REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 58

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"Hey what's going on over there?" Zen asks Nathalia and Aaron. He and Josh who came from their class' booth came to visit Anna and the others but when they entered Anna's class' booth they saw a group of people. Zen was curious because couldn't really see what's going on over there so he decided to ask Nathalia and Aaron.

"I don't know." Said Aaron, base on his tone it's clear that Aaron doesn't really know what's going on and he doesn't plan to know about it unless his beloved sister is involved.

"Hmm... Ok." Zen looked around as he was trying to find a certain someone, "Where's Anna?" He asked.

"Hmm... I think she's at the back of the booth resting." Nathalia said. The last time she heard from Anna is that Anna told her that she will have to rest in the back of the booth.

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As they passed by the group of people, the four of them suddenly heard something that startled them especially Aaron.

"Misunderstanding? Does threatening me and trying to molest the young miss of the Coleman family is a misunderstanding? I think it's very clear to me that it is not a misunderstanding."

The voice was clearly the voice of a guy but that doesn't concern Aaron for the moment what startled him the most is what the guy just claimed. 'Trying to molest the young miss of the Coleman family'?

Someone actually dared to touch his beloved sister?! Aaron was angry very angry that he pushed himself through the crowd and he yanked his sister behind him. Everyone was surprised by the sudden appearance of Aaron especially Anna she was even more shock than everyone else here.

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In her past life, this scene never happened she wonder what action made this situation turns into a drastic change from her past life? First, she has never expected Kyle Robertson to have a sudden appearance in front of her and defended from those old men and secondly, her brother's sudden appearance also is something that she never has expected it. She kept on recalling what did she do that drastically changes everything.

"You dare to do what to my sister?" The tone in Aaron's voice was very clear to everyone he was angry. Very angry to the point that he wanted to strangle these two old men until they die, but fortunately for these two old men Aaron couldn't do it they were in the public and it's really not a good idea to strangle them. His mother will surely scold him but he is pretty sure that his mother will do much more than what he had planned for these two old men.

"Y-young master, Aaron..." The old men recognized Aaron very well since they have been working under Aaron's grandfather. They have seen Aaron when Marcus Coleman brought Aaron to one of their meetings the other day.

Both of the two old men were scared and don't know what to do anymore. They have threatened someone they shouldn't have and they even tried to bring Anna to their 'fun' and angered a certain young master of a very powerful family.

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The onlookers looked at the two old men with pity and they already predicted that they won't be living in a luxurious life by tomorrow since they have angered the young master of the Coleman family.

"W-we didn't do such thing..." The old man is trying to defend himself by saying that he didn't do it which is not really gonna work.

"Are you saying that my words are a bluff?" Kyle asks with indifference in his voice. Kyle who came from a very powerful family has no reason to bluff on something that he was not sure of and most people would believe him since his family known for extracting the truth on people by hook or by crook. So, if these two old men know what's good for them they should not dare to lie because no matter what their dirty secret is it will be definitely be unfolded no matter what.

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"I... W-we..." The old man couldn't complete his sentence. It's true that they didn't have the chance to touch a single hair on Anna but that doesn't change the fact that they've tried to do so and they were caught red-handed by Kyle; there's no way out for them. They would want to beg for forgiveness but because of their pride, they wouldn't do so. They have never beg anyone for forgiveness and it will only break their pride.

Aaron looked at them full of disdain, 'Looks like they don't know what's good for themselves.' "Hmph! Elder or not I don't give respect to someone who dared to hurt my family. Let's see what will happen to the both of you by tomorrow." After saying that Aaron took his sister's hand and dragged her along with him to get out of this place.

While being dragged along by her brother Anna look back at Kyle she felt a bit of guilt while looking at him; she didn't have the chance to say 'thank you' to him.


When Anna was being dragged by her brother Anna looked back at him and their eyes met. Kyle saw the guilt in her eyes which confused him. Why would she look at him like that? For him, there is nothing to be guilty about because she didn't do anything, in fact, she was the victim.

Seeing her getting away further from him he felt something that he couldn't describe and at the same time, he also wanted to be near her not be away from her. She looks so fragile that needed to be protected by him. Maybe that's why he wanted to be near her, to protect her fragile self.

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