REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 93

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"What are we doing here exactly?" Zen asked; he truly can't handle women like Elina. She's so obsessed with the man she's in love with. For him, it is better to stay away from women like her.

"Obviously we are stalking her as I said before." She answered as she focuses on Elina and to those three men with her. 'Is she not scared of them? Damn, she sure has some guts to face those ugly men.'

"No, let me rephrase the question..." Not satisfied with the answer that he heard from Anna, "Why are we stalking a lunatic in love woman?" He wants to know what is Anna's relationship with that woman that she would even invite him into.

"She's giving me a bad vibe since at the hospital so I have been eyeing on her just in case she does something like this."

"Hospital? Did you get into an accident? Is she planning something for you?" Zen has never heard anything had happened to Anna and Anna herself did not mention anything. This is the first time that he heard that Anna got hospitalized. Well, she did got hospitalized on the day they got kidnapped and she got shot on the shoulder. 'She got hospitalized again?'

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"No, not me. I was there because of uncle Fonso's baby." She said casually but that remark shocked Zen.

"W-what?" Zen almost shouted which will totally blow their hiding place and the people they are eavesdropping on will know that he and Anna are here. "Uncle Alfonso's baby? W-what are you saying?"

"What? You did not know about that? Looks like uncle Zack did not tell you, poor you." She said with a smirk on her face.

"My dad knows about this?" This is the first time Zen have heard that Alfonso had a baby. This is so surprising for him and his dad knows about this and he did not even tell his own son! Wow just wow! He has to admit that he is not the type of a guy who likes to gossip but this is big news. Alfonso has a child! That is news, a piece of surprising news!

"A child and a woman?" The leader of the group said with a smirk on his face while looking at the photo he has on his hands; a smiling beautiful woman carrying a baby on her arms. This woman in front of him might be a lunatic in love but the people she wants to get rid of is the type people he also likes to kill. A child, he loves to kill children that's what's makes him excited.

"Yes. They are sore in my eyes. I want you guys to get rid of them quickly." She said.

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"I would love to do this but you should know that if you're gonna make a deal to us you have given us something good." The guy said hinting Elina that she should give them the money for them to do the job.

Getting what he is hinting at Elina took out a check and gave it to him. "It's only half of what I really want to give you."

"Half? Why don't you give it to us right now, lady?" One of the guy's lackey said.

"Get a hint, idiot. I'm not going to give you the other half if the job is not done. So you guys better to do it quickly if you want it right now." The guy was angry at the fact that Elina called him 'idiot'. How dare she! He was about to hurt Elina but his boss stopped him to do so.

"Boss, why?! This woman just—" Before he could even finish his sentence his boss glared at him and grabbed his shoulder tightly that he winced at the pain.

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"Shut up! We need this woman to give us the money. If you accidentally kill her then who will give us the money? Huh? You?." He said angrily. Anna heard that and she subconsciously said in her mind, 'Geez why did you stop him?'

His lackey scoffed angrily and glared at Elina. This woman is so cocky that they can't hurt her but when the job is done he will make sure that Elina will regret calling him an 'idiot'.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, did he just said a woman and a child right?" Zen whispered to Anna. He's having a bad feeling who are they referring to.

"You are not wrong." Anna is also having the same feeling as Zen's; she can't shake off the idea that what Elina wanted to eliminate is Pia and baby Alexandre.

"Their names are Pia and Alexandre—" Before Elina could manage to finish what she's saying a loud bang was heard on Anna and Zen's side. Because of that loud noise, Elina and her hired killers look on that direction.

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"What the hell Anna! You're blowing up everything!" Zen exclaimed in a low voice. He was shocked that because of Anna's sudden move a large piece of wood falls down beside them that cause a loud noise.

"You can blame me later first let's get the heck out of here," Anna said calming herself down after hearing Alexandre's name and his mother.

As Anna and Zen were about to get away from their hiding place secretly but one of the bad guys spotted them, "Hey!"

Anna cursed herself for the recklessness that she had done. Fearing that they might see their faces Anna took out the two face masks that she prepared just in case this kind of situation might happen and it did happen all because of her. She quickly put on hers and gave the other face mask to Zen and he also did the same.

They were about to leave but the guy held Anna's shoulder. "You stay right h—" Anna did not let him finish and immediately punched his face with full force. The guy stumbled down and he felt extreme pain on his left cheek. 'Damn it!'

After that Anna followed Zen, "Damn it! That really hurts!" Anna exclaimed and Zen could only laugh at the way Anna reacted. Zen saw how Anna punched the guy and it was no wonder it would hurt since she is not used to throwing punches at people.

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