REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 63

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"She's not here. I think she went outside the building with her group of friends." A student from Anna's class said.

Lannie's smiling face drops when she heard that. "Let's go she's not here." She said to Arisa.

They were about to go but the student who they asked earlier stopped them with a question. "Did Anna cause you any trouble?" She said it in a worried tone but deep inside her she doesn't really care about Anna and if Anna causes any trouble to the student councils she would happily watch Anna being humiliated by them. After all, the student councils are known all around the school to humiliate those who cause them any trouble.

Hearing what that student's question Lannie smirk like a devil. "Yes. She causes me such great trouble." Hearing that made the student feel delighted inside. 'Haha! You're done for Anna! Compare to the Robertson family they are more influential than the Coleman! This time you can't escape. You'll bring shame to your family and you will be the laughing stock in the high society! I can't wait for you to fall down, Little-Miss-Perfect!'

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Of course, that student misinterprets what Lannie really means by that. The trouble that she meant is that finding a way for her brother and Anna to be together. She knew that if she pursues this plan for them to be together she will have to sacrifice something in exchange. But then again she wouldn't mind sacrificing for the sake of her brother's love life.

After Lannie and Arisa left Anna's classroom, Arisa asks the question she has on her mind for a while now. "Hey, why are you so desperate to find Anna Coleman? Did she do something to you? If she did, what did she do to you?"

"She did something to me alright!" Arisa's left brow rise when she heard that. As far as she knows, Anna Coleman has been falsely accused by rumors. Anna has been so low profiled, so, how did she offend Lannie? 'Is it because of what happened at the event? Is it because her brother protected someone else other than her? If so, I have never known that Lannie is such a brocon(1).'

As they walk around outside the building they heard noises at the back of the building.

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"Anna! That brother of yours is such a meanie! Come on, please comfort me!"

Lannie and Arisa walked near where they heard that voice. As they walk nearer they saw Nathalia clinging pitifully at Anna. Begging Anna to comfort her from Aaron's mean attitude towards her.

Anna sighed, she gives up. She can't handle these two any longer for this day. Both of them have dried her energy to keep up with them but they kept on arguing on who's better at hacking and infiltrating for more information on the enemies.

"There, there." Anna sweetly patted Nathalia's back and Nathalia looked at Aaron with her tongue out she also has this smug look on her face as if telling Aaron that Anna loves her more than him.

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Aaron twitches in annoyance, Nathalia has been provoking him ever since the moment they first time met. He doesn't know why Nathalia likes to anger him so much but he himself didn't realize that the reason why Nathalia kept on angering him is that Aaron always has this smug look on his face and always bragging that Anna pays more attention to him than to anyone.

"Anna! Stop hugging her! She's full of germs and I don't want you to get sick because of her!" He said. Anna just looks at him full of disbelief she can't believe that her brother can be this childish.

Anna looks at the other guys who are watching them with a bored look. She mouthed 'Help me' but Josh and Zen just shrugged as if telling her that 'it's your problem, not ours. Deal with it'. Seeing that kind of response from them the hope in Anna's heart is now gone. 'They're such a great friend! Great friend!' Anna whined deep inside her heart. It's their fault that she's in this situation if they didn't call her out of the classroom and just sleep there despite the gossipers around her, at least she's not going to be in the middle between Aaron and Nathalia. 'This sucks!'

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As Aaron and Nathalia kept on bothering Anna, they didn't notice that there are two certain people came near them. The place only quieted when a certain person coughs two times behind them. 'Finally! It's quiet! I have to thank that savior of mine!' Anna said in her mind.

Anna turned around to the person who interrupted their 'bonding' with a thankful smile. She saw the girl from the event, Kyle's sister, and she was with someone and she immediately recognized that someone, its the president of the student council.

She tilted her head in confusion. She doesn't know why these two are here. Not that she's complaining, she's in fact, thankful that they came. Because the two bees who kept on arguing over a beautiful flower is now quiet.

"Sorry. Did we disturbed you guys?" Asked Arisa. She was worried that she and Lannie disturbed them because when they saw them they were in the middle of arguing over something and to her understanding it's better to keep her distance to people who are in a middle of a fight.

"No. Not at all!" Anna, Zen, Josh said at the same time. The three of them were glad that they came because they don't know how to deal with those two angry birds anymore.

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