REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 62

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"In just one night, you KOed them by yourself?" Nathalia asked Aaron with a shocked expression on her face. She was truly surprised that Aaron can easily ruin someone's life in just one night. For the few days that she had known Aaron she truly believed that Aaron is not skilled enough like his mother to ruin someone that fast. Surely in the future, Aaron will be a replica of his mother's skillfulness and truly a perfect heir for Mary Coleman.

"What? Do you really have to look down on me that much?" Aaron frowned as he stared at Nathalia's face. "Just because you're uncle Leo's daughter that doesn't mean you're on the same level as him and much better than me."

"What?" Natahalia was stupefied by what she just heard from Aaron. "Did you just compared yourself to me? As in me?" Nathalia pointed at her self as she says this. She can't believe that Aaron just compared himself to her. It is true that Aaron is very skillful when it comes to computer hacking but comparing himself to her is very insulting. She very well knows that she's much better than Aaron that is for sure, 'Where the heck did this guy in front of her got his confidence from?'

"Got a problem with that?" Aaron said with a clear smug look in his face.

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Nathalia scoffed at Aaron, "Excuse me but when it comes to computer skills you are not on the same level as me. You're beneath me."

"You sure?" Aaron threw a mocking gaze at Nathalia which made Nathalia twitch in anger. "If you're so full of yourself, then prove it." Nathalia chuckled lightly but in that chuckle, there was a hint of evilness. If someone else heard that they will surely feel scared by it.

"I'm gonna make you regret challenging me, Aaron Coleman."

On the other hand, while Aaron and Nathalia are having their moment, Anna, Josh, and Zen were having their own moment also. For them it's pointless to stop those two from arguing, it's like their routine every day, always arguing no matter how small or big the issue is and the three of them had enough and they decided that it is better to let them be.

"Oh look, this is new. They're competing now." Zen said in an exciting tone but those who are close to him knew that he is truly not excited. He only said that out of boredom.

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"Yay... So exciting..." Anna also said it in the same way as Zen. She, too, is dying from boredom; they have no class going on since they were a sudden announcement for a meeting for the teachers and the teachers didn't leave them anything.

At first, Anna was planning to sleep until the class resume but Zen and Josh suddenly barge in her classroom telling her, Nathalia and Aaron to get out of their classroom and come with them at the back of the school. And now, here they are, in the grassy field with nothing to do. Anna regretted coming along with them because now, she is more bored than she was back in her classroom.

"I should have just stayed in sit and sleep than do nothing here." She said along with a grunt.

"Would you really rather stay there and listen to those pesky student's gossips about you and Kyle Robertson?" Josh asked Anna with a teasing smirk in his face. Anna felt a bit awkward at the way Josh smirk at her, she has never seen this side of him and she doesn't like this kind of side him at all. She likes the cold and aloof Josh more than the teasing Josh she's seeing right now.

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Thinking of what Josh just said to her, Anna showed a solemn look on her face. "I would rather stay here then." Ever since this morning when she steps inside the school, the girls she passes by were looking at her with jealousy and hatred. They all kept on talking that she got lucky that Kyle noticed her and whenever she heard that she just grunts inwardly.

She's thankful for what Kyle did for her but she doesn't want to get herself involved in gossip with him it will only cause her a headache like what she's experiencing right now.


"Where? Where? Where?"

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"What are you trying to find anyway? We've been walking around the whole building for almost an hour!" Arisa the student council president said in an irritated tone to Lannie.

Lannie stopped and faces Arisa with her arms close and said, "I'm searching for a 'who' not a 'what'."

Arisa frowned at Lannie, "Wouldn't it better if you ask those who know this person that you're looking for?" Arisa felt sore in her feet; she's been walking all around the building with Lannie just to find a person. If she knew that Lannie wants to find someone she could've saved her feet from walking for almost an hour by checking the surveillance camera to know where that someone is.

"Uh... Hehehe." Lannie scratches her head when she heard Arisa's suggestion. She didn't think of that at all, she was just too excited that she forgot the basic thing on how to find a person.

Seeing how Lannie reacted to her suggestion, her face cracked in annoyance. If Lannie had said that she tried to ask those who knew this person she would have not been so annoyed by her but she did not ask anyone. This human being in front of her is such a big headache for her. The reason why she's with Lannie right now is that she's afraid that Lannie will cause herself some trouble and she let her friend fall into a pit but she didn't expect this kind of outcome.

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