REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 48

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Aaron who heard everything felt a bit of regret on joining the basketball team. When coach Jackson said that they will be going to have extreme training once the school event is done, he felt that everything is not going well as he wishes. The main reason for him to join the basketball team is to escape his grandfather's training to prepare him when the time comes for him to take over the Coleman Corporation. Escaping his grandfather on the weekdays is something he did well but after listening to the words by words from the coach he felt he didn't really escape anything but he entered a worse scenario.

"Why do you look so dejected, brother?" Aaron looked at his sister with a large grin plastered on her face.

"Instead of escaping grandfather's tiring constant workload for me, I suddenly got into a worse situation." Anna just chuckled at her brother's laziness.

"Are you trying to quit now?" If her brother quits the basketball team she felt that her brother will lose such a great opportunity. Her brother may not know it himself but Anna saw how serious Aaron was while playing earlier. This was the first time that she saw Aaron took any seriousness on something and she would like her brother to be part of the basketball team for much longer.

Hearing what Anna just said Aaron ponders if he should quit or not. While he was playing earlier he felt something that he had not felt for a long long time. If he quit now he might not feel this way again, "Hmm... Maybe not now." He said with a smile on his face. The girls on the sidelines saw that smile and their screams got louder than ever. "Tsk! They're such an annoying flies."

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"Oh brother, don't be such a jerk." Truth to be told Anna don't mind of her brother describe those girls as flies because their presence is like that everywhere they go buzzing around and saying such nonsense to each other.

"What? They are!" Aaron wouldn't call them that at all because nanny Tess always reminds him to respect girls but when he heard the false rumors about his beloved sister he felt that there's no point on respecting them if they can't even treat his sister nicely. From today onwards he will only respect those who deserve his respect, those who don't treat his family nicely then he will never treat nicely.

Chris, who's having fun talking with his team members saw in the corner of his eyes where Aaron is talking to someone who looks somewhat have the same face as Aaron. The similarities between their faces ignite his interest and went over to their side. "Who's this pretty lady over here?"

Chris was about to hold Anna's hand but Aaron and Nathalia already stepped in and glared daggers at him. He was surprised by how protective these two are to Anna. He wonders what kind of relationship do they have with her.

"Refrain yourself from touching my sister, Captain."

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"S-sister?" Chris is truly shocked when he heard that, he didn't expect that Aaron would have a sister and what's more Aaron is quite very overprotective to his sister. He didn't expect that from a guy like him who's very cold to almost everyone. But then again when he looks at the both of them they do look alike very much.

"Obviously." Aaron doesn't like others to touch his sister to be touched by some random guys. If its Josh or Zen it is fine because he trusts them but Chris is a different story even though he's the captain of the basketball team and he knows him a little bit but that doesn't mean he trusts him completely to be allowed to touch his beloved sister.

"What about her? Is she your sister too?" Chris asks while pointing at Nathalia.

"No. She's too ugly to be my sister." Nathalia's mouth twitched when she heard Aaron say that she's 'too ugly'. This is the side that she doesn't like about Aaron, he says things without any hesitations.

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"Excuse me? Between me you and me I'm more beautiful."

"So are you telling me that my sister's looks are nothing compare to you?"

"What?! I didn't mean it that way!"

"Since Anna and I are twins that's what I think you're implying." Nathalia was clearly flustered by Aaron. She didn't really mean it that way, for a moment she forgot that Anna and Aaron are twins and their looks are exactly the same except for their genders of course. When she said those words she only said out of annoyance by Aaron she didn't think about the fact that Anna has the same features as Aaron.

Seeing how flustered Nathalia was Aaron he felt that he wants to tease her more. He knew that Nathalia didn't mean it that but for him, it's just fun to tease her.

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"Please don't mind them," Anna said in a polite way to Chris who has an amused look on his face. Anna just sighs inwardly, the problem with Nathalia is that she gets easily flustered when she realized that she said something wrong.

"Oh. I don't mind it at all. It's fun to see couples like that from time to time." When Anna heard that she laugh as if there's no tomorrow. To think that someone really thinks that her brother and her friend are a couple; but then again, looking at them right now arguing she felt that it might be possible and Nathalia is not a bad candidate for her brother. She wouldn't mind if Nathalia and her brother started dating.

Since Aaron and Nathalia are close to Anna and Chris they both heard what Chris just said and they both immediately said, "WE ARE NOT A COUPLE!" They both don't like the idea that people mistake them as a couple, it really feels so awkward for both of them.

Chris just gave a confusing look. "Huh? They're not?" Chris asked Anna and Anna just nodded. 'If they're not a couple then what are they? Are they just friends? That's a shame.'

"The four of you over there! Quit chit-chatting and Aaron and Chris come over here!" Jackson called out his two players and Aaron grunted he's really going to have a tiring high school year.

"Well the coach is calling me and your brother, I guess I'll see around?" Anna just nodded and she felt a palm of a hand in her head. She looked up to see who's hand it is and she saw Chris patting her head lightly with a big brin in his face.

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