REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 59

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When Anna and her brother were gone inside the booth, Kyle looked at the two old men in front of him; he smirks at them and said, "It looks like I don't have to dirty my hands." Hearing what Kyle had just said the two old men felt that there was no hope for them any longer and they felt that their legs have gotten weak that they slumped themselves at the nearest chair.

After Kyle had said that he walked away from them and went outside the booth. There was no point staying inside any longer.

Lannie and Erik followed him hurriedly. Lannie was glaring at her brother furiously. Kyle felt that somebody is sending such intense glare at him that he turned around to see who it was. "What are you glaring at me for?" He asked.

"Why didn't you..."

"Huh?" Kyle is confused at what his sister is trying to say. Why didn't he what?

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"Argh!" Lannie screamed in frustration which startled Erik and Kyle. Has his own sister is gone crazy? This is the first time that he heard his sister screamed like that. "Why didn't you stop her?!" She asked.

"Stop who?" Erik asked.

"The girl! Anna! Why didn't you stop her?!" Lannie is so angry at her brother for not stopping Anna from being dragged away by Aaron. She wanted to talk to Anna and introduce her to her mother. From the first time she laid her eyes on Anna, she has this sudden urge that she wanted Anna to be her sister-in-law! She knows that her brother is the one supposed to make a move but her own brother is very bad with girls that leaves her with no choice but to be a bridge for both of them.

Even if right now they both don't have any feelings for each other she has to take any actions to make them fall for each other no matter what! Lannie is very determined to make Anna be her sister-in-law.

"Why would I stop her from going with her own brother?" Kyle is very confused by his sister's accusation to him. Why would his sister want him to stop Anna from going with her brother? He has no right, besides Kyle thinks that it is the best that Anna went with her brother because what those old men did to her really terrified her and it is not the best to make her stay inside there any longer.

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"That doesn't matter! You should have said that 'No! Don't go! Stay with me!' if you have said that to her maybe she wouldn't have gone with her brother and stayed with you!" Lannie puffed her cheeks as she said what she wants her brother 'supposed' to say.

Kyle squinted his eyes at what his sister just said to him. She wants him to say what? That is something that he wouldn't do and never will. What kind of drugs is his own sister taking that she's acting this way?

Erik who heard what Lannie just said, he burst into a laugh. If possible he wants to roll on the ground and kept on laughing because for him it was so funny imagining the one and only Kyle Robertson saying that to a girl, after all, all he can see in Kyle is that when he's around with a girl he has this straight cold face and it is very humorous for him to imagine Kyle act and say those words to a girl.

Erik was tearing because of laughter and Kyle just scoffed and said, "What the heck you are laughing about?" Kyle can't see any reason for Erik to laugh hysterically.

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"Don't listen to your idiot friend and just listen to me big brother!" Lannie decided to ignore Erik and just decided to focus and scold her annoying brother. Kyle looks at Lannie with a clear thin line on his forehead, he is starting to get irritated by her.

"Lannie what is your point in telling me this? Anna Coleman is none of our concern especially me." After saying this Kyle turn his back on his sister and decided to walk around the place because he knows that Erik will take his time wooing girls and he can't just go and leave his friend here, after all, it is his own decision to take Erik here.

When Kyle is gone from their sight, Erik and Lannie is still standing in their spot; and finally, Erik has stopped laughing and ask Lannie a question with his sudden realization, "Are you trying to hook up your own brother to Anna Coleman?"

"Duh! Obviously!" Lannie rolled her eyes on Erik and walk away from him to look for her annoying brother who's 'allergic' to girls.


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"Why didn't you punch those two geezers?! Did you just let them do whatever they please?!" Aaron angrily confronted his twin sister. He knows that he shouldn't be angry at Anna because she's the victim in that situation but he just can't help it. He's angry because he doesn't know why Anna didn't defend herself when he knows that Anna knows how to throw a punch, their mother personally thought them how to defend themselves but most importantly he's angry at himself because he was not there to protect his own sister, to protect her from those disgusting men.

"I... I..." Anna stuttered. She doesn't know how to explain herself from her brother.

The three childhood friends who were watching the siblings confronted each other can't help but worry about them especially Nathalia she saw how frightened Anna was in front of those old men because of that she decided to step in between Anna and Aaron.

"Stop it, Aaron, can't you see that Anna is frightened by them?! I know, we know that Anna can defend herself but there must be some reason that she is frightened earlier. Perhaps a trauma or something that you did not know of? You can't just shout at her like that!" It was definitely a trauma in Anna's case but she cannot tell them that because it didn't happen in this new life of hers. That trauma only happened in her past life and she definitely cannot tell them that, they might think of her like she has gone crazy or something.

Hearing what Nathalia just said, Aaron calmed himself down and he considered that possibility. Is it really a trauma? He looks carefully at Anna and he confirmed it, her eyes are full of fright and she was shaking slightly. Aaron sighed and walked closer to Anna and then hugged her tightly.

When Anna felt her brother's warm hug and she felt safe by his embrace. Finally, Anna let out the tears that she's been holding back the whole time. She was wailing like a baby and that ached her brother's heart from seeing her like this. Right now, the only thing he could think of is that he is a failure as her brother for not knowing what his sister felt this entire time. He will definitely make those disgusting men regret everything.

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