REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 94

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"Who the hell was that?!" Elina angrily shouted at the men she hired. "Why did you let them go! They could report us for god's sake! You guys have to find them!" Elina was breaking in a cold sweat knowing that someone saw and heard what they were doing here in this abandoned building. She's afraid that 'they' would report everything and everything would be a waste.

"It's going to be fine. Those two were teenagers, immature teenagers. I'm pretty sure that they are scared out of their wits. They won't tell anybody, that is for sure." The guy who got punched by Anna said. "But that little lady sure has some strength in her." Every time he rubbed his cheek he remembers that same pain that Anna threw at him earlier.

"That little girl punched you and it hurt you that much?" The other lackey said snickering at him. "Weak." If it was him he wouldn't let that little girl and her partner get away.

The guy wanted to punch him in the face but he knew that his boss wouldn't like it if he starts a fight with that guy. They still have some work that needed to be finished if they want their money to be paid full.

Elina can't believe that these guys are so calm after what happened earlier, 'Damn bastards being so cocky and all.' How can they be so sure that those teenagers won't tell anyone? Elina sure hopes that these know what they are doing or else all of this is for nothing.

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"Hey, you," Elina called out the leader. "When you captured those pests make sure that you torture the woman ruthlessly. Make it entertaining." Elina is scared of them but she is more scared of the stranger who is supporting her financially. From the first instance, these guys that she hired is nothing compared to that stranger. For Elina, it is better to know who is she more afraid of so she can avoid getting on the person's nerve because other than her beloved she also loves herself more.

"Entertaining? Pay extra for that." He said. Initially, that is what he wanted to do but the woman who hired them requested at such a desperate look on her face so he took that as an advantage to request for more money.

"Fine." What else can she lose? The money that the stranger gave is more than enough to pay more extras to these ugly bastards.

After that Elina worriedly left the abandoned building. She truly hopes that these guys can give that stranger the entertainment that he wanted or else she'll die and she does not want that she still wants to be with Alfonso's side for a long long time.


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After escaping the almost-got-capture scene in that abandoned building, Anna and Zen stopped over in the park where there are many people. Just in case those ugly guys got caught up with them so that those guys won't do anything unnecessary to them when there is a lot of people.

"Why did we run? Didn't your mother teach you how to defend yourself? You and I know how to fight back, so why?" Zen asked. He totally did not get why did hey run away from them when they could have taken them down in an instant. And the people they were targeting won't be in danger anymore.

"Idiot. They have guns. We can't just act recklessly when the chances of us getting a shot at are high. It's better to think tactically than to get shot at for nothing." Zen's question got Anna thinking that is he even general Zack's son? How did he not notice that there is a gun behind those bad guys' back?

"There is? Oh. I did not notice it." He said awkwardly as he scratches the back of his head; he indeed did not notice that they had guns on them.

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Silence fell upon them but he suddenly remembers what happened back there and faced Anna with a serious face. "But why did you suddenly move? If you had not moved and bumped into that wood there won't noise and they won't have known that we were there and we would have known who is their target."

Zen does have a point and Anna is also blaming herself. Is she had not bumped into that wood it would not have fallen down to cause a loud noise, but her reason is that she was surprised by the names Elina spouted earlier. Anna knows that her reasoning won't save them if they got captured there but she just can't believe that Elina is targeting Pia and Alexandre. As far as she knows Pia had not done anything bad to Elina, so why?

"I know the people that they were targeting." She said.

"Who? If you had known that from the start then we would not have to go to the trouble of going in that abandoned building. That is truly a bad place to park my baby there."

Anna rolled her eyes at Zen; mentioning his bike when it's not necessary. "It's uncle Fonso's child and the child's mother. And no, I did not know anything that's why I was there with you in that abandoned building the place where you baby parked."

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"Oh, the baby and its mother. Well, we gotta do something about that, we gotta tell this to uncle Alfonso." He said. But there is a question in his mind now that Anna told him who is their targets. "So, when she said 'my beloved' she's referring to uncle Alfonso, right?"

"I... guess so..." Anna is not entirely sure if that was the case but every time she looks at her staring at her uncle Fonso she could see the fondness Elina set her eyes on her uncle Fonso; maybe that is the case. "I mean it's possible, uncle Fonso is very handsome it will be a no wonder if some women find him very attractive and will have a crush on him. If you ask me I do have a tiny bit of you know..." She said with a light blush on her cheeks.

Zen ignored that last part Anna just said and agreed to the part where she said that Alfonso is very attractive even though he is very very feminine.

"So anyways send me back. I need to tell this to uncle Fonso. Can't delay this any longer than it already is."

"Yeah. I think I should really send you back since your hand is starting to get swollen." Zen said as he looks at the hand that punches the guy's face earlier. Anna also took a glimpse on hand and it is indeed starting to get swollen.

"And you mentioning it, is making me notice how much in pain I am right now."

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