REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 47

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Twenty minutes has only passed and the team that Aaron's team played against is already breaking a sweat. They can't believe that they're having a hard time dealing with their juniors.

"They're great! Especially those three." The captain of the basketball team said as he points at Josh, Zen, and Aaron. Unlike his other teammates who are tired and grumbling in their breaths that their juniors are giving them a hard time; he himself is very excited and wants more of this excitement from Aaron, Zen, and Josh. For a long time, he has never felt this way because every time he played especially last year's game there was no excitement that ignites within him. But now, things are different he no longer felt like that, he felt these three juniors are going to make everything exciting from today onwards.

"Captain, why do you look so excited? Are you not upset that were being suppressed by those juniors?" His teammate said to him with an exasperated expression on his face. The newcomers are really something that he can't even rebound the ball and this makes him frustrated.

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On the other hand, Aaron and his team are composed, there's no trace of exhaustion in their faces. The other two players in Aaron's team were quite shocked seeing their seniors sweating badly and the look on their faces are not good. What surprised both of them the most is how calm Zen, Josh, and Aaron is. There's not a trace of sweat in their faces, they felt very useless right now because they have only contributed less in the game.

"Look how calm those three are. They're such show-off!" Seeing how calm Aaron and the other two are Nathalia scoffed. She felt pity for the seniors, she saw how much they tried to steal the ball from Aaron's team but it was an extreme failure for them.

"I feel for the seniors." Sighing, Anna felt that his brother and the others are such a bully, especially to their seniors. They're giving them a hard time.

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Anna took a glance at the other team. What she saw from one of the players shocked her. The captain of the basketball is showing a different expression... Excitement?

"Why does he look so excited?" Despite being sweating so badly he's such excited expression.

"I guess he's having fun." Nathalia was impressed by him because unlike the other players the captain of the basketball knows how to have fun even though when he's at a losing state of the game. For Nathalia, it's rare for her to see someone like that nowadays, someone who can enjoy sports with passion ignites deep within them whether if they're in a winning state or in a losing state. A player like that captain is someone that Nathalia can admire.

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The game ended with the juniors team's wide gap score against the seniors. The seniors except for the captain felt like that their ego has been trampled by their juniors. They're supposed to be superior to them and they're supposed to teach them and help them but thinking back on how those three played earlier it looks they don't need anyone to teach them or even a need of help.

Aaron and the others were called by their coach. "Great game. Looks like the assessment went smoothly." He said with a grin plastered on his face. Jackson is satisfied with how the newcomers played. This year he has quite great players to show off in the upcoming season games. For the past years, he hasn't gotten any good players and all those players he has only know how to show-off just because they've come from a rich family and that really ticks him off. He did get some decent players that are actually serious about the game but it was not enough because most of the player are spoil brats and because of those spoil brats they kept on losing and their school's basketball team have become a laughing stock to other's schools.

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"Coach! How can you say that! These guys made it hard for us to play rebound!" A player name Keith with a number ten in his back said in a grieved tone. Even though he said this he is actually grateful that these newcomers have the skills to bring back the former glory of this school's basketball team. Last year's game was an embarrassment for him and for the other serious players, he blames those spoil brats for such embarrassment that they've suffered; those spoil brats only joined the basketball team just to look cool in front of the girls. He really hates... no, he despises those spoil brats now that Aaron and the others are here he doesn't need to worry about the upcoming season games.

"Don't be such a whiny brat! You guys lost because you guys have been slacking off on your training! Once our school event is done, I'll have you guys experience extreme training!" Jackson just can't wait for the school event to be over. He's going to make his players train hard to their comeback glory and when that time comes he will surely brag that glory to his senior that he has not seen for a long long time.

"What?! Coach don't be like that!" A guy name Ike with a number thirteen in his back said with frightened expression his face. Ike knows what kind of hell that their coach gives them when their coach decided that they'll experience extreme training. Extreme aches in their body will be the result of it.

"Don't complain! The coach is doing this for the sake to bring back our school's basketball team's former glory!" The captain of the team, Chris Nigel said with his fist up high and it is also clearly written all over his face that he's determined to bring back that former glory.

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