REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 49

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The girls who saw that felt very envious of Anna. They were even shocked, the Chris that they knew would never touch a touch unless it's necessary. They become more and more envious of Anna. In their point of view, Anna is using her brother's name just to get close to the guys in the basketball team.


Late at night, a light coming from the computer screen can only be seen and the tapping on the keyboard can only be heard in Nathalia's room. Nathalia has been sitting on her chair for more than an hour in front of her computer digging all dirty secret that those girls who started a rumor about Anna. From time to time when she found something interesting she will laugh with mockery in it.

Nathalia was too focus on the screen and she didn't notice that her father has been knocking on her door many times and got worried that his baby girl is not responding and so he came in, "Baby, what are you doing? Your mother is calling us for dinner." Even though they have maids in their house Crona still wants to personally cook for her family she enjoys seeing their happy faces as they eat her home-cooked meal.

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Nathalia was startled from her father's voice. She looked at the clock and saw that it's already dinnertime and according to their house rules nobody should be late when it's meal time especially for dinner time or else her mother will not let it slide.

"Nothing I'm doing nothing." Nathalia lied. She knows that if she tells her father the truth her father will tell share it to her mother and her mother might make those girls not only to make them suffer from their dirty secrets but also to put their family's business into ruin; Her mother has been eyeing Anna to become a teen model in her mother's agency and her mother wouldn't let those girls ruin Anna even before she could make Anna an international model. Personally, Nathalia doesn't have the heart to involve those girls' family for there wrong doings, she doesn't have the guts to do that only her mother and father might do that without any hesitation.

"I'll be down in a minute." She said and Leonardo just nodded and left her room.


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"What took you so long, young lady?" As soon as Nathalia sat down Crona questioned her right away.

Nathalia smiled awkwardly and said, "Oh! I was just searching for new decoration ideas for the booth in my class for the school's cultural event." One of the things that Nathalia hate to do is to lie to her parents with a straight face. Even though the issue is not a big of a deal, lying to her parents is something she cannot bear to do so.

"Do you need any help with that?" Crona asked.

"Nope! Everything is under control. I already sent Anna the ideas that might fit the theme." Nathalia and Crona talk about the upcoming event in Nathalia's school. Leonardo who's silently watching his daughter lie without getting flustered. Leonardo knows his daughter very well; he knows when her daughter is lying or not because every time Nathalia lies she always awkwardly smile. Only Crona didn't notice her daughter's way of lying and naturally believes her without any suspicion.

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Well, whatever it is he believes that his daughter will surely do it perfectly without batting a sweat, after all, she's the daughter of Leonardo Vendallin who's a close aide to an underground queen back then.


"I... didn't expect that they would do this," Anna said in disbelief. Seeing the secrets that Nathalia released in the whole school this morning Anna felt that those false rumors about are nothing compared to those girls' secret.

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"I know! I was shocked myself too! Damn! They have more secrets that are waiting to be uncovered but since I'm such a nice person I only reveal this one secret from them." Nathalia flipped her hair in both sides feeling so proud of what she had done.

"Define 'nice person'." Anna herself felt that Nathalia is not being a 'nice person' as she said she was, even if those girls have more dirty secrets to reveal she felt that this secret that Nathalia released is the worst dirtiest secret that those girls have.

"Come on! You have to compliment me for having such great achievement." Anna rolled her eyes at her. Nathalia skill in digging a piece of information is nothing to Anna because when she heard from her mother that Nathalia's father, Leonardo, is a great hacker and could get any information without batting an eye. So, it's only natural for Anna to think that Nathalia got her skills from her father and her thinking was right off the bat! She can get a piece of information so fast that some normal person cannot do in only less than an hour.

"Yeah. Yeah." Anna looked around the room and frowned. "Where are they? Did they already know about it? Is that why they're not here? Too embarrassed to come?" Anna was looking around to find the main characters of today's event.

"They didn't know anything yet. I made sure that they will only about it when they get inside the school." Nathalia smirks an excited to see the faces of those who dared to spread rumors about Anna; wondering what kind of horrific faces they would make when they know about their secrets is getting spread. Nathalia thoroughly planned everything that night while eating with her parents, she made sure that this morning that they will not get any notice from the people inside the school who already saw it.

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