Reborn: Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 282: 282 Even Woman Admiring You

The training was officially finished. The shooting club members were waiting for the bus to come and fetch them. Yu Qi did not plan to go back to the university with the rest of the members since she wanted to go back to her grandfather's house. However, she was waiting together with them.

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"At last, we are free!"

"Yes. I can tell you now, the first thing I plan to do when I arrive at my home is to sleep for two straight days!"

"Me too."

"You think you can sleep straight two days? Idiot?"

"Who did you call an idiot, huh?"

"You and you."

Other members laughed seeing them bickering like that.

"Sister Yu Qi, it must be so nice that your house is nearby." Zhu Xiao Ling said.

"I bet my grandfather will be surprised to see me at his front door." Yu Qi chuckled.

"If my father did not ask me to go home, I would have liked to visit your house, Sister Yu Qi." Zhu Xiao Ling pouted. Her father received the news that her training had ended today and asked her to go home immediately.

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"It's okay. You can visit another time." Yu Qi patted Zhu Xiao Ling's head.

The bus that they had been waiting for for so long finally arrived. Long Hui went out to see the shooting club members as they boarded the bus.

Before the shooting club members could enter the bus, they made a line and faced Long Hui. They then saluted Long Hui and said: "Thank you, Commander Long, for your teachings and support."

Without waiting for Long Hui to reply, they rushed to get on the bus like someone was chasing them with a knife or a gun. They were truly afraid!

Long Hui looked at Yu Qi. Yu Qi laughed after seeing her fellow members fleeing from Long Hui. Those guys were so cute. They were afraid of Long Hui , but still respected him at the same time.

Seeing Yu Qi laugh, a smile appeared on Long Hui's lips. She was so happy right now that he did not want to destroy it.

"Okay. It's time for me to return to my grandfather's house." Yu Qi said after she finished laughing.

The house was not so far from where they currently were. It was about a 20 minute drive from the camp. Well, Yu Qi wanted to walk so it might take a bit longer to get to her house. She lifted her bag onto her shoulder and checked on Aoi. Aoi was already waiting for her to go.

"Wait. Let me just send you home." Long Hui grabbed Yu Qi's hand.

"But, aren't you currently working right now?" Yu Qi asked.

"No need to worry about that. Just wait here while I get my vehicle. It will only be a minute." Without waiting for Yu Qi to answer, Long Hui hurried away to get his vehicle.

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Yu Qi looked at Aoi and Aoi looked at Yu Qi.

"Master, just let him do it. Besides, I am actually too lazy to bother walking right now." Aoi grinned to Yu Qi.

"Oh, so you have become lazy during these two weeks. It seems that I just need to make you do our routine, right?" Yu Qi also grinned to Aoi but with a different meaning.

Aoi was regretting what he just said. Now his master would make him do some terrible exercises every day. Aoi sighed. 'Well, I should just do it then.'

Not long after that, Long Hui appeared with his car. Yu Qi lifted Aoi and hopped in. Aoi jumped to the back seat and pretended to sleep. He knew that this man was definitely going to start flirting with his master.

"Let's go and eat first, okay?" Long Hui already made his own plans before sending back his beloved Qi Qi to her home.

"Ohh, okay." Yu Qi quickly agreed, since she also wanted to spend some time with Long Hui.

At the military camp, Yu Qi could not act like she wanted to since she was participating in the university's activity, despite Long Hui shamelessly flirting with her. Since it was now over, she could do everything that she wanted.

Long Hui drove them to a restaurant. It was a pretty luxurious restaurant despite its location. Yu Qi turned to Aoi.

Sensed his master looked him, Aoi quickly said something. 'Master, you can go. I will wait here.' Aoi did not open his eyes.

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'Are you sure?'

'Yes, just buy something for me and Bo Ya later.'

'Okay, then.'

Long Hui got out from the car and Yu Qi followed him. As they entered the restaurant, all eyes turned to them as everyone turned and watched them, especially the women. They were eying Long Hui. Somehow Yu Qi had predicted something like this happening and did not let it get to her. Long Hui and Yu Qi ignored the attention given to them and kept a blank look on their face.

The waiter led them to a table. They sat down as the waiter poured them each some water and gave the menu to his customers to choose the food that they liked to eat. The couple made their choices, gave them to the waiter and the waiter left their table.

"When was this restaurant opened?"

This was Yu Qi's first time coming to this restaurant and so she did not know when it had opened. Shiwa Town kept developing rapidly and she was unable to keep up with the new stores and restaurants.

"About four months ago. I came across this restaurant when I passed through this area." Long Hui said. He passed through the area with Ren Qian Yi. He was hungry, so they decided to stop and try this place.

"How is their food?" Yu Qi asked.

"Well, it is edible. However, I still like your cooking. more" Long Hui smiled to Yu Qi.

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"I will cook for you again sometime soon."

"I will be waiting, then."

One woman was walking passed their table. She suddenly tripped over her own legs and started to fall. Her direction of falling, well, to say, she might end up on Long Hui's lap would not be a stretch of the imagination. However, she was not lucky enough because of Yu Qi.

Yu Qi moved quickly to hold onto the woman and pulled her into her embrace. While looking down to face the woman, Yu Qi asked. "Are you okay?" She asked with her blank expression.

The woman looked at Yu Qi's blank expression and ended up admiring Yu Qi. Long Hui coughed when he saw the woman that his beloved Qi Qi saved did not react to what his beloved Qi Qi was asking her. When the woman heard the cough, she realized she was still in this girl's embrace. She quickly pulled herself upright.

"Sorry, and thank you for saving me." The woman bowed in frustration. She did not expect to admire this girl.

"Don't worry, it's nothing. Just be careful with your step next time." Yu Qi gave her a smile.

The woman once again admired the girl in front of her, causing Long Hui to once again cough

"I will go first." The woman ran away from the place.

Long Hui was worried about his beloved Qi Qi. He knew that a lot of men admired her beauty. Now even woman were falling for her.

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Editor : Sakura Minasaki
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