it if there's a chance.

Looking at her face Anna felt that Nathalia is a masochist. Who on earth would like to face head on their mother's harsh training? Sometimes those training made the twins wish that they're sick to train with their mother, and of course, Anna and her brother were glad that they were not one of those people who likes to feel pain especially the pain in their training. They will both gladly accept any events that will come in order for both of them not to train.

Zen looked at his two childhood friends. It looks like for the both of them they would like to be part of the organization that his father is in. He doesn't understand why would his two childhood friends who are interested in an organization like that. Both of them are not naive, they both know that those who are part of an underworld organization are all bad people. What makes both of them be interested in that?

Zen just shrugged it off his head and just watch how things will flow. Right now, it doesn't even sound too well in his ears and mind and from now on Zen would like to see everything with his own eyes to make his decision if he would still want to be surrounded by those kinds of people or he will just distance himself from them but will not act like strangers to each other after all, they are still one of the people he still cared about.

Since morning Anna was quietly observing Zen because ever since she saw him there was mix emotion in his eyes and every time he looks at her and her brother the way his eyes glowed is somewhat telling her that he felt uncomfortable being around them. If that was the case why is he still here and not making any excuses to get away from them?

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