REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 82

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"By the way brother, what did you do to Anna anyway?" Lannie asked in a curious tone.

Lannie only realized this when she stop blabbering about how should her brother please Anna.

Kyle was hesitating on whether should he tell his sister or not because he got this feeling that his sister will scold him nonstop and might even tell the story to their parents. But in the end, Kyle still told Lannie the whole story including what happened at the hospital.

"You idiot brother of mine! I thought you are smart enough to judge a person! And yet you...!" Lannie is so disappointed at her brother very disappointed that she could not finish her sentence. Her brother has a very high IQ but in Lannie's understanding of her own brother now is that Kyle has a low EQ.

How could he judge Anna just because she brought him a cake to thank him, and this brother of hers already judged Anna for having a motive towards him? Another one is that her brother also misunderstands her for having a motive towards their uncle. What's more, is that her brother is linking Anna to those gold digging leeches! Lannie clearly understood why would Anna be angry at her brother; who would want to be linked by some leeches anyway?! That is very insulting! If someone said that to her should feel the same exact way as Anna did.

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"Brother you should immediately apologize to Anna! Or else she would never ever talk to you." 'And she will never gonna be part of our family! I don't want that to happen!'

Kyle wanted to say something but Lannie ended the call just like that after she said her piece. After the call ended it is also the same exact time where Kyle has arrived at the college he's currently attending. But he did not leave the car and stayed inside, pondering.

The driver was confused, usually, his young master would get off immediately when they arrive and would not waste any more time. But for some reason, something is not right at his young master's self today. Is it because it's too early in the morning?

"Young master?" The driver asked making sure that his young master is okay.

"Phoenix Mall." Question marks were floating around the driver's mind, he did not understand what is his young master is saying. Seeing that Kyle's personal driver did not understand what he means he added, "We are going there, I'm going to buy something."

The driver understands it now but he is confused why would his young master would go there at this time. "Are you gonna drive or not?" Kyle said in an annoyed tone. He is starting to lose patience with this personal driver of his. He already made it very clear of what he wants but why is this driver is not doing what just ordered him to do?

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Scared, the driver immediately spoke his piece, "B-but young master, it's too early. I'm pretty sure that the mall is still close at this time." As the driver said this he is praying inside his mind hoping that what he just said won't upset his young master more than he already is.

Realizing that his personal driver is right Kyle felt upset. It's all because of his sister's fault, if she did not tell him to immediately apologize to Anna then he would not be in a rush to buy something for Anna. "Pick me up here two hours from now, no later than that." After saying that Kyle got off the car and went inside.


"Ah! Miss Anna, you're early today, in fact, you're way too early." The school guard greeted her with a smile on his face.

Anna only smiled back at him and did not reply. She does not have a happy feeling to talk to the guard at this time. Anna and the guard are somewhat close towards each other since whenever Anna was waiting for their ride going home she and the guard always talk until the car that's suppose to pick her and her brother up arrived.

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She did not expect the guard to be this friendly since in her past life the guard would always scold for giving him too much trouble when in fact it was all Rebecca's fault and Anna was covering for Rebecca. The scolding the guard gave her was almost like every daily routine.

When Anna arrived at her homeroom class, there was nobody inside. That wouldn't be a surprise since Anna arrived way too early than her usual time coming inside the school property.

She was only leisurely sitting on her chair and wanted to fall asleep for a while but her phone suddenly beeps. Anna took out her phone, scrolling up and down but as she was doing that her neat face suddenly changes into a frown.

Anna saw a drastic amount of money transfer to Elina's bank account, a huge sum of money. Anna put on a notification regarding Elina's bank account and it's all thanks to the shows that she's been watching from her past. Who would have known that those kinds of shows are very useful to her now?

Realizing that it's not the time to reminisce about her past life, Anna immediately took out her laptop out her bag; it's really a good thing that she brought it with her or else she couldn't trace where the huge sum of money came from. It's possible to do it on her phone but she is still not expert enough compared to Nathalia or to Nathalia's father, Leo.

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Thirty minutes have passed and Anna is already having a hard time tracking where the money came from. But even with this kind of situation, Anna could guess that the money came from 'that' stranger; it's only a guess but Anna has a strong feeling that is the case.

Pondering whether her guess was right or not, somebody just entered the room. Anna looked up to see who was it and when she saw that person her left brow arched. That person did not notice her presence and just continued blabbering very loudly and very confident that nobody is here to hear her words.

"That damned old man of mine! Who does he think he is huh?! Pestering me to get close to that idiot b*tch?! Humph! I wouldn't do it! Rather, I would like that b*tch to beg me to become friends with her again! Me? Rebecca? Taking the initiative to get close to her again? Huh! In her dreams!" Rebecca June, that's the person who just came in. Anna is so sure that she is the person that Rebecca is calling 'idiot b*tch', but Anna did not mind. She is quite satisfied to see Rebecca's true color after all and at the same time felt disgusted at this two-faced person.

'Heh! You want me to beg to become friends with you again? When hell becomes cold maybe I will beg you.' Anna said in her mind while a smirk plastered on her face.

Anna stayed silent and just kept on listening to how Rebecca kept talking on her back. 'Hmm... I wouldn't really say that she is talking behind my back since I'm here listening. Oh~ How sly of me.'

Rebecca is already finished blabbering bad things about her and she has not yet know that Anna is here and heard all of her words. A few minutes of complete silence and one of Anna's classmates come inside and were surprised to see that there are people inside the room already.

"Rebecca! Anna! You guys sure are early today!"

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