REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 83

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"Rebecca! Anna! You guys sure are early today!" One of their classmates greeted them both heartedly.

Anna gave her sweetest smile before replying back to him. "Good morning to you too." As she said this she was observing every passing second of how the expression on Rebecca's face slowly changes.

"G-good morning." Rebecca was utterly shocked. She did not expect that Anna would be here in the room with her. Did she hear everything she just said earlier?

Rebecca looked at Anna's direction and she saw how Anna smirked at her. She heard everything, she definitely heard everything she just said! How could she not notice that Anna was here the whole time? And how come Anna did not say anything in the first place and just listen to her blabbering bad things about her? Does she not care that someone is saying bad things about her? If so then she is just the same old naive Anna that she knows. The Anna who could not fight back because she does not have the guts to do so.

Observing Rebecca carefully, Anna can directly guess what she's thinking. 'You think that I'm the same Anna who followed you like a dog? Just because I did nothing against you after you said bad things about me, that does not mean that I'm the pushover, Anna, that you once knew.'

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Anna stood up from her chair and elegantly walked her way near Rebecca. Once she got near Rebecca, Anna lowered her head and whispered to Rebecca's ears, "Oh little one, don't think so little of me. I am not that 'naive Anna' that you once knew, I'm a completely different person right now. Now that I had seen your true colors, please don't pretend to be so kind in front of me. It makes me wanna puke. Like literary." She said in a cold voice that it made Rebecca shivered in fear.

This is the first time that she felt scared towards Anna.

After Anna said her piece Rebecca saw her left the room like nothing just happened. Rebecca gritted her teeth and her body was shaking in anger. Why did she felt threatened by Anna?! This did not happen before and did not expect this to happen. She was supposed to be the one threatening Anna. Anna is supposed to be the one who is scared of her, not the other way around!

While Rebecca was shaking in anger, the person came in earlier saw everything. He did not hear anything but when he saw Rebecca was shaking he thought she was crying but there were no tears to be seen so he thought that Rebecca was only shaking in excitement.

Watching Rebecca forme a smirk on his lips.

Rebecca did not forget about the other person in the room so she deliberately did the shaking to make it look like she was crying. But little did she know that person did not think that way. Too bad for Rebecca, looks like her plan to spread rumors about Anna making her cry would not be a success.

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The class already started and Rebecca has been keeping an eye to the guy who is currently talking with his friends. Frustrated by the fact that he did not mention anything from earlier this morning besides the nonsense he is saying towards his buddies.

'What is he doing?'

Once their first class is over, Rebecca couldn't handle it anymore and took the chance where there is no teacher and talk to him.

"Hey, about earlier..." She started. "I hope you could pretend that you've seen earlier this morning." That person's friends were shocked by what Rebecca just said and Rebecca showed an innocent pitiful face towards. They are having some wild imagination by how they interpreted what Rebecca just said.

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"Dude what did you saw?"

"Come on! Tell us!"

They both said it in a low voice but it is enough for Rebecca to hear. Rebecca scoffed inwardly by their reaction. This kind of people who thinks wildly really annoys her but then again with their pestering question to make him speak what happened is really useful for Rebecca.

As Rebecca and his friends were waiting for his response, the guy only tilted his head as if he's confused. The expression on his face is as if asking; what did she mean by earlier this morning? What did he see?

Seeing his reaction, Rebecca's lips twitch. 'God! Is this guy stupid or what? Or is it just he's dense?'

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The guys saw how Rebecca stared at him, there was a hint of insult in her eyes. The guy smirked and he stood in front of Rebecca, leaned his head forward, then whispered something to her, "You know I really really dislike people like you. It makes me wanna puke blood. A two-faced person like you does not deserve to talk to me."

Rebecca was shocked by the sudden change in his tone. Rebecca sense danger emitting from him and she was about to push him away from her but when he spoke again she froze. "I heard every word you just said to Anna and I recorded every single word. I wonder what will happen if everyone in our class or everyone in our school thinks of you once they heard what you just said. I'm really looking forward to such tragic to fall upon you." He said it in a threatening tone.

Rebecca stared at him in horror, this guy is really dangerous as she thinks he is! Just who is this guy? From what she remembered this guy is a happy go lucky guy and would always do stupid things. Him saying that she's a two-faced person that is fine by her since it's true but such irony coming from him. By how he acted right now, he is definitely the same as her, a two-faced person, and a better one, in fact!

After he said his warning to Rebecca he pulled back and sat on his seat. "Rebecca, the teacher is here now. You should go back to your seat!" His happy go lucky self is back now. His handsome face was showing a beautiful smile but in Rebecca's vision, it was a smirk. A smirk that is sending a message that she should not ever get near him ever again or else her true color would be revealed to everyone in the school.

Without much of a choice, Rebecca sat back at her seat while keeping her innocent face as if nothing just happened between her and that scary guy. Now, she really regretted trying to make that guy spread rumors about Anna. She got lucky again! That damned b*tch!

Anna, on the other hand, saw everything from the moment Rebecca went up to talk to the person who startled Rebecca earlier. Leon Shui, that's his name but in this class, everyone is calling him Joker. He's always funny and nice to everyone but when Anna saw how Rebecca's expression changes when Leon whispered something to her, Anna is now doubting about what is Leon's true color. Is he an enemy of hers or an ally with benefits? Whatever it is, Anna thinks that it's better to avoid him and observe him first and not to get on his bad side. Looks like everything is not the same from what she remembers from her past life.

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